Bibliography of Jamestown Sources (2024)

  • 80

    Abbot, W. W. A Virginia Chronology, 1585-1783: "To Pass Away the Time ." Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 2. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp., 1957. 76 pp.

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1970; Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1994.

  • 81

    Adams, George F. " Poynt Comfort" Tavern, Old Point Comfort in ye State of Virginia . Philadelphia: C. H. Elliott Co. 1907.

    [20] pp.; illus.

    The publication of this item was prompted by the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition.

  • 82

    Album of Norfolk, Virginia, and Historical Vicinity . [1907?].

    [17] leaves; col. illus.

    "Published in commemoration of the Jamestown Exposition."

  • 83

    Ames, Susie May. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in Virginia, 1607-1699: Other Cultural Topics . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 15. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    76 pp.; plates.

    Bibliography: 73-74.

  • 84

    Andrews, Charles McLean, ed. Narratives of the Insurrections, 1675-1690 . Original Narratives of Early American History. 1915.

    Physical Location: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,

    414 pp.; facsim.

    Includes three accounts of Bacon's Rebellion with descriptions of the siege and burning of Jamestown:

    1) T. M. [Thomas Mathew], "The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacons Rebellion in Virginia in the Years 1675 and 1676," 1705, Library of Congress. Mathew, a merchant-planter in Northumberland County, represented Stafford County in the 1676 session of the House of Burgesses and was an eyewitness to many events he described. His narrative has been printed in several sources (see Andrews, p. 14). 2) ["The History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion," 1676], Virginia Historical Society. The unknown author evidently was a Virginian who was familiar with the course of the rebellion and obtained some of his evidence as an eyewitness. Some leaves of the document are missing from the beginning and the end. Two versions have been printed in Massachusetts Historical Society publications (see Andrews, pp. 45-46).

    3) "A True Narrative of the Rise, Progresse, and Cessation of the Late Rebellion in Virginia, Most Humbly and Impartially Reported by His Majestyes Commissioners Appointed to Enquire into the Affaires of the Said Colony," 1677, two copies: Public Record Office (C.O. 5/1371) and Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. The report was signed by commissioners John Berry and Francis Moryson. The volumes in which the copies are to be found at the PRO and at Cambridge also contain copies of many letters and papers written or received by the commissioners.Reprint: Bowie, Md., Heritage Books, 1992.

  • 85

    Andrews, Matthew Page. The Soul of a Nation: The Founding of Virginia and the Projection of New England . 1943.

    Physical Location: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,

    Xiii, 378 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 86

    Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities. Being the Year Book of the Association...including the Association Years 1951 through 1959 . 1959.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson,

    126 pp.; illus. (part col.)

  • 87

    ---. Jamestown, the Cradle of the United States of America . 1901.

    Physical Location: [Richmond]: The Association,

    15 pp.

  • 88

    ---, Jamestown Committee. Reports of the Excavations Made at the Church at Jamestown . 1902.

    11 pp.

  • 89

    Axtell, James. The Rise and Fall of the Powhatan Empire: Indians in Seventeenth-Century Virginia . The Foundations of America [series]. 1995.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation,

    42 pp.; illus., maps, portraits.

    Tells the story of the English settlement of Virginia from the perspective of both the colonists and the Indians. Powhatan is seen as a strong leader who used the English presence to enhance his own position among his people. John Smith was the clever commander who saved Jamestown from starvation and kept peace with the Indians. Pocahontas was a link between the two culturesBibliography: 41-42.

  • 90

    Bailey, Francie. Jamestown to Yorktown .

    Physical Location: [Philadelphia: Eastern National Park and Monument Assoc., 1978].

    [32] pp.; illus.

  • 91

    Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation, and Standard Steel Works. Exhibit by the Baldwin Locomotive Works and the Standard Steel Works, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.: Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Va. 1907.

    Physical Location: [Philadelphia?: 1907].

    34 pp.; illus.

  • 92

    Banvard, Joseph. Romance of American History, as Illustrated in the Early Events Connected with the French Settlement at Fort Carolina, the Spanish Colony at St. Augustine, and the English Plantation at Jamestown .

    Physical Location: Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1852.

    306 pp.; front., illus.

    Banvard's National Series of American Histories, [vol. 3].

  • 93

    ---. Southern Explorers and Colonists, as Illustrated in the Early Events Connected with the French Settlement at Fort Carolina, the Spanish Colony at St. Augustine, and the English Plantation at Jamestown . Pioneers of the New World, [vol. 2]. 1875.

    Physical Location: Boston: Lothrop & Co.,

    306 pp.; front., illus.

  • 94

    Barbour, Philip L., ed. The Jamestown Voyages under the First Charter, 1606-1609: Documents Relating to the Foundation of Jamestown and the History of the Jamestown Colony up to the Departure of Captain John Smith, Last President of the Council in Virginia under the First Charter, Early in October 1609 . 1969.

    Physical Location: Hakluyt Society Publications, 2d ser., nos. 136 and 137. London: Published for the Hakluyt Society by Cambridge University Press.

    2 vols.; plates, illus., maps.

    Bibliography: 483-93

    Reprint: Nendeln, Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint, 1976. 2 vols. in 1 (xviii, 524 pp.) Includes indexes.

  • 95

    ---. Pocahontas and Her World: A Chronicle of America's First Settlement in Which Is Related the Story of the Indians and the Englishmen, Particularly Captain John Smith, Captain Samuel Argall, and Master John Rolfe . 1970.

    Physical Location: Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

    Xx, 30 pp.; illus., maps, portraits.

    Bibliography: [283]-299.

  • 96

    ---. The Three Worlds of Captain John Smith . 1964.

    Physical Location: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

    Xix, 553 pp.; illus., tables, maps, portraits.

    A sympathetic biography which finds Smith to have been basically honest in his writings, though prone to exaggeration, in keeping with the inflated and exuberant style of his timesBibliography: 493-527. Includes index.

  • 97

    Bastow, Thelma Wilkerson de Shields. What Happened to the Rappahannocks?: The Story of This Once Mighty Tribe of the Great Nation of Powhatan from the Time of the Coming of Those First Englishmen to Jamestown until the Present . 1975.

    Physical Location: Indian Neck, Va.: Board of Trustees for the Preservation of the Rappahannock Indian History,

    108 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 98

    Bell, Edith (Rathbun), and William Lightfoot Heartwell. Brunswick Story: A History of Brunswick County .

    Physical Location: [Lawrenceville, Va.: Brunswick Times-Gazette, 1957].

    76 pp.; illus., portraits, map.

    Written at the request of the Board of Supervisors, Brunswick County, Virginia, in observance of the 350th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown Bibliography: 75-76.

  • 99

    Beverley, Robert. The History and Present State of Virginia, in Four Parts, by a Native and Inhabitant of the Place .

    Physical Location: London: R. Parker, 1705.

    104, 40, 64, 83, 16 pp.; front., plates, tables.

    The first history of the colony by a native Virginian. The four sections deal with the first settlement of Virginia, natural resources and commerce, the Indians, and the present state of the colony. Louis B. Wright, in his introduction to a 1947 reprint (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press), describes Beverley's account of the early period as sketchy and inaccurate and the weakest portion of the work. His treatment of the Indians, however, is sympathetic and realistic. In a revised edition published in 1722, Beverley softened his comments on personalities and made an effort to restrain his satirical tone.

  • 100

    Billings, Warren M. Jamestown and the Founding of the Nation . [1991].

    Physical Location: Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications,

    144 pp.; illus.

    Bibliographical references: 133-43.

  • 101

    ---, ed. The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A Documentary History of Virginia, 1606-1689 . Documentary Problems in Early American History [series]. 1975.

    Physical Location: Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press,

    Xxiv, 324 pp.; illus., maps.

    A collection of primary sources, many not previously printed, intended "to introduce students to some of the raw materials basic to an understanding of both seventeenth-century Virginia and the problem of creating a society in a new world." There is no index to help identify specific references to Jamestown, but Jamestown was at the center of public life in the colony throughout the centuryChapter headings include The Beginnings, The Evolution of Self-government, The Structure of Society, Bound Labor, Tobacco and Trade, Indians and Whites, Upheaval and Rebellion, and Life in Seventeenth-Century Virginia.

  • 102

    Billings, Warren M., John E. Selby, and Thad W. Tate. Colonial Virginia: A History. A History of the American Colonies [series]. 1986.

    Physical Location: White Plains, N.Y.: KTO Press,

    Xvii, 420 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 375-400. Includes index.

  • 103

    Blanton, Wyndham B. Medicine in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century . 1930.

    Physical Location: Richmond: William Byrd Press,

    Xvii, 337 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 298-305Blanton also wrote Medicine in Virginia in the Eighteenth Century (1931) and Medicine in Virginia in the Nineteenth Century (1933).

  • 104

    Bolitho, Hector. The Glasshouse, Jamestown, Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: [Port Haywood? Va.]: Privately printed by Jamestown Glasshouse Foundation,

    31 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 105

    Bragdon, Kathleen, Cary Carson, Edward Chappell, and Willie Graham. Report on Jamestown Architectural Survey . Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Reports, no. 336. 1992.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Research Division,

    41 leaves; illus.

    Final drawings and structure reports on twenty-five major buildings or complexes of buildings excavated at Jamestown between 1935 and 1956, as requested in National Park Service purchase orders 76359 and 76360.

  • 106

    Breen, T. H., ed. Shaping Southern Society: The Colonial Experience . 1976.

    Physical Location: New York: Oxford University Press,

    Viii, 265 pp.

    Contents include "The Labor Problems at Jamestown, 1607-18," by E. S. Morgan; "The Image of the Indian in the Southern Colonial Mind," by G. B. Nash; "A Changing Labor Force and Race Relations in Virginia, 1660-1710," by T. H. Breen; and "Politics and Social Structure in Virginia," by B. Bailyn.

  • 107

    Bridenbaugh, Carl. Jamestown, 1544-1699 . 1980.

    Physical Location: New York: Oxford University Press,

    Xiv, 199 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 108

    Brock, R. A. (Robert Alonzo), and Virgil A. Lewis. Virginia and Virginians: Eminent Virginians; Executives of the Colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore; Executives of the State of Virginia from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee; Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powell Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury; History of Virginia from Settlement of Jamestown to Close of the Civil War . 1888.

    Physical Location: Richmond and Toledo: H. H. Hardesty,

    2 vols.; illus.

    The History of Virginia from Settlement of Jamestown to Close of the Civil War was written by Prof. Virgil A. Lewis, revised by Dr. R. A. BrockReprint: Spartanburg, S.C., Reprint Co., 1973.

  • 109

    Brooklyn Day at the Jamestown Exposition: Souvenir of a Pilgrimage to the Jamestown Exposition and to Some of the Battlefields of the South, Made during the Week of October 12 to 20, 1907, by a Party of Ladies and Gentlemen from the Borough of Brooklyn . 1908.

    Physical Location: [Brooklyn, N.Y.]: Brooklyn Daily Eagle,

    47 pp.; illus.

  • 110

    Brown, Alexander. English Politics in Early Virginia History . Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. 1901.

    Vi, 277 pp.

    Attempts to show that a "historic wrong was done our patriotic founders by James I, his commissioned officials, and licensed historians--both in the evidences of the Court party preserved by the crown and in the histories licensed under the crown." John Smith is presented as one of the crown's licensed historians, who distorted the true intent of the Patriot party to plant a popular form of government in the New World.

  • 111

    ---. The First Republic in America: An Account of the Origin of This Nation, Written from the Records Then (1624) Concealed by the Council, Rather Than from the Histories Then Licensed by the Crown . Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. 1898.

    Xxiv, 688 pp.; front.

    A history of Virginia and the Virginia Company of LondonReprint: New York, Russell & Russell, 1969.

  • 112

    ---, ed. The Genesis of the United States . Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company 1890.

    2 vols.; portraits, maps, plans.

    A Narrative of the Movement in England, 1605-1616, which Resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen, Disclosing the Contest between England and Spain for the Possession of the Soil Now Occupied by the United States of America; Set Forth through a Series of Historical Manuscripts Now First Printed Together with a Reissue of Rare Contemporaneous Tracts, Accompanied by Bibliographical Memoranda, Notes, and Brief Biographies [Title page]Includes index.

  • 113

    Brown, Stuart E., and Lorraine F. Myers. Pocahontas' Descendants: A Revision, Enlargement, and Extension of the List as Set Out by Wyndham Robertson in His Book Pocahontas and Her Descendants (1887). 3d ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1997.

    Vii, 189 pp.; illus.

    A tentative list of the descendants of Pocahontas, a list set forth in a combined volume (printed in 1994 and reissued in 1997) which includes reprints of the three books Pocahontas' Descendants (ENTRY 360), Corrections and Additions to Pocahontas' Descendants (1992), and Second Corrections and Additions to Pocahontas' Descendants (1994). [Introduction]Includes index.

  • 114

    Bruce, Philip Alexander. Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Material Condition of the People, Based upon Original and Contemporaneous Records. 1896.

    2 vols.

    New York: Macmillan & Co.,

  • 115

    ---. Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Religious, Moral, Educational, Legal, Military, and Political Condition of the People, Based on Original and Contemporaneous Records . 1910.

    2 vols.

    New York:

  • 116

    ---. Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Origin of the Higher Planting Class, Together with an Account of the Habits, Customs, and Diversions of the People . Richmond: Printed for the author by Whittet & Shepperson 1907

    268 pp.

    Bibliography: 11-13.

  • 117

    Bruno, Michael H., and Cheryl J. Cease. The Insiders' Guide to Williamsburg, Jamestown-Yorktown . 7th ed. Manteo, N.C.: Insider Guides 1996.

    X, 411 pp.; illus., maps.

    Includes indexes1st ed. (1984) and 2nd ed. (1987) by Donna Quaresima and Susan Bruno (Manteo, N.C.: Storie/McOwen Publishers); 5th ed. (1993) by Michael H. Bruno and Annette McPeters (Richmond: Richmond Times-Dispatch).

  • 118

    Brunswick County (Va.) Board of Supervisors. Brunswick County, Virginia, Information for the Homeseeker and Investor . Richmond: Williams Printing Co. 1907.

    48 pp.; illus.

    Prepared under the supervision of I. E. Spatig, as authorized by the Board of Supervisors of Brunswick County, July 23, 1906. Compiled by Marvin Smithey On cover: Jamestown Exposition, 1607-1907.

  • 119

    Bryan, Isobel Lamont Stewart. To the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities: An Appeal for Funds and New Members in Preparation for the Tri-centennial of the Founding of the Colony at Jamestown . 1905.

    [22] leaves.

  • 120

    Brydon, George MacLaren. Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: The Faith of Our Fathers . Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 10. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp., 51 pp.; illus. 1957.

    Bibliography: 46

  • 121

    ---. Virginia's Mother Church and the Political Conditions under Which It Grew: An Interpretation of the Records of the Colony of Virginia and of the Anglican Church of That Colony, 1607-1727 . Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1947.

    Xxii, 571 ppIncludes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 122

    Bullard, Julia Wyatt. Jamestown Tributes and Toasts . Lynchburg, Va.: J. P. Bell Co. 1907.

    196 pp.; front., illus., portraits.

    Illustrated by Bessie Thorpe Lyle.

  • 123

    Burgess, Mary Abigail Smith. Richmond Guide Book: Sketches and Views of Richmond, Virginia, Supplemented by Sketches of Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown; Description and Map, Historic Battlefields . 1909.

    Physical Location: Richmond:

    87 pp.; illus., folded map.

    Revised and largely rewritten from the author's Sketches and Views, Points of Interest, Richmond, Virginia , 1903 and 1907. Published in 1912 and 1913 as Official Richmond Guide Book.

  • 124

    Burk, John Daly. History of Virginia from Its First Settlement to the Present Day . 1804-16.

    Physical Location: Petersburg, Va.:

    4 vols.

  • 125

    Burke, Edmund, and William Burke. An Account of the European Settlements in America . 1757.

    Physical Location: London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley,

    2 vols.; maps.

    In six parts. I. A short history of the discovery of that part of the world. II. The manners and customs of the original inhabitants. III. Of the Spanish settlements. IV. Of the Portuguese. V. Of the French, Dutch, and Danish. VI. Of the English.

  • 126

    Burns, Marilyn J. Pocahontas Blood, Being an Index to "Pocahontas, Alias Matoaka, and Her Descendants through Her Marriage at Jamestown, Virginia, in April, 1614, with John Rolfe, Gentleman ." Silver Spring, Md.: The Virginia Tree 1983.

    16 leaves.

    See: Wyndham Robertson, Pocahontas, Alias Matoaka ... (ENTRY 360).

  • 127

    Campbell, Charles. History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia . Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. 1860.

    765 pp.

    Ends with the victory at Yorktown, 1781

    Enlarged from the author's Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia (1847)Includes index.

  • 128

    Campbell, John Wilson. A History of Virginia from Its Discovery till the Year 1781, with Biographical Sketches of All the Most Distinguished Characters That Occur in the Colonial, Revolutionary, or Subsequent Period of Our History . Petersburg Va.: 1813.

    310 pp.

    Campbell, an Ohio lawyer and politician, was a native of Augusta County, Va., and an amateur historianIncludes a "Sketch of the History of the Church in Virginia" (pp. 287-310).

  • 129

    Caroline County (Va.) Jamestown Festival Observance Committee. Caroline County Historical Guide Book .

    Physical Location: [Bowling Green? Va.: 1957?].

    80 pp.; illus.

  • 130

    Carrier, Lyman. Agriculture in Virginia, 1607-1699 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 14. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    41 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 35-36

    Reprint: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1970.

  • 131

    Carson, Jane. Bacon's Rebellion, 1676-1976 . 1976.

    Physical Location: Jamestown: Jamestown Foundation,

    V, 91 pp.; map.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 132

    Caywood, Louis R. Excavations at Green Spring Plantation . 1955.

    Physical Location: Yorktown, Va.: Colonial National Historical Park,

    V, 29 pp.; illus. (part folded).

    An archaeological report prepared for the Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission and the Jamestown-Williamsburg-Yorktown Celebration Commission.

  • 133

    Cecil-Williams, John. Goodwill Missions to the United States of America . 1960.

    Physical Location: London: The Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion,

    [17] pp.

    Includes some discussion of a visit to the Jamestown FestivalDetached from The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cummrodorian (1960): 112-28.

  • 134

    Chamber of Commerce (Roanoke, Va.) Roanoke, Virginia: Its Location, Climate and Water Supply; Its Manufacturing, Commercial and Educational Advantages and General Desirability as a Place of Residence .

    Physical Location: [Roanoke: Stone Printing Co., 1907].

    32 pp.; illus., portraits.

    Compiled and edited under the auspices of the Jamestown Exposition Committee byE. B. Jacobs, secretary, Chamber of Commerce.

  • 135

    Chamber of Commerce (Williamsburg, Va.) The Cradle of the Republic: Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown; The Historic Virginia Peninsula between the York and James Rivers . [1925?]

    15 pp.; illus.

  • 136

    Chesapeake Steamship Company. A Short Journey to the Cradle of the Nation: Historic Yorktown, Williamsburg, and Jamestown . [1923?]

    Physical Location: Baltimore: The Company,

    [16] pp.; illus.

  • 137

    Clement, Maud Carter. The Early Homes of Chatham, an Old Virginia Courthouse Town, in Recognition of the Jamestown Festival, 1957 . [1957].

    Physical Location: Chatham, Va.: Maud Clement Garden Club,

    47 pp.; illus.

  • 138

    College of William and Mary. The College of William and Mary in Virginia and the Jamestown Festival of 1957 . 1958.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg:

    29 pp.; illus., portraits.

    Prepared by James A. Servies in collaboration with J. T. Baldwin, Jr.

  • 139

    Colonial Dames of America, Virginia. Presentation by the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia of the Robert Hunt Memorial Shrine to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities: Programme of Its Dedication at Jamestown Island, Va., June 15, 1922 (Magna Charta Day) . 1922.

    [19] pp.

  • 140

    Cooke, John Esten. Virginia: A History of the People . 1884.

    Physical Location: Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co.,

    Xxi, 523 pp.; map.

    Covers mainly the colonial period of Virginia history.

  • 141

    Copland, Patrick, and Peter Pope. Virginia's God Be Thanked; or, A Sermon of Thanksgiving for the Happie Successe of the Affayres in Virginia This Last Yeare, Preached by Patrick Copland at Bow-Church in Cheapside, before the Honorable Virginia Company, on Thursday, the 18 of Aprill 1622; Hereunto Are Adjoyned Some Epistles, Written First in the Latine (and Now Englished) in the East Indies by Peter Pope, an Indian Youth Who Was Baptised in London, December 22, 1616 . 1622.

    Physical Location: London: I.D. for William Sheffard and Iohn Bellamie,

    36 pp.

    Contains information concerning the products of Virginia, the condition of the colony, and its relations with the Indians.

  • 1198

    Costa, Tom. An Illustrated History of the Jamestown Exposition .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: Hampton Roads Naval Museum, 1990].

    45 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 142

    Cotter, John L. Archeological Excavations at Jamestown Colonial National Historical Park and Jamestown National Historic Site, Virginia . 1958.

    Physical Location: Archeological Research Series, no. 4. Washington: National Park Service,

    X, 299 pp.; illus., maps (1 folded).

    The report includes all recorded exploration at Jamestown up to 1958. It documents the archeological work at Jamestown, provides basic field data on the architecture, artifacts and community structure, and summarizes these data so as to indicate the way of life which was developing in Virginia during the seventeenth century. Excavations revealed aboriginal remains, a Confederate fort, several churches, two cemeteries and a large number of dwellings and outbuildings. A summary discusses life at Jamestown and how it changed under the conditions of the New World. There are appendices on ceramics, other artifacts, and floral and faunal remains. [Author]Bibliography: 195-99. Includes index

    Folded map in pocket: Archeological Base Map of the Site of "James Towne.".. (ENTRY 1039)Second edition: Courtland, Archeological Society of Virginia, 1994

    This report became the author's Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1959 (ENTRY 66).

  • 143

    Cotter, John L., and J. Paul Hudson. New Discoveries at Jamestown, Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America . 1957.

    Physical Location: Washington: National Park Service,

    99 pp.; illus.

    An illustrated report of archaeological finds at Jamestown, concentrating on artifacts, and devoting little space to featuresBibliography: 98-99

    Reprint: 1962.

  • 1199

    Couture, Richard T. To Preserve and Protect: A History of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities . 1984.

    Physical Location: Dallas, Tex.: Taylor Publishing Co.,

    207 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 182-83. Includes index.

  • 144

    Craven, Wesley Frank. The Dissolution of the Virginia Company: The Failure of a Colonial Experiment . 1932.

    Physical Location: New York:

    350 pp.

    Reprint: Gloucester, Mass., Peter Smith, 1964.

  • 145

    ---. The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689 . A History of the South, vol. 1. 1949.

    Physical Location: Louisiana State University Press,

    Xv, 451 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references, a critical essay on authorities (417-33), and an index.

  • 146

    ---. The Virginia Company of London, 1606-1624 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 5. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    57 pp.; illus.

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1970; Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.

  • 147

    Dabney, Virginius. Jamestown before the Mayflower .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1958].

    15 pp.; illus., portraits.

    This article originally appeared September 29, 1957, in The New York Times Magazine .

  • 148

    ---. A Triple Shrine of History Linking Jamestown, Where America's Colonial Period Began, Yorktown, Where It Ended, and Old Williamsburg; A "Colonial National Monument" Is Being Created by the Federal Government in Virginia, Where This Historical Tract Is To Be Set Aside as a National Shrine 1930.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Division of Purchase and Printing,

    8 pp.

    Reprinted by permission from New York Herald Tribune , Sunday, October 5, 1930.

  • 149

    Darling, Flora Adams. 1607-1907, Memories of Virginia: A Souvenir of Founding Days . 1907.

    Physical Location: 79 pp.; [13] leaves of plates.

    Includes a historical sketch of Samuel Mathews, an extended memorial poem, and an account of events at the Jamestown Exposition.

  • 150

    Davis, J. E. (Jane Eliza). Jamestown and Her Neighbors on Virginia's Historic Peninsula . [1928].

    Physical Location: Richmond: Garrett & Massie,

    Ix, 100 pp.; front., illus.

    Some of the chapters in the present volume were included in a book called Round about Jamestown ... [ENTRY 151] They have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date and much new material has been added. [Foreword]

  • 151

    ---. Round about Jamestown: Historical Sketches of the Lower Virginia Peninsula .

    Physical Location: [Hampton, Va.: 1907].

    104, [3] pp.; front. (folded map), plates.

    Most of the half tones used in illustration are loaned by the Southern workman , of Hampton, Virginia, in which magazine these sketches first appeared. [Preface]Includes index

    See the author's Jamestown and Her Neighbors on Virginia's Historic Peninsula (ENTRY 150).

  • 152

    Davis, John. Life and Surprising Adventures of the Celebrated John Smith, First Settler of Virginia, Interspersed with Interesting Anecdotes of Pocahontas, an Indian Princess . 1813.

    Physical Location: Pittsburgh: Printed by Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum,

    72 pp.

    Includes "Life of John Robinson": [59]-72.

  • 153

    Davis, Richard Beale. George Sandys, Poet-Adventurer: A Study in Anglo-American Culture in the Seventeenth Century . 1955.

    Physical Location: New York: Columbia University Press,

    320 pp.; illusThis biography of the colonial official and translator of Ovid includes extensive discussion of Sandys' tenure as Treasurer in Virginia from 1621 to 1625. Sandys, member of a family prominent in Virginia Company affairs, was sent to Virginia to collect revenues, oversee policies toward staple crops, and encourage pursuits such as mills, iron works, silk production, and glassmaking. He was in Jamestown during the massacre of 1622 and the transition from Company to royal administrationBibliography: 287-309. Includes index

    See the author's Papers (ENTRY 21).

  • 154

    Dinwiddie County (Va.) Jamestown Exhibit Committee. Historic Dinwiddie County, Virginia; or, The Last Long Camp .

    Physical Location: [Petersburg, Va.: The Franklin Press Co., 1907?]

    [12] pp.; map.

    The map is dated 1878.

  • 155

    Doughty, Clark C., comp. Ohio at the Great Jamestown Exposition, 1607-1907, Hampton Roads, Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Columbus, Ohio: 1907?]

    1 vol. (unpaged); illus., portraits.

  • 156

    Douglass, William. A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present State of the British Settlements in North-America .

    Physical Location: Boston: 1747-1752.

    2 vols.

  • 157

    Dowdey, Clifford. The Great Plantation: A Profile of Berkeley Hundred and Plantation Virginia from Jamestown to Appomattox . 1957.

    Physical Location: New York: Rinehart & Co.,

    320 pp.; plates.

    Jamestown is dealt with briefly.

  • 158

    Early, Ruth Hairston. By-ways of Virginia History: A Jamestown Memorial, Embracing a Sketch of Pocahontas . 1907.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Everett Waddey Co.,

    429 pp.; front., illus.

  • 159

    Eastern National Park and Monument Association. Jamestown to Yorktown: From Settlement to Nationhood . 1961.

    Physical Location: The Association in cooperation with the Colonial National Historical Park, U.S. Department of the Interior,

    1 vol. (unpaged); col. illus.

  • 160

    ---. The New World: People and Events That Shaped the Colonies . 1986.

    Physical Location: [Philadelphia?]: Eastern Acorn Press,

    48 pp.; illus.

    The five articles in this book ... originally appeared in American History Illustrated , [1969-1985].

  • 161

    Effingham, Francis Howard, Baron. A co*ckney Feast at James Towne, Aprill 23, 1686, As Described in Two Letters from the Blathwayt Papers and in an Introduction Written Especially for This Keepsake . [1964?]

    Physical Location: Richmond: William Byrd Press,

    [8] pp.

    Contains portions of two letters from Lord Howard of Effingham to William Blathwayt written in 1686 and 1687. "Keepsake...for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities and the Institute of Early American History and Culture on the occasion of their meeting, May 9, 1964, Williamsburg, Virginia."

  • 162

    Eggleston, Edward, and Lillie Eggleston Seelye. Pocahontas, Including an Account of the Early Settlement of Virginia and of the Adventures of Captain John Smith . 1879.

    Physical Location: New York: Dodd, Mead,

    310 pp.; illus.

  • 163

    Egloff, Nancy, and Bill Gaertner. Jamestown Settlement, Re-creating America's First Permanent English Settlement: A Pictorial Guide . [1995].

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Bicast Publishing Co.,

    32 pp.; col. illus.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 164

    Ellyson, Lora (Hotchkiss), and George MacLaren Brydon. The First Permanent English Settlement in America; The First Legislative Assembly in America .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1944?]

    14 pp.; illus.

  • 165

    Episcopal Church. General Convention, 1898. The Pilgrimage to Jamestown, Va., of the Bishops and Deputies of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Saturday, October 15, 1898 . 1898.

    Physical Location: New York: Printed at the De Vinne Press,

    32 pp.; plates (including front.)

  • 166

    Evans, Cerinda W. Some Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 22. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    77 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 61-64.

  • 167

    Evans, Edward Steptoe. Jamestown Exposition: Supplement to "The Official Encyclopaedic Guide to Richmond and Vicinity, Including Battlefields"; Being a Complete Guide to the Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk and Ten Other Cities in Virginia . 1907.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Published for the Official Guide Co. by the Richmond Press,

    [6], vi pp.

  • 168

    [---]. The Official Encyclopaedic Guide to Richmond and Vicinity, Including Battlefields . 1906.

    Physical Location: [Jamestown Exposition] ed. Richmond: For the Official Guide Co. by the Richmond Press,

    160 pp.; front., plates, folded map.

  • 169

    Fahlman, Betsy L., D. W. Steadman, P. Stewart, and M. Clark. A Tricentennial Celebration: Norfolk, 1682-1982 . Edited by B. N. Rossheim. 1982.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Chrysler Museum,

    208 pp.; illus.

    Catalogue to an exhibition (23 January-18 July 1982) celebrating the tricentennial of Norfolk, Va. The texts consist of a detailed introduction and essays covering various eras and developments, including the Jamestown Exposition of 1907

    Bibliography: 201-4.

  • 170

    Finestone, Harry, ed. Bacon's Rebellion: The Contemporary News Sheets . [1956].

    Physical Location: Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press,

    40 pp.; illus., map.

    Reprint of "two English newspaper [i. e., pamphlet] accounts of the rebellion...Strange news from Virginia, and More news from Virginia" printed for William Harris, London, 1677. With reproductions of original title pages. "Published in honor of the 1957 Jamestown 350th anniversary celebration...under the aegis of the Tracy W. McGregor Library at the University of Virginia."Bibliographical note: [39]-40.

  • 171

    Fiske, John. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors . 1900.

    Physical Location: Boston: Houghton, Mifflin,

    2 vols.; illus., plates, maps, portraits, facsim.

    Focuses on Virginia from Sir Walter Raleigh to the onset of the French and Indian War, but also includes material on the other southern coloniesIncludes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 172

    Force, Peter , comp. Tracts and Other Papers Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776 . 1836-1846.

    Physical Location: Washington: Printed by P. Force,

    4 vols.

    Items relating to Virginia:Volume 1, no. 6, [Robert Johnson] Nova Britannia (1609); no. 7, [Robert Johnson] The new life of Virginea (1612); no. 8, [Thomas Mathew] The beginning, progress, and conclusion of Bacon's rebellion (1705); no. 9, Mrs. An. Cotton, An account of our late troubles in Virginia (1676); no. 10, William Berkeley, A list of those that have been executed for the late rebellion; no. 11, A narrative of the Indian and civil wars in Virginia, in the years 1675 and 1676;Volume 2, no. 6, Extract from a manuscript collection of annals relative to Virginia; no. 8, A perfect description of Virginia (1649);Volume 3, no. 1, [Virginia Company of London] A true declaration of the estate of the colonie in Virginia (1610); no. 2, [William Strachey, ed.] For the colony in Virginea Britannia: Lawes divine, morall and martiall, etc. (1612); no. 5, Virginia Company of London, A declaration of the state of the colonie and affaires in Virginia, with the names of the adventurors (1620); no. 6, Virginia Company of London, Orders and constitutions (1619,1620); no. 7, Nathaniel Shrigley, A true relation of Virginia and Mary-land, with the commodities therein (1669); no. 10, [Henry Norwood] A voyage to Virginia (1649); no. 11, [Edward Williams] Virginia, more especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued..., with addition of the discovery of silkworms, with their benefit (1650); no. 12, John Clayton, the Royal Society (1688); no. 13, [Samuel Hartlib] The reformed Virginian silk-worm (1655); no. 14, John Hammond, Leah and Rachel, or, The two fruitful sisters Virginia, and Mary-land (1656); no. 15, [Robert Greene] Virginia's cure, or, An advisive narrative concerning Virginia, discovering the true ground of that churches unhappiness, and the only true remedy (1662)Reprint: Gloucester, Mass., Peter Smith, 1963.

  • 173

    Forman, Henry Chandlee. Jamestown and St. Mary's, Buried Cities of Romance . 1938.

    Physical Location: Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press,

    Xvii, 355 pp.; illus., maps.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 174

    ---. Virginia Architecture in the Seventeenth Century . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 11. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    79 pp.; plates, illus.

    Bibliography: 71-72.

  • 175

    Foster, Mary L. Dent. Colonial Capitals of the Dominion of Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Lynchburg, Va.: J. P. Bell Co., 1906].

    110 pp.; front., plates, folded map.

    Brief historical sketches and traditions of Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown and their vicinity; illustrated with a map and photographs.

  • 176

    Friddell, Guy. We Began at Jamestown . [1968].

    Physical Location: Richmond: Dietz Press,

    198 pp.; illus., portraits.

  • 177

    Galloway, Ruth Edith. The History of Jamestown, 1607-1699, and the Ter-centennial Commemoration . [1908?]

    30 leaves.

    The Colonial Dames prize essay, 1908, University of RochesterBibliography: 6.

  • 178

    Garrett, Richard Baynham. Baptists and Jamestown .

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society,

    [19--?] 15 pp.

    Reasons for the erection of a Baptist memorial building at the Jamestown Exposition.

  • 179

    German Heritage Society of Greater Washington, D.C. First Germans at Jamestown: A Commemoration, 31 May 1997 .

    Physical Location: [Washington, D.C.: The Society, 1997].

    31 pp.; illus., maps.

    The unveiling of a historical marker at JamestownIncludes bibliographical references.

  • 180

    Gerson, Noel Bertram. The Glorious Scoundrel: A Biography of Captain John Smith . 1978.

    Physical Location: New York: Dodd, Mead,

    251 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 241-43. Includes index.

  • 181

    Gill, W. J. C. Captain John Smith and Virginia . Then and There; The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 1968.

    Physical Location: London: Longman,

    74 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 182

    A Good Speed to Virginia (1609), Robert Gray; Newes from Virginia (1610), R. Rich . Edited by Wesley Frank Craven. 1937.

    Physical Location: New York: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints,

    Little is known of the identity of the authors of the two promotional tracts reproduced in this small volume. The first identified himself only as R. G. and stated that his role in the Virginia adventure was limited to the authorship of this single document Newes from Virginia: The Lost Flocke Triumphant was written in verse. The author was a soldier who had sailed with Somers's fleet in June 1609, experienced the storm in the Bermudas, proceeded to Virginia, witnessed the unhappy state of the colony and its subsequent revival under Lord De La Warr, and returned to England with Gates in 1610 to publish his accountA "Bibliographical Note" enumerates the locations of original copies of the two tracts.

  • 183

    Gooding, Elsie. From Virginia to Willoughby to Remember the Great Capt. John Smith . [196-].

    32 pp.; illus., map, portraits.

  • 184

    Goodwin, Edward Lewis. The Colonial Church in Virginia, with Biographical Sketches of the First Six Bishops of the Diocese of Virginia, and Other Historical Papers, Together with Brief Biographical Sketches of the Colonial Clergy of Virginia . Introduction by George MacLaren Brydon. 1927.

    Physical Location: Milwaukee: Morehouse Publishing Co.,

    Xxiv, [343] pp.; illus.

    The first four chapters, dealing with the history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia from its establishment to the massacre of 1622, are all that Dr. Goodwin had written prior to his death in 1924. The remainder of the volume consists mostly of lectures and articles selected to give at best a sketchy account of the history of the Church to about 1919

    Bibliography: [343].

  • 185

    Goodwin, Rutherfoord. A Brief History of and Guide Book to Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown . 1930.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Cottrell and Cooke,

    63 pp.; illus., maps.

    An introduction and guide for visitors. Opens with a brief history of the three communities, followed by short discussions of sites and monuments.

  • 186

    ---. Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown . Virginia State Chamber of Commerce Miscellaneous Document, no. 22. 1929.

    Physical Location: Richmond: The Chamber,

    [12] pp.; illus., map.

  • 187

    Gordon Metal Company (Richmond, Va.) An Invitation from Old Virginia to the Jamestown Exposition and Historical Richmond . 1907.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Gordon Metal Co.,

    13 pp.; illus.

  • 188

    Graves, Kenneth Vance. Robert Graves of Anson County, N.C., and Chesterfield County, S.C.: Ancestors and Descendants (ca. 1580-1979); A Branch of the Descendants of Capt. Thomas Graves, 1608 Immigrant to Jamestown, Va . 1980.

    Physical Location: Baltimore: Gateway Press,

    408 pp.

  • 1208

    Gray, Robert. A Good Speed to Virginia . 1609.

    Physical Location: London: Printed by Felix Kyngston for William Welbie,

    26 pp.

    A recommendation of the Virginia settlement, written in the form of a sermon.

  • 1209

    Great Britain. Council for Virginia. A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia, with the Names of the Adventurors, and Summes Aventured in That Action. By His Maiesties Counseil for Virginia. 22. Iunij 1620 . 1620.

    Physical Location: London: Printed by Thomas Snodham,

    97 pp.

    Contents include: A note of the shipping, men, and provisions sent to Virginia...1619; A declaration of the supplies intended to be sent to Virginia...1620; The names of the adventurers, with their severall summes...paid to Sir Thomas Smith; The names of the adventurers, with their several sums Sir Baptist Hicks; Orders and constitutions, partly collected out of His Maiesties letters patents, and partly ordained upon mature deliberation, by the treasuror, counsell and companie of Virginia, for the better governing of the actions and affaires of the said companie here in England residing: Anno 1619 and 1620; By His Maiesties Counsell for Virginia...fifteenth November 1620.

  • 189

    Great Britain. Public Record Office. Museum. Jamestown, Virginia, 1607-1957 .

    Physical Location: [London: 1957].

    [19] pp.

  • 190

    Gulley, G. F. The Travel Guide to Virginia, Featuring Historic Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, the Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park and Many Other Interesting and Historical Places to Visit and Authentic Travel Information . [1937].

    Physical Location: Richmond:

    88 pp.; illus.

  • 191

    Gwathmey, Mary Burnley. An Advance Release for Use in the Field of Merchandise Design, Based on Recently Discovered Wares Used by the First Colonists and Fashions of the Seventeenth-Century America . 1957.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Miller & Rhoads,

    [16] pp.; illus.

    Published in conjunction with the Jamestown Festival.

  • 192

    Hale, Edward Everett, ed. " Original Documents from the State-Paper Office, London, and the British Museum, Illustrating the History of Sir Walter Raleigh's First American Colony, and the Colony at Jamestown; With an Appendix Containing a Memoir of Sir Ralph Lane, the Governor of the Colony of Roanoke ." In Archaeologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society . 1860.

    Physical Location: [Worcester, Mass.]

    vol. 4, [1]-65.

    Includes Ralph Lane's letters to Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir Philip Sidney; [John White's drawings]; [Roanoke Island]; [Ralph Lane's plans]; Captain Newport's discoveries in Virginia; A relatyon of the discovery of our river from James forte into the maine, made by Capt. Christopher Newport a gentleman of the colony, 1607; The description of the now-discovered river and country of Virginia; A brief description of the people. The life of Lane is found later in the volume, 317-44

    Reprint: New York, Johnson Reprint Corp., 1971. Includes index.

  • 193

    Hale, Will T. True Stories of Jamestown and Its Environs . 1907.

    Physical Location: Nashville: M. E. Church, South,

    156 pp.; plates, portraits.

  • 194

    Hall, Edward Hagaman. Jamestown [1607-1907]: A Sketch of the History and Present Condition of the Site of the First Permanent English Settlement in America . 1902.

    Physical Location: New York: American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society,

    30 pp.; map, front.

  • 195

    Hall-Quest, Olga (Wilbourne). Jamestown Adventure . 1950.

    Physical Location: New York: Dutton,

    185 pp.; illus.

    Illustrated by James MacDonaldBibliography: 184-85.

  • 196

    Hamor, Ralph. A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia . The English Experience, Its Record in Early Printed Books Published in Facsimile, no. 320. 1971.

    69 pp.

    New York: Da Capo Press,Original title page has imprint: Printed at London by Iohn Beale for William Welby dwelling at the signe of the swanne in Pauls Church yard, 1615. The discourse is followed by three letters: (1) from Sir Thomas Dale, Jamestown, June 18, 1614; (2) from Rev. Alexander Whitaker, Virginia, June 18, 1614; (3) from John Rolfe, giving his reasons for marrying Pocahontas. Earlier reprint, with the title A True Discourse of the Present State of Virginia and an introduction by A. L. Rowse: reprinted from a copy of the London edition of 1615 in the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.; Virginia State Library Publications, no. 3; Richmond, The Library, 1957; xviii, 74 pp.An original is on file at Swem Library, College of William and Mary.

  • 197

    The Hampton Monitor. Special Industrial and Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition Number, Exploiting the Multifarious Advantages of Hampton, Virginia 1610-1907

    Physical Location: [Jamestown Exposition supplement].

    56 pp.; illus.

  • 198

    Harrington, J. C. Glassmaking at Jamestown: America's First Industry . 1952.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Dietz Press,

    47, [1] pp.; illus., maps.

    "Prepared as part of the Jamestown glassmaking study being carried on jointly by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior and Glass Crafts of America."Includes bibliographical references: [48]Revised edition published with title A Tryal of Glasse (ENTRY 199).

  • 199

    ---. A Tryal of Glasse: The Story of Glassmaking at Jamestown . 1972.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Dietz Press,

    54 pp.; illus.

    A revision of Glassmaking at Jamestown , published in 1952 (ENTRY 198)Bibliography: 55.

  • 200

    Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. The Founding of Jamestown: Percy's Discourse of Virginia, Wingfield's Discourse of Virginia; 1607, 1619 . American History Leaflets, no. 36. 1907.

    Physical Location: [New York]: P. P. Simmons,

    27 pp.

  • 201

    Hartwell, Henry, James Blair, and Edward Chilton. The Present State of Virginia, and the College . Edited, with an introduction, by Hunter Dickinson Farish. Williamsburg Restoration Historical Studies, no. 1. 1940.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg,

    Lxxiii, 105 pp.; illus.

    Originally written in 1697 as a special report for the recently established Board of Trade, describing conditions and institutions in the colony just prior to the removal of the capital from Jamestown to WilliamsburgFirst published: London, John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1727

    Reprint: Charlottesville, Dominion Books, a division of the University Press of Virginia, 1964

    Includes index.

  • 1200

    Haskett, James N. Colonial National Historical Park: The Story Behind the Scenery . Las Vegas, Nev.: KC Publications, 1990. 48 pp.; illus.

  • 202

    Hatch, Charles E., Jr. America's Oldest Legislative Assembly and Its Jamestown Statehouses . Rev. ed. National Park Service Interpretive Series: History, no. 2. 1956.

    Physical Location: Washington: The Service,

    46 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references: 32

    Previous editions published under title The Oldest Legislative Assembly in America and Its First Statehouse . First edition: 1943, as no. 15 of the Popular Study Series.

  • 203

    ---. The First Seventeen Years: Virginia, 1607-1624 . Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 6. 1957.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    118 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 112-13

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1983; Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., for Clearfield Co., 1993.

  • 204

    ---. Jamestown, Virginia: The Townsite and Its Story . Rev. ed. National Park Service Historical Handbook Series, no. 2. 1957.

    Physical Location: Washington:

    54 pp.; illus., maps.

    "The National Park Service cooperating with the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities."Bibliographical references: 54

    First published in 1949.

  • 205

    Hatfield, Byron. Jamestown Festival Day, 30 April 1957, Fort Monroe, Virginia: A Historic Military Pageant Honoring the Armed Forces . [Fort Monroe: 1957].

    13, 2, 2 pp.

    Presented under the auspices of the Jamestown Festival Commission of 1957 in cooperation with the Armed forces of the U.S.

  • 206

    Hawkins, Van, and Bea Kopp. The Historic Triangle: An Illustrated History . 1980.

    Physical Location: Virginia Beach: Donning Co.,

    192 pp.; illus. (some col.), portraits.

    Bibliography: 189.

  • 207

    ---. Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown: A Pictorial History of America's Historic Triangle . 1979.

    Physical Location: Virginia Beach: Donning Co.,

    Includes index.

  • 208

    Hayes, Kevin J. Captain John Smith: A Reference Guide . A Reference Guide to Literature. 1991.

    Physical Location: Boston: G.K. Hall,

    Xxviii, 245 pp.

    A bibliography of resources dealing with John SmithIncludes index.

  • 209

    Hazard, Ebenezer. Historical Collections; Consisting of State Papers and Other Authentic Documents . 1792-1794.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia:

    2 vols.

    Contents include: Articles agreed on and concluded at James Cittie in Virginia [1651], vol. 1, 560-61; Articles for the surrendering of Virginia to the subjection of the parliament of the commonwealth of England [1651], vol. 1, 562-63; An act of indempnitie made att the surrender of the countrey [1651], vol. 1, 563-64; [An act prohibiting trade with the Barbados, Antego, Bermudas, and Virginia, 1650], vol. 1, 636-38.

  • 1201

    Hendricks, Christopher. Land Ownership-Jamestown Island . 1988.

    Physical Location: Jamestown: Colonial National Historical Park,

    38 pp.

  • 210

    Hening, William Waller. T he Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619 . 1809-1823.

    Physical Location: Richmond and Philadelphia:

    13 vols.

    Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed on the fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred and eightTitle on spine: Hening's Statutes at largeEach volume includes a list of Governors of Virginia for the period covered by the volumeContents by volume: 1. 1619-1660; 2. 1660-1682; 3. 1684-1710; 4. 1711-1736;5. 1738-1748; 6. 1748-1755; 7. 1756-1763 and Proclamations of 1754 and 1763;8. 1764-1773; 9. 1775-1778; 10. 1779-1781, including Resolutions and State papers; 11. 1782-1784, including Resolutions and State papers; 12. 1785-1788; 13. 1789-1792

    Facsimile reprint: Charlottesville, Published for the Jamestown Foundation by the University Press of Virginia, 1969.

  • 211

    Herndon, George Melvin. Tobacco in Colonial Virginia: The Sovereign Remedy . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 20. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    53 pp.; illus.

  • 212

    Hiden, Martha Woodroof. How Justice Grew: Virginia Counties; An Abstract of Their Formation . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 19. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    101 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 79. Includes index

    Various reprints, including Baltimore: Clearfield Co., 1992.

  • 213

    Hinton, Mary Hilliard. The North Carolina Historical Exhibit at the Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, April 26-December 1, 1907: A History of the Exhibit, Together with a Complete Catalogue of the Relics, Portraits and Manuscripts Exhibited . 1908.

    Physical Location: Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission, Bulletin no. 2. North Carolina Historical Commission,

    50 pp.; plates.

    Reprint: Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton, 1916.

  • 214

    Historic Jamestown Island, Virginia . [1907?]

    Physical Location: Jamestown: B. E. Steel,

    17 leaves; chiefly illus.

  • 215

    Historical Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia, and the Restoration of Williamsburg through the Munificence of John D. Rockefeller, Jr . [1929].

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: H. D. Cole, Newsdealer,

    Chiefly illus.

  • 216

    Hobbs, Carl H. Final Report to the Thomas Smythe Foundation, Inc., Concerning Geophysical Reconnaissance of a Portion of the Area Offshore from Jamestown Island, Virginia . 1991.

    Physical Location: Gloucester Point: Virginia Institute of Marine Science,

    19 leaves; illus.

  • 217

    ---. Report to the Thomas Smythe Foundation, Inc., Concerning Geophysical Reconnaissance of a Portion of the Area Offshore from Jamestown Island, Virginia: Phase 2 . 1991.

    Physical Location: Gloucester Point: Virginia Institute of Marine Science,

    [18] leaves; illus.

  • 218

    Hodges, George. The Apprenticeship of Washington and Other Sketches of Significant Colonial Personages . 1909.

    Physical Location: New York: Moffat, Yard,

    233 pp.

    Contents include "The Forefathers of Jamestown."

  • 219

    Hotten, John Camden, ed. The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emigrants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years, Apprentices, Children Stolen, Maidens Pressed, and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700 . 1874.

    Physical Location: London:

    580 pp.

    From manuscripts preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England. [Title page]Includes "The Living and Dead in Virginia, Feb. 16, 1623" and "Muster Rolls of Settlers in Virginia, 1624."Published in New York in 1880

    Reprint: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1968.

  • 220

    Howell, David Buford. Miles Gathright Family from Jamestown, Virginia, to Southwest Arkansas . 1987.

    122 pp.

    A photocopy of a computer-produced manuscript.

  • 221

    Howison, Robert R. A History of Virginia from Its Discovery and Settlement by Europeans to the Present Time . 1846.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia:

    2 vols.

  • 222

    Hudson, J. Paul. Glassmaking at Jamestown, 1608-09 and 1621-24: One of the First English Industries in the New World . [1967?]

    Physical Location: Jamestown: Jamestown Foundation,

    15 pp.; illusIllustrations by Sidney E. KingIncludes bibliographical referencesReprint from the Iron Worker (Winter 1962-63), quarterly publication of the Lynchburg Foundry Company.

  • 223

    ---. Jamestown Church . 1970.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities,
  • 224

    ---. A Pictorial Booklet on Early Jamestown Commodities and Industries . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 23. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    78 pp.; illus.

    Illustrated by Sidney E. King. Photographs by Thomas E. WilliamsBibliography: 78.

  • 225

    ---. A Pictorial Story of Jamestown, Virginia: The Voyage and Search for a Settlement Site . 1957.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Garrett and Massie,

    54 pp.; illus., maps.

    Events which occurred from the time the colonists left England, December 20, 1606, until they landed at Jamestown, May 13-14, 1607. Based on contemporary sources. [Title page]Illustrated by Sidney E. King.

  • 1202

    ---. Seventeenth-Century Glass Excavated at Jamestown, Virginia, with a Brief Account of Glassmaking (1608-09 and 1621-24) and Glass Used at Jamestown, 1607-1700 . n.d.

    Physical Location: Jamestown:

    922 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: [905-22].

  • 226

    ---. Treasures from Jamestown . 1980.

    Physical Location: Archeological Society of Virginia Special Publications, no. 7. Richmond: The Society,

    40 pp.; illus.

  • 227

    Hughes, Thomas Parke. Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699 . Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 21. 1957.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    78 pp.

    Bibliography: 77-78.

  • 228

    Illustrated Standard Guide to Norfolk and Portsmouth; and Historical Events of Virginia, 1607 to 1907 . 1907.

    Physical Location: Jamestown Exposition ed. Norfolk: Standard Lithographing and Publishing Co.,

    134 pp.; illus., folded map.

  • 229

    Inman, Joseph Francis. Historical Highlights of the Jamestowne Society's First Quarter of a Century; Roster of Members, 1936-1976 . [1976?]

    144 pp.

  • 230

    Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, Va.) The James River: Jamestown Island to Malvern Hill Plantation . 1952.

    Physical Location: [Williamsburg]: The Institute,

    13, [1] leaves.

    Bibliography: [14].

  • 231

    James Towne Island .

    Physical Location: [Brooklyn, N.Y.: Albertype Company, 18--?]

    15 leaves.

    A collection of viewsPublished by B. E. Steel, Jamestown, Va.

  • 232

    Jamestown Dental Convention (1907: Norfolk, Va.) Revised Program for the Jamestown Dental Convention to Be Held in Convention Hall [1907?]

    Physical Location: Exposition Grounds, Norfolk, Va.

    37 pp.

  • 233

    ---. Transactions of the Jamestown Dental Convention, Held at Norfolk, Va., September 10, 11, and 12, 1907 . 1908.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Press of the "Dental Cosmos,"

    Xxiv, 118 pp.; portrait.

    Includes bibliographies.

  • 234

    The Jamestown Exposition and Historic Hampton Roads . 1907.

    Physical Location: [Norfolk]: Seaboard Publishing Co.,

    1 vol. (unpaged); chiefly illus.

    On cover: Compliments of Virginia Funeral Directors Association, October 8-10, 1907.

  • 235

    Jamestown Exposition Company. By-laws and Manual of the Jamestown Exposition Co., Commemorating the First English Settlement of America at Jamestown, in Virginia, May 13th, 1607 .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: 1904?]

    19 pp.

    Adopted by the Board of Directors at Norfolk, September 17, 1904.

  • 236

    Jamestown Hotel Corporation. How to Secure Accommodations at the Inside Inn, the Only Hotel within the Grounds of the Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va.; Opens April 26th, 1907, Closes December 1st. [1906].

    Physical Location: Norfolk: The Corporation,

    16 pp.; illus.

  • 237

    Jamestown Island Park and Land Company. Jamestown, the Cradle of the Republic: Prospectus, the Jamestown Island Park and Land Company . 1903.

    Physical Location: [24] pp.; illus.

    [Norfolk: Burke and Gregory]

  • 238

    Jamestown Official Photograph Corporation. Historical Virginia Photographs and Official Views of the Jamestown Exposition . [1908].

    Physical Location: Norfolk: W. T. Barron,

    20 pp.

  • 239

    ---. The Jamestown Exposition, Beautifully Illustrated: Photographs Made with Goerz Lenses . 1907.

    Physical Location: [Norfolk]: The Corporation,

    [64] pp.; chiefly illus.

  • 240

    ---. Scenes at the Jamestown Exposition, with Historic Sites in Old Virginia . [1907].

    Physical Location: New York: Press of I. H. Blanchard Co.,

    [128] pp.; illus.

  • 241

    Jamestown Settlement Galleries: Open April 17, 1990 .

    Physical Location: [Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, 1990].

    [22] pp.; illus.

    Describes the recently renovated and expanded exhibition galleries at Jamestown Settlement. Officers, staff, and donors are listed.

  • 242

    Jamestown Society of Washington City. Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the English Settlement at Jamestown, May 13, 1857 . 1857.

    Physical Location: Washington: J. T. & L. Towers,

    32 pp.

  • 243

    The Jamestown Ter-centennial and Naval and Marine Exhibition, Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1907 . 1904.

    Physical Location: Jamestown Exposition Co.,

    [15] pp.; map.

  • 244

    Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, April 26 to November 30, 1907 . 1906.

    Physical Location: Jamestown Exposition Co.,

    8 pp.

  • 245

    Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition (1907). Exposition de Jamestown & agrave; Hampton Roads pr & egrave;s Norfolk (Virginia) pour c & eacute;l & eacute;brer l'av & egrave;nement de la nation Am & eacute;ricaine & agrave; Jamestown (Virginia), 1607 . [1907?]

    15 pp.

  • 246

    ---. Illustrated Souvenir, Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition . 1907.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Seaboard Publishing Co.,

    [30] pp.; illus.

  • 247

    ---. Jamestown Exposition, 1607-1907, Hampton Roads, Virginia . Norfolk: W. T. Barron 1907.

    16 pp.; illus.

    Names of officials of the Jamestown Exposition Company appear on the cover.

  • 248

    ---. The Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, April 26th to November 30, 1907: Special Events, Military and Naval Features, International Yacht Races . Norfolk: 1907. 49 pp.; illus., plans.

    Prepared by the Department of Congresses and Special Events, Jamestown Exposition.

  • 249

    ---. Jamestown Exposition on Hampton Roads, 1907, Commemorating First Permanent English Settlement in America, 1607: Rules and Regulations Governing the Admission of Exhibits, the Occupation of Space by Exhibitors, and Installation and Conduct of Exhibits... [1907].

    Physical Location: [Norfolk, Va.]: Tidewater Publishing Co.,

    8 pp.

  • 250

    ---. Jamestown Exposition, Opens April 26, 1907, Closes November 30, Hampton Roads, Virginia . [1907].

    16 pp.; illus.

  • 251

    ---. Official Classification of Exhibit Departments . 1907.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Burke and Gregory,

    60 pp.

  • 252

    ---. Official Guide of the Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition Held at Sewell's Point on Hampton Roads, near Norfolk, Va., April 26 to November 30, Nineteen Hundred Seven . 1907.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: A. Hess,

    112 pp.; folded plate, illus., portraits.

    Compiled and edited by W. H. Bright Includes indexes.

  • 253

    ---. The Tidewater Cities of Hampton Roads, Virginia: Your Host for 1907 .

    Physical Location: [St. Louis, Mo.: Con P. Curran, 1907?]

    23 pp.; illus., map.

  • 254

    Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation. Cooking at Jamestown Settlement . [199-?]

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Williamsburg Publishing Co.,

    [24] pp.; col. illus.

    Recipes from The Complete Cook , a 1660s book by Rebecca Price, are supplemented with brief discussions of cooking at sea, at James Fort, and in an Indian village.

  • 255

    ---. Jamestown and Jamestown Festival Park . [197-?]

    Physical Location: Jamestown: The Foundation,

    45 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliography.

  • 256

    ---. Sailing into History: The Story of the Godspeed . [1986?]

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: The Foundation,

    [16] pp.; illus.

  • 257

    ---. The Story of John Rolfe: He Saved a Colony and Planted the Seeds of a Nation . Rev. ed. 1977.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: The Foundation,

    12 pp.; illus.

    "Published to commemorate the 350th anniversary of John Rolfe's first harvest, 1612-1962."First edition: [1962?]

  • 258

    The Jamestowne Society Register of Qualifying Seventeenth-Century Ancestors . 1994.

    Physical Location: Richmond, Va.: The Society,

    X, 94 pp.; maps.

    Contains the names of those early Jamestown settlers whose service or residence have been approved by the Society Genealogist and the Membership Committee. Proof of descent from a qualifying settler is required for membership. Absence from the register does not mean an ancestor is not qualified as a basis for membership. The list is a starting point, and other settlers are expected to be proved in the future.

  • 259

    Jester, Annie Lash. Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 17. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    91 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 83

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1970; Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1994.

  • 260

    Jester, Annie Lash, and Martha Woodroof Hiden, comps. Adventurers of Purse and Person: Virginia, 1607-1624/5 . 3d ed. Revised and edited by Virginia M. Meyer and John Frederick Dorman. 1987.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Order of First Families of Virginia,

    Xxxii, 827 pp.; illus.

    The muster of 1624/25, with histories of families which remained in Virginia for three generationsIncludes bibliographical references, and an index

    Previous editions: 1956, 1964.

  • 261

    Johnson, Robert. The New Life of Virginea: Declaring the Former Successe and Present Estate of That Plantation, Being the Second Part of Noua Britannia . 1612.

    Physical Location: London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Welby,

    [56] pp.

    A continuation of the author's Nova Britannia . "Published by the authoritie of his Majesties Counsell of Virginea." The text is also published in Force's Tracts (ENTRY 172).

  • 262

    ---. Nova Britannia: Offering Most Excellent Fruites by Planting in Virginia, Exciting All Such As Be Well Affected to Further the Same . 1609.

    Physical Location: London: Printed for Samuel Macham,

    [35] pp.

    A Virginia Company adventurer, at a London meeting, encourages his associates in the enterprise to continue their efforts in "this earthly Paradice."The text is also published in Force's Tracts (ENTRY 172).

  • 263

    Johnston, Mary. Pioneers of the Old South: A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings . 1918.

    Physical Location: The Chronicles of America Series, vol. 5. New Haven: Yale University Press,

    X, 260 pp.; plates, portraits, map.

    There are chapters on Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, but the principal focus is on the Jamestown settlement and Virginia in the seventeenth centuryBibliographical note: 248-51. Includes index.

  • 264

    Jones, Howard Mumford. The Literature of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century . 1968.

    Physical Location: 2d ed. With the aid of Sue Bonner Walcutt. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,

    124 pp.; illus.

    While formal literary production was small, there was a surprising amount of writing among seventeenth-century Virginians, including firsthand accounts, promotional literature, correspondence, and public recordsIncludes bibliographical references, and an index of personsOriginally published in 1946 as one of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (vol. 19, part 2).

  • 265

    Joynes, St. Leger. The Insiders' Guide: Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Hampton, Yorktown, Jamestown, Newport News, Portsmouth, and Other Areas of Interest in Southeastern Virginia . 1979.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Insiders' Publishing Group,

    Ix, 380 pp.; illus.

    Includes index.

  • 266

    Keith, William. The History of the British Plantations in America, with a Chronological Account of the Most Remarkable Things, Which Happen'd to the First Adventurers of Their Several Discoveries of That New World. Part I, Containing the History of Virginia, with Remarks on the Trade and Commerce of That Colony . 1738.

    Physical Location: London: Printed at the expense of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning, by S. Richardson,

    187 pp.; maps.

    Only Part I, which relates almost entirely to Virginia, was published.

  • 267

    Kibler, James Luther. Colonial Virginia Shrines: A Complete Guide Book to Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown . [1936].

    Physical Location: Richmond: Garrett & Massie,

    Xi, 98 pp.; illus.

  • 268

    ---. The Cradle of the Nation: A Dictionary of Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown, Virginia's Historic Triangle . [1931].

    Physical Location: Richmond: Garrett & Massie,

    Vii, 64 pp.; illus., maps.

    Illustrated by Orin Bullock.

  • 269

    ---. Jack Jouett's Famous Ride and the Virginia Guide Speaks .

    Physical Location: [Richmond?: 1941].

    [20] pp.; illus., portraits.

    Genesis of the Virginia Education Association, in the Tidewater Trail , December 1940. Also, names of the first settlers at Jamestown, 1607. Consists of mounted newspaper clippings in prose and verse, from the Virginia Gazette , Williamsburg, and of the issue of the Tidewater Trail for December 1940 (vol. 6, no. 20).

  • 270

    King and Queen County (Va.) Jamestown 350th Anniversary Festival Committee. A True Relation of the History of King and Queen County in Virginia, 1607-1790 . [1957].

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Press of the Virginia Gazette,

    20 pp.; map.

  • 271

    King, Sidney E., and J. Paul Hudson. A Pictorial Album of Jamestown, Birthplace of America .

    Physical Location: [Milford, Va.: 1963].

    73 pp.; illus., maps, portraits.

    Paintings by Sidney E. King. Text by J. Paul Hudson. "This album is a facsimile of one presented to President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Queen Elizabeth II of England during the 350th anniversary of Jamestown in 1957."

  • 272

    Kingsbury, Susan Myra. An Introduction to the Records of the Virginia Company of London with a Bibliographical List of the Extant Documents . 1905.

    Physical Location: Washington: Government Printing Office,

    214 pp.

    The Introduction and List of Records appear in Kingsbury's The Records of the Virginia Company of London , vol. 1 (1906), pp. 11-205

    The 1905 publication also includes an "Authorities" section (pp. 207-14), with listings of "Printed works which contain the publications of the Company or reprints of its records and are cited in the preceding List of Records" and "Printed works cited in the footnotes of the Introduction."

  • 273

    ---, ed. The Records of the Virginia Company of London . 1906-1935.

    Physical Location: Washington: Library of Congress,

    4 vols.

    Transcriptions of many of the extant documents relating to the Virginia Company, excluding those pre-1616 items published by Alexander Brown in his Genesis of the United States (ENTRY 112). Volumes 1 and 2 contain the Court Books, or minutes of the Company's transactions, from 1619 to its dissolution. Volumes 3 and 4 contain other documents, such as instructions to the governor and council of the colony, land grants, accounts, reports and letters from the colony, advertisem*nts, broadsides, pamphlets, sermons, correspondence among members of the Company and planters in the colony, and records of stock companies formed for settlement and industryVolumes 1 and 2 are indexed cumulatively; volumes 3 and 4 are indexed separatelyMs. Kingsbury did not have access to all of the documents in the Ferrar Papers at Magdalene College, Cambridge, which have been published on microfilm under the direction of David Ransome ( The Ferrar Papers, 1590-1790 ; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England: Microform Academic Publishers, 1991; 14 reels).

  • 274

    Kittrell, Marie Beckner. An English Quest for New Worlds--Virginia, Bermuda: The Life of Edward Waters, 1584-1630, an Early Colonist in America . [1995?]

    Physical Location: M. B. Kittrell,

    92 pp.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 275

    Laird and Lee, Chicago [publishers]. Glimpses of the Jamestown Exposition and Picturesque Virginia: Original Photographs Graphically Reproduced, Depicting the Most Unique Exposition Ever Held on American Soil . 1907.

    Physical Location: Chicago: Laird & Lee,

    [170] pp.; illus., folded map.

  • 276

    Laird and Lee's Guide to Historic Virginia and the Jamestown Centennial: Full Statistics and Itinerary . 1907.

    Physical Location: Chicago: Laird & Lee,

    142 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 277

    Lamme, Ary J., III. America's Historic Landscapes: Community Power and the Preservation of Four National Historic Sites . 1989.

    Physical Location: Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,

    Xiv, 213 pp.; illus., maps.

    A study of the association of meaning and place and its relationship to the preservation of historic landscapes. Colonial National Historical Park, one of four case studies, is seen as not having fully realized a unified concept, partly because of the dominance of Colonial Williamsburg in the local tourist marketBibliography: 197-208. Includes index.

  • 278

    Lemay, J. A. Leo. Did Pocahontas Save Captain John Smith ?

    Physical Location: Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992. Xx, 144 pp.; illus.

    An analysis of the historiography of the debate over the rescue story. Starting in the 1860s, scholars began to question Smith's published accounts of the Pocahontas incident, and a controversy ensued, with Henry Adams becoming Smith's most famous detractor. Lemay concludes that the incident did in fact occur and that Adams's original attack on Smith, written during the Civil War, was a South-baiting polemic which suppressed pertinent evidenceBibliographical references: 123-36. Includes index.

  • 279

    The Life and Adventures of Capt. John Smith, Founder of the Virginian Colony, Compiled from Authentic Records As Well As from the Memoirs of His Life Written by Himself . 1813.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Printed and sold by W. M'Culloch,

    90 pp.

  • 1203

    Lindgren, James M. Preserving the Old Dominion: Historic Preservation and Virginia Traditionalism . 1993.

    Physical Location: Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,

    Xiii, 316 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 293-304. Includes index.

  • 280

    Llewellyn, Robert, and Hugh DeSamper. Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown: America's Historic Triangle . 1991.

    Physical Location: New York: Rizzoli,

    160 pp.; chiefly illus.

    Photography by Robert Llewellyn; introduction by Hugh DeSamper.

  • 281

    Lossing, Benson John. Description of the Marriage of Pocahontas (with Key Plate) at Jamestown, Va., April 1613 . [1887?]

    Physical Location: New York: Joseph Laing,

    8 pp.; front.

    From the original painting, by H. Brueckner; engraved on steel by John C. McRae.

  • 282

    Mann, Robert Neville, and Cathrine Cleek Mann. Lipscomb Family Manuscripts: A Genealogy of Some of the Descendants of Joel Lipscomb Who Immigrated to Jamestown, Virginia, from England in 1690 . 1953.

    Physical Location: New York
  • 283

    Martin, Peter . The Pleasure Gardens of Virginia: From Jamestown to Jefferson . 1991.

    Physical Location: Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,

    Xxiv, 240 pp.; illus., maps.

    Bibliographical references: [187]-231. Includes index.

  • 284

    Mason, George Carrington. Colonial Churches of Tidewater Virginia . 1945.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson,

    Xv, 381 pp.; illus.

    Based on a study of the colonial church buildings of Tidewater Virginia, the results of which were first published in the William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine (Second Series), during the years 1938-1943. [Introduction]The first chapter is "James City County Churches."Includes bibliographical references, and an index

    A Supplement to Colonial Churches of Tidewater Virginia appeared in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 66 (1958): 167-77.

  • 285

    Massachusetts. Board of Jamestown Exposition Managers. The Massachusetts Building, Hampton Roads, Virginia, Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, 1607-1907; The Old State House in Boston Reproduced . [1907].

    31 pp.; plates.

    Compiled by William A. Murphy, secretary of the Board.

  • 286

    Matthews, Harry Bradshaw. The Family Legacy of Anthony Johnson, from Jamestown, Va., to Somerset, Md., 1619-1995: A Multi-racial Saga in Black, Red and White; the Negro Johnson and Indian Puckham Lineage . Rev. ed. 1995.

    Physical Location: Oneonta, N.Y.:

    Vi, 59 pp.; mapA case study in historiographic genealogyIncludes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 287

    McCartney, Martha W. James City County, Keystone of the Commonwealth . 1997.

    Physical Location: Virginia Beach: [Published for the] James City County Board of Supervisors [by] the Donning Company/Publishers,

    640 pp.; illus, maps.

    Bibliography: 592-619

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 288

    McCary, Ben C. Indians in Seventeenth-Century Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 18. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    93 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 86-89

    Various reprints, including: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1987; and Baltimore, reprinted for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1995.

  • 289

    ---. John Smith's Map of Virginia, with a Brief Account of Its History . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 3. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    11 pp.; plates, folded map.

    Bibliography: 11

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1981; Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1995.

  • 290

    McClelland, Robert Crawford. Notes on Jamestown and Early Virginia: The Origins and Growth of Their Government . 1957.

    Physical Location: College of William and Mary General Publications Series. [Norfolk]:

    Vi, 20 pp.; illus.

  • 291

    McClure, Fern Van Nordstrand, and G. R. McClure. Busby Family: A Historical Record from Early Settlement at Jamestown, Va., with a Complete Record of Nathan Walker Busby, 1841-1909, and His Six Children . 1949.

    Physical Location: McPherson, Kans.:

    Includes the French family.

  • 292

    McMurtrie, Douglas C. The First Printing in Virginia: The Abortive Attempt at Jamestown, the First Permanent Press at Williamsburg, the Early Gazettes, and the Work of Other Virginia Typographic Pioneers . 1935.

    Physical Location: Vienna: Printed for H. Reichner Verlag,

    15 pp.; facsims.

  • 293

    Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia . 1857.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Lippincott,

    2 vols.

    Reprint: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1966, with a "Digested Index and Genealogical Guide" (1910), by Jennings Cropper WiseAppendix no. 2 (vol. 2, pp. 420-25): "Extracts from a Pamphlet Reporting the Proceedings of a Jubilee at Jamestown in Commemoration of the Second Centenary Anniversary of the Settlement of Virginia, May 13, 1807."

  • 294

    Meek, Melton P. Descendants of Thomas Whitaker of Holme-In-Clivinger, Burnley, Lancashire, England, 1400-1996: Migration to Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 and 1620 . 1996.

    Physical Location: Lawton, Okla.: M. P. Meek,

    413 pp.; illus., maps.

    Includes index.

  • 295

    ---. James Jones Descendants and Intermarriages, 1612-1996: Jamestown, Virginia, to NC and MS . 1996.

    Physical Location: Lawton, Okla.: M. P. Meek,

    2 vols. (xii, 1070 pp.); illus., maps.

    Includes indexes.

  • 296

    Merchants and Manufacturers Association, Baltimore. The Crown of the Chesapeake: The Life and Resources of Maryland, the Trade and Industries of Baltimore; A Souvenir of the Jamestown Exposition Held on Hampton Roads, Virginia, April 26 to November 30, 1907. 1907.

    Physical Location: Baltimore: Press of A. Hoen & Co.

    160 pp.; illus., facsim.

  • Meteren, Emanuel van. "Commentarien Ofte Memorien van den Nederelandtschen Staet/Handel/Oorloghen, ende Gheschiedenissen van Onse Tyden.

    Physical Location: (The Hague?, Hermes van Lowen, 1609).

    Folio. 8 pl., 244 cxcix, 167 numbered leaves, illustrated.

  • 297

    Miers, Earl Schenck. Blood of Freedom: The Story of Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown . [1958].

    Physical Location: Williamsburg in America Series, 3. Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg,

    179 pp.; illus.

    Bibliographical Note: 171-74.

  • 298

    ---, ed. Seed of Liberty: In Celebration of the Three Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Jamestown in Virginia, Where the First Representative Body of Government Was Established on This Continent, the Proceedings of That Original Assembly, Meeting from July 30 to August 4, 1619, Are Here Reprinted as a Monument to Free Men . 1957.

    Physical Location: Newark, Del.: Curtis Paper Co.,

    33 pp.; col. illus.

    Drawings by Joseph Low.

  • 299

    Miller, Walter H. Jamestown . 1968.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg:

    [24] pp.; illus., col. photos.

  • 300

    Miller and Rhoads, Richmond, Va. The Jamestown Story as Told in the Windows of Miller and Rhoads, Richmond, Virginia, to Assist the Jamestown Festival in Commemorating America's 350th Birthday, 1607-1957.

    Physical Location: [Richmond: 1957].

    [21] pp.; illus.

  • 301

    Montgomery County (Va.) Board of Supervisors. Montgomery County, Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Blacksburg? Va.: 1907].

    16 pp.; illus.

    On cover: Jamestown Exposition souvenir

  • 302

    Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia . 1975.

    Physical Location: New York: W. W. Norton,

    454 pp.

    While attempting to explain the origins of "the American paradox," the marriage of slavery and freedom, this volume also compiles a history of colonial Virginia. A chapter entitled "The Jamestown Fiasco" describes the first ten years of the colony, when the settlers "seem to have made nearly every possible mistake and some that seem almost impossible."A Note on the Sources: 433-41. Includes index.

  • 303

    Morton, Richard Lee. Colonial Virginia . 1960.

    Physical Location: Chapel Hill: Published for the Virginia Historical Society by the University of North Carolina Press,

    2 vols.; illus., portraits, maps, facsims.

    Includes a bibliography, and an index.

  • 304

    ---. Struggle Against Tyranny, and the Beginning of a New Era: Virginia, 1677-1699 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 9. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    80 pp.; illus., port., folded map.

    Bibliographical references: 79-80.

  • 305

    Mossiker, Frances. Pocahontas: The Life and the Legend . 1996.

    Physical Location: New York: Da Capo Press,

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index

    Original edition: New York, Knopf, 1976.

  • 306

    Murphy, Philip J. Mills Family Genealogy: Early Settlers of Jamestown, Virginia, Portsmouth (Piscataga), New Hampshire, and Maine . [1991?]

    Physical Location: South Portland, Maine:

    1 vol. (various pagings); illus., tables.

  • 307

    Muscalus, John Anthony. Historic Jamestown and Pocahontas on Paper Money and Chapman Art . 1971.

    Physical Location: Bridgeport, Pa.: Historical Paper Money Research Institute,

    11 pp.; chiefly illus.

  • 308

    National Council of Women of the United States. National Council of Women of the United States: Report of Its Sixteenth Annual Executive, October 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1907, Jamestown, Va . 1907.

    Physical Location: The Council,

    108, iv pp.; illus.

    Edited by Frances E. Burns.

  • 309

    Neill, Edward D. The English Colonization of America during the Seventeenth Century . 1871.

    Physical Location: London: Strahan and Co.,

    X, 352 pp.

    Includes index.

  • 310

    ---. History of the Virginia Company of London, with Letters to and from the First Colony Never Before Printed . 1869.

    Physical Location: Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell,

    Xvi, 432 pp.

    An account of the Virginia Company based primarily on copies of its records which were transcribed at the time of its dissolution and which eventually were obtained by the Library of CongressIncludes index

    Reprint: New York, Burt Franklin, 1968.

  • 311

    ---. Virginia Carolorum: The Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, A.D.1625-A.D.1685, Based upon Manuscripts and Documents of the Period . 1886.

    Physical Location: Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell's Sons,

    446 pp.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index

    Facsimile reprint: Bowie, Md., Heritage Books, 1996.

  • 312

    Nellums, Marcus Elmo. Pioneer Planters of Virginia at Jamestown . 1951.

    [36] leaves.

    A paper for Freolae Club, Nashville, Tenn. TypescriptBibliography: [31-36].

  • 313

    Nesbitt, Marion Belt. Captain John Smith's Page . [1957].

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Lippincott,

    79 pp.; illus.

    Pictures by Douglas Goraline.

  • 314

    Neville, John D. Bacon's Rebellion: Abstracts of Materials in the Colonial Records Project . [1976?]

    Physical Location: Jamestown Foundation,

    Xv, 427 pp.

    Includes index.

  • 315

    New Jersey. Commission, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. The Official Souvenir, the New Jersey Commission to the Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Va., April 26th-November 30th, 1907 .

    Physical Location: [Vineland, N. J.: E. M. Jackson, 1907].

    32, xli, [1] pp.; illus.

  • 316

    New York (State). Commission, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Historical Exhibit of New York State at Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va., April 26-December 1, 1907: An Explanatory List of Articles, Replete with Chronological Material That Will Guide the Visitor and Furnish a Useful Reference to the Student of American History .

    Physical Location: [Albany: J. B. Lyon Co., State Printers, 1907].

    31 pp.; front., plates, portraits.

    Prepared by Cuyler Reynolds, director.

  • 317

    ---. New York at the Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, April 26 to December 1, 1907 . 1909.

    Physical Location: Albany: J. B. Lyon Co.,

    569 pp.; front., plates, portraits.

    Prepared by Cuyler Reynolds, historian.

  • 318

    No & euml;l Hume, Ivor. Here Lies Virginia: An Archaeologist's View of Colonial Life and History . 1994.

    Physical Location: Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,

    Xxiv, 352 pp.; illus., maps.

    The text of the 1963 edition (New York: Knopf) with a new preface and afterwordArtifacts and other evidence from archaeological excavations are used to give a rather informal account of colonial Virginia. One full chapter is devoted to Jamestown, with additional references to industry and crafts therePrincipal Sources: 333-41. Includes index.

  • 319

    ---. The Virginia Adventure, Roanoke to James Towne: An Archaeological and Historical Odyssey . 1994.

    Physical Location: New York: Alfred A. Knopf,

    Xxviii, 491 pp.; illus., maps.

    Interweaves contemporary accounts with descriptions of excavations and artifacts to reveal the motivations of the first adventurers to Roanoke and Jamestown and tell the story of how the English presence persisted in spite of bad luck, bad management, and bad relations with IndiansBibliography: 459-67. Includes index.

  • 320

    Norfolk and Western Railway Company. A Hand-book: Historic Virginia, Ye Birthplace of Ye Nation; Issued by Ye Norfolk & Western Railway, Ye Route to Ye Jamestown Exposition . [1906].

    [16] pp.; illus., maps (some col.)

  • 321

    Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants . 1934.

    Physical Location: Vol. 1: 1623-1666. Introduction by Robert Armistead Stewart. Richmond: Dietz Printing Co.,

    Xxxv, 767 pp.; illus., maps, chart.

    Contains abstracts of records in Virginia Land Office patent books 1 through 5. Mrs. Nugent, custodian of the Land Office from 1925 to 1958, had planned a series of five volumes covering the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Records in patent books 6 through 14 were abstracted, but they were not published until the Virginia State Library issued volumes 2 and 3 in 1977 and 1979 respectively.The introduction to volume 1 includes a list of those Ancient Planters known to have come to Virginia by the end of 1616, survived the 1622 massacre, and appeared in the 1624/5 muster as then living in Virginia.Several reprints: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1963-1991.

  • 322

    ---. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants . 1977-1979.

    Physical Location: Vol. 2: 1666-1695; vol. 3: 1695-1732. Richmond: Virginia State Library],

    Volume 2 contains abstracts of records in patent books 6, 7, and 8; volume 3 covers patent books 9 through 14

    In 1994 the Virginia Genealogical Society published volume 4: 1732-1741 (patent books 15 through 19) and volume 5: 1741-1749 (patent books 20 through 28). The Society plans to publish volumes 6 and 7 covering patent books 29 through 42 (1749-1774).

  • 323

    The Official Blue Book of the Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, A.D. 1907: The Only Authorized History of the Celebration . Norfolk: Colonial Publishing Co. 1909.

    Viii, 806 pp.; photos.

    Comprehensive coverage of exhibits, events, awards, and statisticsIncludes indexes.

  • 324

    Old Dominion Pilgrimage Committee. Pilgrimage to Jamestown Island and Colonial Homes of Virginia .

    Physical Location: [New York: Gilbert Printing Co., 1904].

    [32] pp.; illus.

  • 325

    Old Dominion Society of the City of New York. First Celebration of the Anniversary of the Settlement at Jamestown, Va., on the 13th of May, 1607 . 1860.

    Physical Location: New York: Pudney & Russell,

    109 pp.

    George W. Summers, orator.

  • 326

    Oldmixon, John. The British Empire in America, Containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present State of All the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America . 1708.

    Physical Location: London: J. Nicholson, B. Tooke,

    2 vols.; maps (by Herman Moll).

    Second edition: London, 1741, 2 vols.; reprint: New York, A. M. Kelley, 1969.

  • 327

    Order of First Families of Virginia, 1607-1620. Celebration Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary, Order of First Families of Virginia, 1607-1620, Jamestown, Virginia, May 12-13, 1962 .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Printed by Whittet & Shepperson, 1962].

    [16] pp.

  • 328

    Order of United Commercial Travelers of America. Old Dominion Council, No. 298 (Norfolk, Va.) Souvenir Celebrating the Eleventh Annual Session, Grand Council, Kentucky, Virginias, Maryland and District of Columbia, U. C. T. of America, Commemorating Jamestown Exposition .

    Physical Location: Norfolk: [1907, c. 1906].

    96 pp.; illus.

  • 329

    Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish (Worcester, Mass.) First Poles in America, in Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Their Landing at Jamestown, Virginia, October 1, 1608 . 1958.

    Physical Location: Worcester, Mass.: Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish and Associated Polish Societies,

    32 pp.; illus., portraits., facsim., map.

  • 330

    Page, Rosewell. First Permanent English Settlements in America . [192-?]

    8 pp.

    "Compliments of Colonial Dames of America in the state of Virginia."

  • 331

    Page, Thomas Nelson. The Old Dominion: Her Making and Her Manners . 1909.

    Physical Location: The Works of Thomas Nelson Page, vol. 13. New York: C. Scribner's Sons,

    Viii, 407 pp.; plates, col. illus.

    Contents include: The beginning of America; Jamestown, the birthplace of the American people; Colonial life.

  • 332

    Paine, Lauran. Captain John Smith and the Jamestown Story . [1973].

    Physical Location: New York: Hippocrene Books,

    206 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 200-201.

  • 333

    Pender, George L. The Early Settlement of Jamestown .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: W.T. Barron & Co., 1904?]
  • 334

    Pennsylvania. Jamestown Exposition Commission. Pennsylvania at the Jamestown Exposition, Hampton Roads, Va., 1907 . 1908.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: The Commission,

    360 pp.; illus., portraits, folded plan.

    Prepared by James H. Lambert, executive officer.

  • 335

    Pennsylvania Railroad. The Participation by the Pennsylvania Railroad System in the Jamestown Ter-centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, April 26th-November 30th, 1907 .

    Physical Location: [Philadelphia: 1907].

    [16] pp.; illus.

  • 336

    Percy, George. Observations Gathered out of "A Discourse on the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia by the English, 1606 ." [1967].

    Physical Location: Edited by David B. Quinn. Jamestown Documents. Charlottesville: Published for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities by the University Press of Virginia,

    Xv, 27 pp.

    First published in 1625 in vol. 4 of Purchas His Pilgrimes , compiled by Samuel Purchas. Apparently based on the author's lost journal for the period December 1606 to September 1607, called by Purchas A Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colony of Virginia by the English, 1606 .

  • 337

    Perry, William Stevens, ed. Papers Relating to the History of the Church in Virginia, A.D.1650-1776 . 1870.

    Xvii, 585 pp.

    Includes brief accounts of the fortifications at Jamestown in the 1690s and indications of ministers there in the early eighteenth centuryIncludes bibliographical references, and an index

    Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1969, as vol. 1 of Historical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church .

  • 338

    Peterson, Harold L. Arms and Armor in Colonial America, 1526-1783 . 1956.

    Physical Location: Harrisburg, Pa.: The Stackpole Co.,

    350 pp.; illus.

    The first section of the volume has separate chapters on firearms, ammunition and equipment, edged weapons, and armor during the age of colonization and exploration, 1526-1688. Included are references to equipment sent to Jamestown and items uncovered in recent excavationsBibliography: 337-45. Includes index.

  • 339

    Pocahontas Coal Operators Association. Pocahontas Coal Operators Association Exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va., 1907 .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: Burke & Gregory, Printers, 1907?]

    24 pp.

  • 340

    Posey, Jon Millar. The Descendants of John Thomas Who Came to Jamestown, Virginia, in the Year 1622: This Family Settled in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia . [197-?]

    Physical Location: North Augusta, S.C.: J.M. Posey,

    25 leaves.

    Includes index.

  • 341

    Powell, William Stevens. John Pory, 1572-1636: The Life and Letters of a Man of Many Parts . 1977.

    Physical Location: Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,

    Xviii, 187 pp.

    6 microfiches; plates, illusPory was in Virginia from 1619 to 1622, serving as Secretary of the Colony and Speaker of the first General Assembly, and again in 1624, as a member of a royal commission of inquiryIncludes bibliographic references, and indexes of the book and the microfiche supplementMicrofiche supplement (6 sheets, 393 pp.): "Letters and Other Minor Writings."The contents of the supplement are listed in the Appendix of the book.

  • 342

    Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. Committee on the Robert Hunt Memorial Fund. Robert Hunt Memorial .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk?: 1907?]

    [14] pp.; plates.

    An appeal for funds for the Robert Hunt Memorial, to be erected at Jamestown, 1907. Issued under the authority of the committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church, dioceses of Virginia and West Virginia. Preface signed: William W. Old, treasurer.

  • 343

    Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice. The Birth of the Nation: Jamestown, 1607 . 1907.

    Physical Location: New York: Macmillan,

    Xvi, 352 pp.; front., plates, portraits.

    Illustrations by William de Leftwich DodgeAlso published in 1911 by Grosset and Dunlap.

  • 344

    Pulaski County (Va.) Commission, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Pulaski County, Virginia: A Historic and Descriptive Sketch Designed to Show Forth the Natural Advantages, Resources and General Adaptability of the Banner County of Southwest Virginia, to Agriculture, Cattle Raising, and Also Commercial and Industrial Enterprises .

    Physical Location: Pulaski: Southwest Publishing Co., 1907. 96 pp.; illus.

    Published under the direction of the Committee in charge of the Pulaski County exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition of 1907.

  • 345

    Pullen, William Edward. A Virginia Genealogy: From Jamestown, Yorktown and Appomattox, to the Argonne, the Beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima, in the Annals of the Hilldrups, Guerrants and Their Allied Virginia Families . 1978.

    Physical Location: Hollywood, Fla.: Pullen,

    178 pp.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 346

    Purchas, Samuel, comp. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes, Contayning a History of the World, in Sea Voyages, and Lande Travells, by Englishmen and Others . 1625.

    Physical Location: London: For Henry Fetherston at ye signe of the rose in Pauls Churchyard,

    4 vols.; illus., maps.

    Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death. More since added, his also perused, and perfected. All examined, abreviated, illustrated with notes. Enlarged with discourses, adorned with pictures, and expressed in mapps. In fower parts. Each containing five bookes. [Title page]Reprint: Hakluyt Society Publications, extra ser., vols. 14-33; Glasgow, 1905-1907.

  • 347

    ---. Purchas His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions Observed in Al Ages and Places Discovered, from the Creation unto This Present. In Foure Parts: This First Contayneth a Theologicall and Geographicall Historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Ilands Adiacent... With Briefe Descriptions of the Countries, Nations, States, Discoveries, Private and Publike Customes, and the Most Remarkable Rarities of Nature, or Humane Industrie, in the Same . 1617.

    Physical Location: 3d ed. London: Printed by William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone,

    1102 pp.

    Material on Virginia appears in chapters V and VI of The Eighth Booke: America, pages 937-57, as follows:Chap. V: Of Virginia I. The Preface, Sir Walter Raleighs Plantation, and the Northerne ColonieII. Of the Southerne Plantation and Colonies, and Many Causes Alledged of the Ill Success Thereof at the First III. Of the Soile, People, Beasts, Commodities and Other Observations of Virginia IIII. Of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the English There ResidingChap. VI: Of the Religion and Rites of the Virginians [Indians] I. Of the Virginian Rites, Related by Master HariotII. Observations of Their Rites by Captaine Smith and Others III. Of the Sasquesahanockes, with Other, and Later Observations of the Virginian RitesAn index is appendedEarlier editions: 1613 and 1614

    The fourth edition (1626) is generally found as volume 1 or volume 5 of the author's Hakluytus Posthumus .

  • 348

    Quinn, David B. England and the Discovery of America, 1481-1620, from the Bristol Voyages of the Fifteenth Century to the Pilgrim Settlement at Plymouth: The Exploration, Exploitation, and Trial-and-Error Colonization of North America by the English . 1974.

    Physical Location: New York: Alfred A. Knopf,

    Xxiv, [516] pp.; maps, plates.

    A brief final chapter discusses the motives of the English investors in the Virginia Company Bibliography: 493-97. Includes index.

  • 349

    Rand McNally and Company. Description of the Jamestown Exposition, Celebrating the First Permanent English Settlement in America, Combined with a Complete Atlas of the World . [1907].

    Physical Location: Chicago: Rand, McNally,

    244 pp.; illus., col. maps.

  • 350

    Randolph, Edmund. History of Virginia . 1970.

    Physical Location: Edited by Arthur H. Shaffer. Charlottesville, Va.: Published for the Virginia Historical Society [by] the University Press of Virginia,

    Xliv, 347 pp.

    Randolph began collecting materials for his History in the 1780s, while he was governor, and had almost finished writing it when he died in 1813. The manuscript had been known and available to scholars at the Virginia Historical Society for many years before it was printed in 1970

    Much of the early part of the work consists of passages taken more or less verbatim from William Stith's history of Virginia... The editor has also added those portions of John Marshall's Life of Washington and David Hume's History of England that Randolph clearly intended to includeIncludes bibliographical references.

  • 351

    Rasmussen, William M. S., and Robert Steven Tilton. Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend . 1994.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Virginia Historical Society,

    56 pp.; illus.

    Published for an exhibition at the Virginia Historical Society, October 1994 through April 1995

    Includes bibliographical references: 52-56.

  • 352

    Reasons Why the Government Should Acquire a Portion of the Jamestown Exposition Grounds and Establish There a Naval Training Station . [19--].

    8 pp.

  • 353

    Reinhart, Theodore R., and Dennis J. Pogue, eds. The Archaeology of Seventeenth-Century Virginia . 1993.

    Physical Location: Special Publication, no. 30. [Courtland, Va.]: Archeological Society of Virginia,

    Ix, 402 pp.; illus.

    Papers originally presented at the 5th Symposium on Virginia Archaeology, sponsored by the Council of Virginia Archaeologists, Williamsburg, May 10-11, 1991

    Contents include: Seventeenth-century Virginia and its twentieth-century archaeologists, by Carter L. Hudgins; Private fortifications in seventeenth-century Virginia: A study of six representative works, by Charles T. Hodges; A scant urbanity: Jamestown in the seventeenth century, by Kathleen Bragdon, Edward Chappell, and William GrahamIncludes bibliographical references.

  • 354

    Report of the Proceedings of the Late Jubilee at James-town in Commemoration of the 13th May, the Second Centesimal Anniversary of the Settlement of Virginia; Containing the Order of Procession, the Prayer of Bishop Madison, the Orations, the Odes and Toasts; Together with the Proceedings at Williamsburg on the 15th, the Day When the Convention of Virginia Assembled in the Old Capitol, Declared Her Independent and Recommended a Similar Procedure to Congress and to the Other States . 1807.

    Physical Location: Petersburg, Va.: Wm. F. M'Laughlin,

    48 pp.

  • 355

    Reps, John William. 1972.

    Physical Location: Tidewater Towns: City Planning in Colonial Virginia and Maryland. Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation,

    Xii, 345 pp.

    illus., mapsArgues that town planning played an important role in colonization and discusses the forms and designs used in planning colonial towns. Included is coverage of efforts to encourage the development of Jamestown and other Virginia townsBibliography: 321-28. Includes index.

  • 356

    Richmond-Jamestown Festival Committee. Report, December 31, 1957 .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: 1957].

    [44] leaves.

  • 357

    Richmond Times-Dispatch. Jamestown, 1607-1957: The Jamestown Festival, April 1 through November 30

    Physical Location: [Special Supplement, March 31, 1957, Section E].

    84 pp.

    illus., map.

  • 358

    Riggs, David F. Embattled Shrine: Jamestown in the Civil War . 1997.

    Physical Location: Shippensburg, Pa.: White Mane Publishing Co.,

    Xii, 212 pp.; illus., maps.

    Bibliography: 178-96. Includes index.

  • 359

    Riley, Edward M., and Charles E. Hatch, Jr., eds. James Towne in the Words of Contemporaries . 1955.

    Physical Location: National Park Service Source Book Series, no. 5. Washington:

    Iv, 36 pp.; illus., portraits.

    "...a presentation of excerpts and selections from records, laws, accounts, and descriptions made by men who lived in, or were associated with, 'James Towne'". [Introduction]Bibliography: 35-36

    Previous edition: Washington, National Park Service, 1944.

  • 360

    Robertson, Wyndham. Pocahontas, Alias Matoaka, and Her Descendants through Her Marriage at Jamestown, Virginia, in April, 1614, with John Rolfe, Gentleman; Including the Names of Alfriend, Archer, Bentley, Bernard, Bland, Bolling, Branch, Cabell, Catlett, Cary, Dandridge, Dixon, Douglas, Duval, Eldridge, Ellett, Ferguson, Field, Fleming, Gay, Gordon, Griffin, Grayson, Harrison, Hubard, Lewis, Logan, Markham, Meade, McRae, Murray, Page, Poythress, Randolph, Robertson, Skipwith, Stanard, Tazewell, Walke, West, Whittle, and Others . 1887.

    Physical Location: Richmond: J. W. Randolph & English,

    Vii, 84 pp.; front., plates.

    ...with Biographical Sketches by Wyndham Robertson, and Illustrative Historical Notes by R. A. BrockIndex published separately: Burns, Pocahontas Blood, Being an Index ..., 1983 (ENTRY 126).Various reprints, including Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993

    For corrections and additions, see Brown and Myers, Pocahontas' Descendants: A Revision ... (ENTRY 113).

  • 361

    Robinson, Sam. The Mother-in-Law Tree .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Printed for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities by Whittet and Shepperson, 1957?]

    [5] pp.; illus.

    Sam Robinson was the Sexton at the Jamestown church.

  • 362

    Robinson, Walter Stitt. Mother Earth: Land Grants in Virginia, 1607-1699 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 12. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    77 pp.; plates.

    Bibliography: 75-77

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1980; Baltimore, For Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.

  • 363

    Rolfe, John. A True Relation of the State of Virginia Lefte by Sir Thomas Dale, Knight, in May Last 1616 . [1971].

    Physical Location: Jamestown Documents. Charlottesville: Published for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities by the University Press of Virginia,

    Xliv, 15 pp.

    Earlier printings: 1) Southern Literary Messenger 5 (1839): 401-6; 2) Virginia Historical Register 1 (1848): 101-13; 3) Edited by J. C. Wylie, F. L. Berkeley, Jr., and John M. Jennings, New Haven, 1951.

  • 364

    Rosbotham, Lyle. Jamestown Island: Photographs . 1976.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Rosbotham,

    [55] pp.; chiefly col. illus.

  • 1204

    Rountree, Helen C. Pocahontas's People: The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through Four Centuries . 1990.

    Physical Location: Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,

    Xii, 404 pp.; illus., maps.

    Bibliography: 363-87. Includes index.

  • 365

    ---. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture . 1989.

    Physical Location: Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,

    Viii, 221 pp.; illus., maps.

    A description of the Indian culture encountered by the Jamestown colonists, based mainly on archaeology and such early accounts as those of John Smith, William Strachey, Henry Spelman, George Percy, and Gabriel ArcherBibliography: 194-206. Includes index.

  • 366

    Rowsey, Robert N., . The Glorious March to the Sea: A Story of the Record-breaking March of One Hundred and Thirty-Four Miles in Five Days by the Richmond Howitzers to the Jamestown Exposition, June, 1907 . [1907?]

    Physical Location: Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson,

    106 pp.; illus.

  • 367

    Rutherford, Mildred Lewis. Facts and Figures vs. Myths and Misrepresentations: The True History of the Jamestown Colony . [192-].

    Physical Location: Athens, Ga.:

    24 pp.

    Bibliography: [2].

  • 368

    Ryan, Thomas Fortune. The London Company of Virginia: A Brief Account of Its Transactions in Colonizing Virginia, with Photogravures of the More Prominent Leaders Reproduced from the Collection of Historical Portraits at Oakridge, Nelson County, Virginia, Secured for Exhibition at the Jamestown Exposition . 1908.

    Physical Location: New York and London: [De Vinne Press],

    21, [46] pp.; portraits.

    Introduction signed by James Taylor Ellyson.

  • 369

    Sams, Conway Whittle. The Conquest of Virginia: The Forest Primeval; An Account, Based on Original Documents, of the Indians in That Portion of the Continent in Which Was Established the First English Colony in America . 1916.

    Physical Location: New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons,

    Xxiii, 432 pp.; illus., maps.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 370

    ---. The Conquest of Virginia: The Second Attempt; An Account, Based on Original Documents, of the Attempt, under the King's Form of Government, to Found Virginia at Jamestown, 1606-1610 . 1929.

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Keyser-Doherty Printing Corp.,

    Xlix, 916 pp.; illus., plates, portraits, maps, plans.

    Includes bibliographical referencesReprint: Spartanburg, S.C., Reprint Co., 1973.

  • 371

    ---. The Conquest of Virginia: The Third Attempt, 1610-1624 . 1939.

    Physical Location: New York:

    824 pp.

  • 372

    Scheeps-togt van Anthony Chester na Virginia, gedaan in het jaar 1620, beschreeven door een voornaam reysiger, die dese togt mede gedaan heest . (Voyage of Anthony Chester to Virginia, Made in the Year 1620, Narrated by a Distinguished Passenger, Who Participated in This Expedition). 1707.

    Physical Location: Leyden: Pieter Vander Aa,

    15 pp.; folded plates.

    Translation in William and Mary Quarterly 9 (1901): 203-14.

  • 373

    Shea, William L. The Virginia Militia in the Seventeenth Century . 1983.

    Physical Location: Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,

    Xi, 152 pp.; 2 maps.

    A study of the militia's role in the military defense and internal affairs of Virginia in the seventeenth century, including confrontations with the Indians, two raids by the Dutch navy, and Bacon's RebellionBibliography: 141-48. Includes index.

  • 374

    Shiner, Joel Lewis. Report on Archeological Excavations in the Area of the State House Group in the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities Ground (Jamestown National Historic Site) at Jamestown . 1955.

    Physical Location: Colonial National Historical Park Research Project, no. 105. [Jamestown]:

    9 pp.; maps, plates.


  • 375

    Short, Jo Stallings. A Stallings Family History from Jamestown, Virginia, to Albemarle, North Carolina . 1984.

    Physical Location: [Burlington, N.C.: J.S. Short],

    Xi, 89 pp.; illus., maps.

    Bibliography: 84-86. Includes index.

  • 376

    Simpson, Edith Jenkins. The Stegall Family of Pontotoc County, Mississippi, from 1735, Jamestown, Virginia, to 1991, Pontotoc County, Mississippi . 1991.

    Physical Location: Tupelo, Miss.:

    662 pp.; illus.

    Includes index

    Supplement , by Charline Roye Henderson and Edith Jenkins Simpson; Tupelo, Miss., 1992; 160 pp., illus., includes index.

  • 377

    Simpson, William S. Biographical Data on the Original 104 Settlers Who Landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in May 1607 . 1968.

    Physical Location: Richmond:

    13 leaves.

    Photocopy of typescriptBibliography: 13.

  • 378

    Smith, Gloria L. Colonial Interiors: Lesser-known Histories of Early Virginia Colonies of Jamestown, Middle Plantation, Williamsburg, and Martin's Hundred (Carter's Grove Plantation); Cultural and Technical Diversity at Work . 1992.

    Physical Location: Rev. ed. Tucson, Ariz.: The Author,

    66 leaves; illus.

    Includes bibliographical referencesOriginal edition: 1990.

  • 379

    Smith, James Morton, ed. Seventeenth-Century America: Essays in Colonial History . 1959.

    Physical Location: Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press,

    Xv, 238 pp.

    Essays based on papers read at the Symposium on Seventeenth-Century Colonial History, a commemorative event sponsored by the Institute of Early American History and Culture to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement, Williamsburg, April 7-12, 1957

    Contents include: The moral and legal justifications for dispossessing the Indians, by Wilcomb E. Washburn; Indian cultural adjustment to European civilization, by Nancy Oestreich Lurie; Social origins of some early Americans, by Mildred Campbell; Politics and social structure in Virginia, by Bernard Bailyn; Seventeenth-century English historians of America, by Richard S. Dunn.Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 380

    Smith, John. Capt. John Smith of Willoughby by Alford, Lincolnshire, President of Virginia and Admiral of New England: Works, 1608-1631 . 1884.

    Physical Location: Edited by Edward Arber. The English Scholar's Library, no. 16. Birmingham:

    Cxxxvi, 984 pp.; maps, facsim.

    Smith's works which deal with Virginia include1) A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as Hath Hapned in Virginia since the First Planting of That Collony (1608);2) A Map of Virginia, with a Description of the Countrey (1612), with its second part,3) The Proceedings of the English Colonie in Virginia since Their First Beginning from England in the Yeare of Our Lord 1606, till This Present 1612;4) The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles..., Divided into Sixe Bookes (1624), Books 2 and 3 of which are reprints, with variations, of A Map of Virginia and The Proceedings of the English Colony in Virginia , and Book 4 is a continuation of the history of Virginia from the time Smith left it until 1624;5) The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine John Smith (1630), which is predominantly about the early years of Smith's life before his Virginia voyage, but which includes a short account of Virginia events from 1624 to 1629

    Edward Arber's introduction to this compilation of Smith's works includes the texts of several "Illustrative Documents," such asa) "A Relatyon of the Discovery of Our River, from James Forte into the Maine..., Sincerely Writen and Observed by a Gent. of Ye Colony" [possibly Gabriel Archer], covering the period from May 21 to June 22, 1607;b) "Observations Gathered out of 'A Discourse of the Plantation of the Southerne Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606', Written by That Honorable Gentleman, Master George Percy," taken from Samuel Purchas's Pilgrimes ;c) "A Discourse of Virginia," by Edward Maria Wingfield (1608);d) "Relation of Virginea," by Henry Spelman (1613)Later edition: Travels and Works of Captain John Smith , Edinburgh, 1910, 2 vols., with a new introduction by A. G. Bradley.

  • 381

    ---. Captain John Smith: A Select Edition of His Writings . 1988.

    Physical Location: Edited by Karen Ordahl Kupperman. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press,

    290 pp.

  • 382

    ---. The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580-1631) in Three Volumes . 1986.

    Physical Location: Edited by Philip L. Barbour. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press,

    1986. 3 vols.; illus., maps.

    A complete and annotated edition of all Smith's works, including some omitted by Arber. Includes a biographical directory of Elizabethan and Jacobean persons with some connection to Smith, a brief biography of Smith, a facsimile of the original printing of the True Relation, and an index

    Bibliography (prepared by David B. Quinn): vol. 3, 393-433.

  • 383

    ---. The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles, with the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from Their First Beginning, Ano: 1584, to This Present 1624, with the Proceedings of Those Severall Colonies and the Accidents That Befell Them in All Their Journyes and Discoveries; Also the Maps and Descriptions of All Those Countryes, Their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and Religion Yet Knowne; Divided into Sixe Bookes . 1624.

    Physical Location: London: Printed by I. D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes,

    248 pp.; plates, maps.

    Books 2 and 3 are reprints, with variations, of A Map of Virginia and The Proceedings of the English Colony in Virginia . Book 4 is a continuation of the history of Virginia from the time Smith left it until 1624

    Facsimile edition: Cleveland, 1966, with an introduction by A. L. Rowse and bibliographical notes by Robert O. Dougan.

  • 384

    ---. A Map of Virginia, with a Description of the Countrey, the Commodities, People, Government and Religion, Written by Captaine Smith, Sometimes Governor of the Countrey; Whereunto Is Annexed the Proceedings of Those Colonies, Since Their First Departure from England, with the Discourses, Orations, and Relations of the Salvages, and the Accidents That Befell Them in All Their Journies and Discoveries, Taken Faithfully As They Were Written out of the Writings of Doctor Russell, Tho. Studley, Anas Todkill, Ieffra Abot, Richard Wiefin, Will. Phettiplace, Nathaniel Powell, Richard Pots, and the Relations of Divers Other Diligent Observers There Present Then, and Now Many of Them in England . 1612.

    Physical Location: Oxford: Printed by Joseph Barnes,

    39, 110 pp.; map.

    The second part has a special title page: The Proceedings of the English Colonie in Virginia since Their First Beginning from England in the Yeare of Our Lord 1606 till This Present 1612 ...

  • 385

    ---. The Settlement of Jamestown .

    Physical Location: Old South Leaflets [General Series, vol. 7], no. 167. [Boston: Directors of the Old South Work, 1906].

    20 pp.

    From Smith's General History of Virginia . Extracts on Capt. Smith and the Jamestown colony from Edward Arber: 18-20.

  • 386

    ---. A True Relation of Such Occurences and Accidents of Noate as Hath Hapned in Virginia since the First Planting of That Collony, Which is Now Resident in the South Part Thereof, till the Laste Returne from Thence . 1608.

    Physical Location: London: Printed for Iohn W.W.,

    [44] pp.

    Running title: Newes from VirginiaReprints: 1) Boston, Wiggin and Lunt, 1866; with an introduction and notes by Charles Deane; 2) New York, A. Lovell, 1896; American History Leaflets, vol. 2, no. 27; 3) Smith, Travels and Works ..., ed. by Arber, vol. 1, 1-40; 4) Tyler, Narratives of Early Virginia , 25-71.

  • 387

    ---. The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629: His Accidents and Sea-fighte in the Straights, His Services and Stratagems of Warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia; Together with a Continuation of His Generall History of Virginia, Summer-Iles, New England, and Their Proceedings, since 1624 to This Present 1629 . 1630.

    Physical Location: London: J. H. for Thomas Slater,
  • 388

    Smithsonian Institution. The Exhibits of the Smithsonian Institution and United States National Museum at the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, Norfolk, Virginia, 1907 . 1907.

    Physical Location: Washington: Judd and Detweiler,

    71 pp.; front., plates.

  • 389

    Snyder, William C. Wild Animals of Jamestown Island . 1991.

    Physical Location: [Williamsburg]:

    60 pp.; illus.

    Illustrated by Michelle Dye.

  • 390

    Snyder, William C., and Jerry Ellis. Wildlife Neighbors of the Williamsburg Area: Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown . 1981.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Williamsburg Publishing Co.,

    100 pp.; col. illus.

    Illustrated by Jerry Ellis.

  • 391

    Society of the Lees of Virginia. The Lees of Virginia: Descendants of Richard Lee and Anna Constable, Who Came to Jamestown in 1639 . 1967.

    Physical Location: Arlington, Va.: The Society,

    Iv, 13 pp.; illus.

  • 392

    Southern Female College (Petersburg, Va.) Souvenir Booklet of Southern Female College, Petersburg, Virginia: Jamestown Exhibit in College Building, Exposition Grounds (next to Auditorium); Vestibule Exhibit from College Collections of Ceramics and Pictures; Booth Exhibit from College Collections of Rare Books and Engravings; Student Groups and Views . [23] pp.; illus.

    Physical Location: [Petersburg? Va.: 1907].
  • 393

    Spectre, Peter H., David Larkin, and Paul Rocheleau. A Goodly Ship: The Building of the Susan Constant . 1992.

    Physical Location: Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

    96 pp.; col. illus.

  • 394

    Spencer, John Blair. An Illustrated Historical Sketch of Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown .

    Physical Location: [Petersburg, Va.: The Franklin Press, 1907].

    [48] pp.; illus.

    Cover title: Souvenir guide, Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown, 1607-1907.

  • 395

    Spillman, Jane Shadel. Glassmaking, America's First Industry . 1976.

    Physical Location: Corning, N.Y.: Corning Museum of Glass,

    35 pp.; illus., diagrams, maps.

    A brief history of glassmaking in America from the first factory at Jamestown to the present. Examples from the Corning Museum of Glass illustrate the textIncludes a bibliography.

  • 396

    Stanard, Mary Newton. Jamestown and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities . [1904?]

    Physical Location: Richmond: Printed for the Society by W. E. Jones

    8 pp.; [1] leaf of plates.

  • 397

    ---. The Story of Bacon's Rebellion . 1907.

    Physical Location: New York: Neale Publishing Co.,

    181 pp.

    Original sources: 171-81.

  • 398

    ---. The Story of Virginia's First Century . 1928.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co.,

    331 pp.; front., plates, portraits, facsim.

    Includes index.

  • 399

    Stanard, William Glover, comp. Notes on a Journey to Jamestown .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1905].

    16 pp.

    Other versions: 1) N.d., 20 pp.; 2) Notes of [on] a Journey on the James, Together with a Guide to Old Jamestown , including the poem "Westward, Ho!" by Charles Washington Coleman, [1907, 1913], 24 pp. and 23 pp. respectively; 3) Including the guide and the poem, published by Whittet & Shepperson, n.d., 44 pp.; 4) New edition, including the guide and the poem, published by Whittet & Shepperson, 1929, 45 pp.

  • 400

    Stith, William. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia, Being an Essay Towards a General History of This Colony . 1747.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Printed by William Parks,

    Viii, 331, 34 pp.

    The first history of the early years of the colony based on extensive documentation. Stith, a minister and future President of the College of William and Mary, relied mainly on John Smith's writings and the copies of Virginia Company records then in the possession of William Byrd. The emphasis, therefore, is on the years 1607 to 1609 and 1619 to 1624, when the narrative ends. Stith champions John Smith and supports the Sandys-Farrar faction of the Virginia Company against the villainous Sir Thomas Smith and James IThe appendix is separately paged and has its own title page: "An Appendix to the First Part of the History of Virginia, Containing a Collection of Such Ancient Charters or Letters Patent, As Relate to That Period of Time..." Included are the three charters of the Virginia Company and the Company's July 1621 "Ordinance and Constitution...for a Council of State and General Assembly."Reprint, with a new introduction by Darrett B. Rutman: New York, Johnson Reprint Co., 1969.

  • 401

    Stoner, Winifred Sackville. Old Jamestown: A Glance at Its History, Past and Present .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: 1904].

    14 pp.

  • 402

    Strachey, William. For the Colony in Virginea Britannia; Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall, Etc . [1969].

    Physical Location: Jamestown Documents. Charlottesville: Published for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities by the University Press of Virginia,

    Xxxviii, 101 pp.

    Edited by David H. FlahertyReprint of the 1612 edition, which is also published in Force's Tracts (ENTRY 172).

  • 403

    ---. The Historie of Travell into Virginia Britania [1612] . 1953.

    Physical Location: Edited by Louis B. (Louis Booker) Wright and Virginia Freund. Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society, 2d ser., vol. 103. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society,

    Xxxii, 221 pp.; maps, facsim.

    "The text is intended to be an exact transcript of the Princeton MS, with original spelling and punctuation retained."The title page from the manuscript: "The First Booke of the First Decade, Conteyning the Historie of travell into Virginia Britania, expressing the Cosmographie, and Commodities of the Countrie, together with the Qualities, Customes, and Manners of the naturall Inhabitants, in part gathered, and obteyned, from the industrious and faithful Obseruations, and Commentaries of the first Planters and elder Discouerers; and in parte obserued, by William Strachey gent, three yeeres thether imployed, and sometyme Secretary, and of Counsaile..." Includes a vocabulary of the Powhatan dialect of the Algonquian language spoken by the Indians in the Jamestown region. Also includes an index

    Published previously (1849) by the Hakluyt Society as The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia , edited by R. H. Major, from the manuscript in the British Museum.

  • 404

    Sulgrave Institution. International Celebration at Norfolk, Virginia, October Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, 1920, Celebrating the Three Hundred and First Anniversary of the First American Legislative Assembly, Held at Jamestown, Virginia, July 30th, 1619 . [1920?]

    Physical Location: Norfolk: Keyser-Doherty Printing Corp.,

    41 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 405

    Sussex County (Va.) Board of Supervisors. Sussex County, Virginia, the "Homeseeker's Paradise": A Guide to Homeseekers and Investors . 1907.

    19 pp.; illus.

    Compiled principally by William B. co*cke, one of the Sussex County Commissioners to the Jamestown Exposition On cover: Jamestown Exposition, 1907.

  • 1223

    Swem, Earl Gregg. Virginia Historical Index . 1934-36.

    Physical Location: Roanoke, Va.: Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co.,

    2 vols. in 4.

    Indexes seven Virginia historical publications: Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; William and Mary Quarterly; Tyler's Quarterly; Virginia Historical Register; Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, Antiquary; Hening's Statutes at Large; and Calendar of Virginia State PapersReprint: Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith, 1965.

  • 1224

    Swem, Earl Gregg. Virginia Historical Index . 1943.

    Physical Location: Roanoke, Va.: Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co.,

    Indexes seven Virginia historical publications: Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; William and Mary Quarterly; Tyler's Quarterly; Virginia Historical Register; Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, Antiquary; Hening's Statutes at Large; and Calendar of Virginia State Papers1180 pp.

  • 406

    Swem, Earl Gregg, ed. The Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets . [1957].

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    23 vols; illus., portraits, maps (some folded).

    1. A selected bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699, by E. G. Swem and J. M. Jennings; 2. A Virginia chronology, by W. W. Abbott; 3. John Smith's map of Virginia, by B. C. McCary; 4. The three Charters of the Virginia Company of London; 5. The Virginia Company of London, by W. F. Craven; 6. The first seventeen years, Virginia, 1607-1624, by C. E. Hatch, Jr.; 7. Virginia under Charles I and Cromwell, by W. E. Washburn; 8. Bacon's rebellion, 1676, by T. J. Wertenbaker; 9. Struggle against tyranny, by R. L. Morton; 10. Religious life of Virginia in the seventeenth century, by G. M. Brydon; 11. Virginia architecture in the seventeenth century, by H. C. Forman; 12. Mother Earth; land grants in Virginia, by W. S. Robinson, Jr.; 13. The bounty of the Chesapeake, by J. Wharton; 14. Agriculture in Virginia, by L. Carrier; 15. Reading, writing, and arithmetic in Virginia, by S. M. Ames; 16. The government of Virginia in the seventeenth century, by T. J. Wertenbaker; 17. Domestic life in Virginia in the seventeenth century, by A. L. Jester; 18. Indians in seventeenth-century Virginia, by B. C. McCary; 19. How justice grew, Virginia counties, by M. W. Hiden; 20. Tobacco in colonial Virginia, by M. Herndon; 21. Medicine in Virginia, by T. P. Hughes; 22. Some notes on shipbuilding and shipping in colonial Virginia, by C. W. Evans; 23. A pictorial booklet on early Jamestown commodities and industries, by J. P. Hudson. (Most of these titles have separate entries in this bibliography.)

  • 407

    Swem, Earl Gregg, and John Melville Jennings. A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 1. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    72 pp.; facsims.

    Reprint: Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1994.

  • 408

    Swindler, William Finley. Government by the People: Theory and Reality in Virginia . [1969].

    Physical Location: Jamestown Essays on Representation. Charlottesville: Published for the Jamestown Foundation of the Commonwealth of Virginia by the University Press of Virginia,

    70 pp.

  • 409

    Symonds, William. Virginia: A Sermon Preached at White-Chappel, in the Presence of Many, Honourable and Worshipfull, the Adventurers and Planters for Virginia, 25 April 1609, Published for the Benefit and Use of the Colony, Planted, and To Bee Planted There, and for the Advancement of Their Christian Purpose . 1609.

    Physical Location: London: Printed by I. Windet for Eleazar Edgar and William Welby,

    54 pp.

    Reprint: New York, Da Capo Press, 1968.

  • 410

    Symposium on Colonial Medicine (1957: Richmond, Va.) Symposium on Colonial Medicine in Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of the Settlement of Virginia: Papers . 1957.

    Physical Location: Williamsburg: The Jamestown-Williamsburg-Yorktown Celebration Commission and the Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission,

    72 pp.

    By George N. Clark [and others]. "Reprinted from the Bulletin of the History of Medicine 31, no. 5 (September-October 1957)." Includes bibliographical references.

  • 411

    Tayloe, Mary Rutherford Hughes. Jamestown to Charles Town: Descendants of Robert Beheathland and Allied Families . 1985.

    Physical Location: [Charles Town, W.Va.?]:

    V, 193 pp.

    Includes bibliographies, and an index.

  • 412

    Taylor , L. B., Jr. The Ghosts of Virginia . 1993.

    Physical Location: [Williamsburg]: Progress Printing Co.,

    Xvi, 385 pp.; illus.

    The first two stories are set in Jamestown. One describes a twentieth-century sighting of early settlers; the other tells of the "curse tree" or "mother-in-law tree" that separated the graves of James Blair and his wife Sarah Harrison in the Jamestown cemetery.

  • 413

    Thomas, W. F. Illustrated Sightseeing Guide to Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News, and Jamestown Exposition . [1907].

    Physical Location: Norfolk: W. F. Thomas,

    96 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 414

    Three Hundredth Anniversary of the First Law Making Body on the Western Hemisphere, Which Convened at Jamestown, July 30, 1619; Celebration Held in House of Delegates, Richmond, August 15, 1919 . [1919].

    [8] pp.; illus., portraits.

  • 415

    Torrence, William C. A Trial Bibliography of Colonial Virginia . 1908-1910.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Virginia State Library,

    2 vols.

  • 416

    Travelers Protective Association of America. Virginia Division. Post B, Norfolk. Historical and Commercial History of the State of Virginia . 1907.

    Physical Location: Roanoke, Va.: Press of the Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co.,

    288 pp.; portraits, facsims., col. plates.

    At head of title: Jamestown Edition, 1607-1907

    Compiled and edited by T. Edgar Harvey.

  • 417

    Travis, Robert J. The Travis (Travers) Family and Its Allies . 1954.

    Physical Location: Savannah, Ga.:

    Viii, 194 pp.; plates.

    Discusses briefly Edward Travis, the immigrant, and his descendantsIncludes index.

  • 418

    Trenton State College (now College of New Jersey). Colonial America Class. Journal: Trip to Williamsburg, Jamestown and Stratford Hall, May 9-11, 1960 . [1960?]

    Physical Location: Trenton, N.J.: The College,

    39 leaves; illus.

    Class trip under the direction of Helen M. Carpenter and Margaret O'Connell.

  • 419

    True, Ransom B. Jamestown: A Guide to Old Town . 1983.

    Physical Location: Research Bulletin, 2. Richmond: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities,

    [67] pp.; illus.

  • 420

    ---. Up and Down the James: An Historical and Contemporary Guide to Places and Life along the James River from Richmond to Hampton Roads, Virginia . 1984.

    Physical Location: Research Bulletin, 3. Jamestown: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities,

    32 leaves; plates.

  • 421

    A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia, with a Confutation of Such Scandalous Reports as Have Tended to the Disgrace of So Worthy an Enterprise . 1610.

    Physical Location: London: Printed for William Barret,

    68 pp.

    Published by advise and direction of the Councell of VirginiaThe text is also published in Force's Tracts (ENTRY 172).

  • 422

    Tucker, Terry. Bermuda, Unintended Destination, 1609-1610; Containing All the Contemporary Accounts and Bermuda's Earliest Maps, with Modern Comments, and Research on the Personalities Involved . 1968.

    Physical Location: [Hamilton]: Tucker,

    92 pp.; illus.

  • 423

    Turman, Nora Miller. George Yeardley, Governor of Virginia and Organizer of the General Assembly in 1619 . 1959.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Garrett and Massie,

    192 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 175. Includes index.

  • 424

    Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. The Cradle of the Republic: Jamestown and James River . 1906.

    Physical Location: 2d ed. Richmond: Hermitage Press,

    Vii, 286 pp.; plates, illus., maps.

    Includes index

    First edition: Richmond, Whittet & Shepperson, 1900.

  • 425

    ---, ed. Narratives of Early Virginia, 1606-1625 . Original Narratives of Early American History. 1907.

    Physical Location: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,

    Xv, 478 pp.; map, facsim.

    Contents: Observations by Master George Percy, 1607; A True Relation, by Captain John Smith, 1608; Description of Virginia and Proceedings of the Colonie, by Captain John Smith, 1612; The Relation of the Lord De-La-Ware, 1611; Letter of Don Diego de Molina, 1613; Letter of Father Pierre Biard, 1614; Letter of John Rolfe, 1614; Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly, 1619; Letter of John Pory, 1619; Generall Historie of Virginia by Captain John Smith, 1624, The Fourth Booke; The Virginia Planters' Answer to Captain Butler, 1623; The Tragical Relation of the Virginia Assembly, 1624; The Discourse of the Old Company, 1625.

  • 426

    ---. Propaganda in History . 1921.

    Physical Location: 2d, rev. ed. Richmond: Richmond Press,

    20 pp.

    A discussion of selected myths in American historiography, including those involving the settlement of the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies and the character of Abraham Lincoln First edition published in 1920.

  • 427

    U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Norfolk District. Reconnaissance Report: Jamestown Island Seawall, James City County, Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: 1971].

    42 leaves in various foliations; illus.

  • 428

    U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library. 1909,

    Physical Location: Monument to Pocahontas at Jamestown, Va.: Report to Accompany S. 4453. 60th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rept. 1970.

    4 pp.

  • 429

    U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Lands and Surveys. Creating the Colonial National Monument, Va .

    Physical Location: 71st Cong., 3d sess., 1931, S. Rept. 1724.

    2 pp.

  • 430

    U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Library. Monument to Pocahontas at Jamestown, Va.: Report to Accompany S. 2118 .

    Physical Location: 62d Cong., 3d Sess., 1912, S. Rept. 1073.

    3 pp.

  • 431

    U.S. Jamestown Ter-centennial Commission. Final Report of the Jamestown Ter-centennial Commission; Message from the President of the United States Transmitting the Final Report...; Embodying Reports of Various Officers of the Jamestown Exposition, Held at Norfolk, Virginia, in 1907 .

    Physical Location: 60th Cong., 2d sess., 1909, S. Doc. 735.

    160 pp.; plates (1 folded), plans.

    George B. Cortelyou, chairman.

  • 432

    U.S. Jamestown-Williamsburg-Yorktown Celebration Commission. The 350th Anniversary of Jamestown, 1607-1957: Final Report to the President and Congress . 1958.

    Physical Location: Washington:

    Xi, 204 pp.; illus., portraits, diagram.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 1206

    U.S. National Park Service. General Management Plan: Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia . 1993.

    Physical Location: Denver: Denver Service Center,

    Vii, 87 pp.; illus., maps.

    Bibliography: 83-86.

  • 435

    ---. Jamestown Colonial National Historical Park .

    Physical Location: [Denver: Denver Service Center, 1974].

    42 pp.; illus., maps.

    On cover: Interpretive prospectusConsultant: Gordon Hilker.

  • 1205

    ---. Joint Management Plan for Jamestown: Initial Concepts, February 1996 . 1996.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Chesapeake System Support Office,

    25 pp.; map.

    On cover: Interpretive prospectusConsultant: Gordon Hilker.

  • 436

    U.S. Navy. The United States Navy, Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the Settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, Presents the International Naval Review and Fleet Week, June 8-17, 1957, Hampton Roads, Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Norfolk: n.d.]

    [16] pp.; illus.

    Cover title: International Naval Review, Hampton Roads, Virginia, 8-17 June 1957.

  • 437

    U.S. Navy. Atlantic Fleet. Amphibious Training Command. International Naval Review, 12 June, 1957: Report of Operations of Command Information Bureau 21, Naval Review Information Bureau . [1957?]

    Physical Location: Norfolk: The Bureau,

    1 vol. (various pagings).

    "Planning Phase...10 January 1957 to 30 April 1957" and "Operational Phase...1 May 1957 to 17 June 1957" are bound with The United States Navy, Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the Settlement of Jamestown, Virginia ... (ENTRY 436).

  • 438

    University of Virginia. Catalogue of Exhibits at the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, 1607-1907 . 1907.

    Physical Location: Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press,

    15 pp.

  • 439

    Vaughan, Alden T. American Genesis: Captain John Smith and the Founding of Virginia . 1975.

    Physical Location: Library of American Biography, edited by Oscar Handlin. Boston: Little, Brown,

    Ix, 207 pp.; illus.

    A Note on the Sources: 191-200

    Includes index.

  • 440

    Vaughan, Jack Chapline. Jamestowne . 1990.

    Physical Location: Vaughan's Southern Histories, vol. 1. Little Rock, Ark.: Vaughan,

    Xv, 240 pp.; plates, illus.

    Includes index.

  • 441

    Virginia. 350th Anniversary Commission. The Jamestown Festival Plans for a National Celebration in 1957 . n.d.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Printed by Whittet & Shepperson,

    11 pp.; illus.

  • 442

    ---. The United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia Present the Jamestown Festival, Celebrating America's 350th Birthday . [1957].

    Physical Location: [Richmond]: The Commission,

    45, [3] pp.; illus.

    Edited by Parke Rouse, Jr.

  • 443

    Virginia. Council. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia . 1925-1966.

    Physical Location: Edited by H. R. McIlwaine. Richmond: Virginia State Library,

    6 vols.

    Volume 1 (1680-1699) contains records from the period when the Council was meeting at Jamestown. In 1680 the Council began to hold separate sessions for the transaction of different kinds of business. For Council records prior to 1680, see Minutes of the Council and General Court ... (ENTRY 445)Volume 5 was edited by Wilmer L. Hall, volume 6 by Benjamin J. Hillman.

  • 444

    ---. Legislative Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia . 1918-1919.

    Physical Location: Edited by H. R. McIlwaine. Richmond: [The Colonial Press],

    3 vols.

    Volume 1 (1680-1714) contains records from the period when the Council was meeting at Jamestown. In 1680 the Council began to hold separate sessions for the transaction of different kinds of business. For Council records prior to 1680, see Minutes of the Council and General Court ... (ENTRY 445)Reprint, in one volume, with a new preface: Richmond, Virginia State Library, 1979.

  • 445

    ---. Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia, 1622-1632, 1670-1676, with Notes and Excerpts from Original Council and General Court Records, into 1683, Now Lost . 1924.

    Physical Location: Edited by H. R. McIlwaine. Richmond: [The Colonial Press],

    Xii, 593 pp.; facsims.

    In 1680 the Council began to hold separate sessions for the transaction of different kinds of business. See the Executive Journals of the Council (ENTRY 443) and the Legislative Journals of the Council (ENTRY 444) for records beginning in 1680

    Second edition: Richmond, Virginia State Library, 1979.

  • 446

    Virginia. Department of Highways. Traffic and the Jamestown Festival . 1955.

    Physical Location: [Richmond]:

    49 pp.; illus., maps.

  • 447

    Virginia. Department of Transportation. Report of the Virginia Department of Transportation's Response to House Resolution No. 5: Feasibility and Desirability of Providing Certain Improvements to Ferry Service between Jamestown and Scotland . 1989.

    Physical Location: House Document, no. 16. Richmond:

    [9] pp.

  • 448

    [Virginia. General Assembly]. The General Assembly of Virginia, July 30, 1619 - January 11, 1978: A Bicentennial Register of Members . Compiled by Cynthia Miller Leonard. 1978.

    Physical Location: Richmond: Published for the General Assembly of Virginia by the Virginia State Library,

    Xxxi, 884 pp.

    Includes index.

  • 449

    Virginia. General Assembly. Order of Exercises and Addresses at the Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the First Law Making Body on the Western Hemisphere, Which Convened at Jamestown, July 30, 1619; House of Delegates, Richmond, August 15, 1919 .

    Physical Location: [Richmond?: 1919].

    35 pp.; front., illus., plates, portraits, facsim.

  • 450

    Virginia. General Assembly, 1619. Proceedings of the General Assembly of Virginia, July 30-August 4, 1619, Written and Sent from Virginia to England by Mr. John Pory, Speaker of the First Representative Assembly in the New World . 1969.

    Physical Location: Edited by William J. Van Schreeven and George H. Reese. Jamestown: Jamestown Foundation,

    78 pp.; facsims.

    The transcript of John Pory's proceedings was prepared from a copy of the original manuscript in the Public Record Office (C.O. 1/1, folios 139-154). Pages of the original manuscript are reproduced in facsimile. Each page of the facsimile faces the printed transcription of that page. The letters i, j, u , and v are rendered as in modern English spelling. The long s has been transcribed as a short s. Missing letters have been supplied, and slips of the pen have been corrected without comment.

  • 451

    Virginia. General Assembly. 350th Anniversary Commission. Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the Founding of Jamestown: Report of the Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia .

    Physical Location: Gen. Assembly, 1954, H. Doc. 12.

    26 pp.; illus.

    Joint resolution of the 83d Congress to establish the Jamestown-Williamsburg-Yorktown Celebration Commission: 25-26

    Paul Crockett, chairman.

  • 452

    ---. Report; Jamestown Festival, 1607-1957 .

    Physical Location: Gen. Assembly, 1958, H. Doc. 32.

    220 pp.; illus., map, diagrams, facsims.

    Lewis A. McMurran, Jr., chairmanIncludes bibliographies.

  • 453

    ---. Report of the Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission, Jamestown Festival, 1607-1957 .

    Physical Location: Gen. Assembly, 1956, H. Doc. 25.

    23 pp.; illus.

    Lewis A. McMurran, Jr., chairman.

  • 454

    Virginia. General Assembly. House of Burgesses. Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1619-1776 . Edited by H. R. McIlwaine. 1905-1915.

    Physical Location: Richmond: [The Colonial Press],

    13 vols.

    Volumes 1-3 (1619-1702) contain records from the period when the Burgesses were meeting at Jamestown Volumes 10-13 were edited by John Pendleton Kennedy.

  • 455

    Virginia. General Assembly. Senate. C olonial Records of Virginia. Senate Document--Extra . 1874.

    Physical Location: Richmond:

    106 pp.

    Contents include: The proceedings of the first assembly of Virginia, held July 30th, 1619; Lists of the livinge & the dead in Virginia, February 16, 1623; A list of those killed in the massacre of March 22, 1622; A briefe declaration of the plantation of Virginia duringe the first twelve yeares, when Sir Thomas Smith was Governor of the Companie, & downe to this present tyme, by the Ancient Planters nowe remaining alive in Virginia, 1624; A list of the number of men, women and children inhabiting in the several counties within the colony of Virginia, 1634; A letter from His Majesty, Charles the Second, to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Gov. of Va. acknowledging the receipt of a present of silk..., 1648; A list of the parishes in Virginia in 1680

    Reprints: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1964 and 1973; Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1989.

  • 456

    Virginia. State Board of Education. Virginia Public School Exhibit at Jamestown Exposition, 1907 .

    Physical Location: [Richmond: 1907].

    8 pp.; table.

  • 457

    Virginia Company of London. The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London, with Seven Related Documents , 1606-1621. 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 4. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    Ix, 128 pp.; illus.

    With an introduction by Samuel M. BemissContents: The first charter, April 10, 1606; Articles, instructions and orders, November 20, 1606; Ordinance and constitution, March 9, 1607; The second charter, May 23, 1609; Virginia Council instructions to Sir Thomas Gates, May 1609; Virginia Council instructions to Sir Thomas West, 1609/10; The third charter, March 12, 1612; Virginia Company instructions to Sir George Yeardley, November 18, 1618 (sometimes called "The great charter"); Virginia Company instructions to Governor and Council in Virginia, July 24, 1621; Treasurer and Company, an ordinance and constitution for Council and Assembly in Virginia, July 24, 1621

    Reprint: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., for Clearfield Co., 1993.

  • 458

    The Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, Va.) Supplement to "The Virginia Gazette," Containing the Freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestick, June 28, 1957 .

    112 pp.; illus.

    Jamestown Festival edition.

  • 459

    Virginia Journal of Science. Early Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Lexington: Virginia Academy of Science, 1957].

    73 pp.; illus., portrait.

    Reprinted from the Virginia Journal of Science , volume 8, number 1, [Jan.] 1957 [Jamestown Festival number]Contents: Indians of Virginia 350 years ago, by B. D. Reynolds; Geologic ancestry of the York-James Peninsula, by A. Bevan; Seventeenth-century science in old Virginia, by I. F. Lewis; History of Virginia's commercial fisheries: neglected historical records throw light on today's problems, by J. L. McHugh and R. S. Baily; Physicians at early Jamestown, by S. S. NegusIncludes bibliographies.

  • 460

    Virginia Navigation Company. Afloat on the James . [1907].

    Physical Location: [Richmond]: The Company,

    82 pp.; illus.

  • 461

    Virginia State Bar. Commemoration Program, Advent of English Common Law, Jamestown, 1607; Jamestown, Virginia, May 17, 1959 . 1959.

    Physical Location: The Bar,

    [12] pp.

  • 462

    Virginia Travel Council. Virginia Scenic Historyland Guidebook: A Guide to Virginia's Travel Attractions, Accommodations and Facilities . 1957.

    Physical Location: Richmond: The Council,

    158 pp.; illus., maps.

    On cover: 350th anniversary Jamestown festival guidebook.

  • 463

    Waldo, Arthur L. First Poles in America, 1608-1958: In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Their Landing at Jamestown, Virginia, October 1, 1608 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Pittsburgh: Polish Falcons of America,

    24 pp.; illus., facsim., portraits.

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • 464

    ---. True Heroes of Jamestown . 1977.

    Physical Location: Miami, Fla.: American Institute of Polish Culture,

    256 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 465

    Washburn, Wilcomb Edward. The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press,

    Xv, 248 pp.; portrait, maps, facsim.

    "Essay on the Sources": 167-75

    Includes bibliographical references, and an index.

  • 466

    ---. Virginia under Charles I and Cromwell, 1625-1660 . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 7. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    64 pp.; illus.

    Bibliography: 63-64

    Reprint: Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1993.

  • 467

    Washington Post and Times Herald. Virginia Heritage: A Supplement [Sunday, March 31, 1957] Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Jamestown's Settlement .

    32 pp.; illus.

    Edited by Louis B. Wright.

  • 468

    Wason, Elizabeth. Heritage Cooking: Holiday Time in the Jamestown Colony . n.d.

    Physical Location: [Blue Springs, Mo.: Adams Dairy Farms],

    [20] pp.; illus.

  • 469

    Waterhouse, Edward. Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia, with a Relation of the Barbarous Massacre in the Time of Peace and League, Treacherously Executed by the Native Infidels upon the English, the 22 of March Last; Together with the Names of Those That Were Then Massacred, That Their Lawfull Heyres, by This Notice Given, May Take Order for the Inheriting of Their Lands and Estates in Virginia; and a Treatise Annexed, Written by That Learned Mathematician Mr. Henry Briggs, of the Northwest Passage to the South Sea through the Continent of Virginia, and by Fretum Hudson; also a Commemoration of Such Worthy Benefactors as Have Contributed Their Christian Charitie towards the Advancement of the Colony; and a Note of the Charges of Necessary Provisions Fit for Every Man That Intends to Goe to Virginia; Published by Authoritie . 1622.

    Physical Location: London: Imprinted by G. Eld for R. Mylbourne,

    54 pp.; front.

    Reprint: New York, Da Capo Press, 1970

    Also appears in Kingsbury, The Records of the Virginia Company of London , vol. 3, pp. 541-79.

  • 470

    Watson, Thomas L. Mineral Resources of Virginia . 1907.

    Physical Location: Lynchburg, Va.: J. P. Bell Co.,

    Xxxi, 618 pp.; illus., 82 plates (partly folded, including maps), folded tables, diagrams.

    At head of title: The Virginia Jamestown Exposition CommissionBibliographies interspersed.

  • 471

    Weaver, Bettie Woodson, ed. and comp. Chesterfield County, Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: [Richmond: Lewis Printing Co.],

    64 pp.; illus., map.

    Authorized by the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors as a contribution to the Jamestown Festival Bibliography: 64.

  • 472

    Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson. Bacon's Rebellion , 1676. 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 8. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    60 pp.; illus.

    Bibliographical essay: 59-60

    Reprints: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1979; Baltimore, for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994.

  • 473

    ---. The First Americans, 1607-1690 . 1927.

    Physical Location: A History of American Life, vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Co.,

    Xx, 358 pp.; front., plates, portraits, map, facsims.

    Critical Essay on Authorities: 317-38

    Reprint: St. Clair Shores, Mich., Scholarly Press, 1977.

  • 474

    ---. The Government of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 16. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    61 pp.; illus.

    Includes bibliographical referencesReprint: Baltimore, Clearfield Co., 1994.

  • 475

    ---. Virginia under the Stuarts, 1607-1688 . 1914.

    Physical Location: Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,

    Xi, 271 pp.; maps.

  • 476

    Wharton, James. The Bounty of the Chesapeake: Fishing in Colonial Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklets, no. 13. Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp.,

    78 pp.; plates, illus.

    Extracts from colonial writings, with comments by the compilerIncludes bibliographical references: 77-78

    Reprint: Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1973.

  • 477

    White, William Gee. Our Colonial Heritage: Plymouth and Jamestown . 1980.

    Physical Location: Rev. ed. Inquiries into American History. Encino, Calif.: Glencoe Publishing Co.,

    239 pp.; illus.

    Describes the settling of Plymouth and Jamestown. Compares their social and economic development during the colonial periodBibliography: 226-30. Includes index

    Contributing editor, Janet ElliottFirst edition: [New York], Benziger, [1972]. Teacher's edition: [1973].

  • 478

    Wiewiora, Joseph, ed. Jamestown Pioneers from Poland . 1976.

    Physical Location: Rev. ed. Chicago: Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation,

    52 pp.; illus.

    First edition: Published by the Polish American Congress in commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the first Poles in America, Jamestown, Virginia, Sunday, September 28, 1958.

  • 479

    Williamsburg (Va.) Drug Company. H istoric Williamsburg, Jamestown Island and Yorktown, Virginia .

    Physical Location: [Williamsburg: 193-?]

    [6] pp.; [29] leaves of plates, 1 map.

  • 480

    Wingfield, Edward Maria. A Discourse of Virginia [1608] . 1859.

    Physical Location: Edited with notes by Charles Deane. Boston:

    44 pp.

    Reprints: 1) Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society 4 (1860): 67-103; 2) The Founding of Jamestown , ed. by Albert B. Hart, 17-27; 3) John Smith, Travels and Works ..., ed. by Arber, vol. 1, lxxiv-xci.

  • 481

    Wittkofski, J. Mark. Bibliography of the Colonial National Historical Park's Unpublished Archeological Reports . 1982.

    Physical Location: Yorktown: Virginia Research Center for Archaeology,

    Ii, 32 pp.

  • 482

    Wohlford, Barbara M., and Mary L. Eley. Tidewater Virginia with Children: Where to Go and What to Do in Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, Hampton and Newport News . 1996.

    Physical Location: Philadelphia: Camino Books,
  • 483

    Wright, Louis B. (Louis Booker), ed. Newes from the New-World, Wherein May Be Seene the Excellent Qualities of the Beastes of the Fields, the Fish, and Fowl, As Well As the Singular and Rare Vertues of the Earth and Air of That Goodly Land . 1946.

    Physical Location: [Los Angeles]: Imprinted by Anderson & Ritchie for the said Companie of the Friends of the Huntington Library,

    29 pp.; facsim.

    Four small samples of promotional writings by adventurers to the New World, in support of English colonization. Included are a 1608 letter from Peter Wynne at Jamestown, an excerpt from Alexander Whitaker's Good Newes from Virginia, and a 1624 letter by John Smith presenting a copy of his Generall Historie of Virginia to the Society of Cordwainers of London.

  • 484

    ---, ed. A Voyage to Virginia in 1609; Two Narratives: Strachey's "True Reportory" and Jourdain's "Discovery of the Bermudas." 1964.

    Physical Location: Jamestown Documents. Charlottesville: Published for the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities by the University Press of Virginia,

    Xx, 116 pp.

  • 485

    Wyman, Ethel M., and Willard T. Barker, comps. Festival Foods of Virginia . 1957.

    Physical Location: 2d, rev. ed.

    52 pp.

    On cover: Jamestown Festival, 1607-1957

    Sponsored by the Woman's Auxiliary of Patrick Henry Hospital, Newport News, VaThe 11th edition was published in 1963.

  • 486

    Wythe County (Va.) Board of Supervisors. A Short Historical and Physical Description of Wythe County, Virginia, Showing All Its Mineral, Agricultural and Commercial Resources and Prospects . 1907.

    Physical Location: Wytheville, Va.: [Enterprise Job Print],

    37 pp.; illus.

    Published by order of the Board of Supervisors for distribution at the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition. Compiled by H. M. Heuser.

  • 487

    Yonge, Samuel Humphreys. The Site of Old "James Towne," 1607-1698: A Brief Historical and Topographical Sketch of the First American Metropolis . 1930.

    Physical Location: 5th ed. Richmond: J. H. Jenkins,

    151 pp.; plates, map.

    Includes bibliographical referencesFirst edition: Richmond, Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1904Tercentenary edition: Richmond, Hermitage Press, 1907

    Originally published as a series of articles in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 11 (1903-04): 257-76, 393-414; 12 (1904-05): 33-53, 113-33.

  • 488

    Yorktown, Williamsburg, and Jamestown Island .

    Physical Location: [Fort Monroe, Va.: U.S. Army Coast Artillery School, 1913].

    [5] pp.; plates, maps.

    Guide to historic sites along route of march; issued for coast defense personnel participating in field exercises as part of Yorktown celebrations in 1913.

  • Bibliography of Jamestown Sources (2024)


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