UFC on ABC 6 ‘Whittaker vs. Aliskerov’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring (2024)

  • RobertWhittaker (186) vs. Ikram Aliskerov (184)
  • SergeiPavlovich (260) vs. Alexander Volkov (258)
  • KelvinGastelum (184.5) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (184)
  • SharabutdinMagomedov (185.5) vs. Antonio Trocoli (185.5)
  • VolkanOezdemir (206) vs. Johnny Walker (206)
  • JaredGordon (156) vs. Nasrat Haqparast (156)
  • FelipeLima (145.5) vs. Muhammadjon Naimov (145.5)
  • Nicolas Dalby(171) vs. Rinat Fakhretdinov (170.5)
  • Muin Gafurov(136) vs. Kyung Ho Kang (136)
  • MagomedGadzhiyasulov (205) vs. Brendson Ribeiro (205)
  • Chang Ho Lee(136) vs. Long Xiao (136)

Sherdog's live UFC on ABC 6 coverage will begin Saturday at 12 p.m. ET.

Chang HoLee (136) vs. Long Xiao(136)


Round 1

The UFC’s maiden voyage to Saudi Arabia kicks off with thebantamweight final of “Road to UFC Singapore,” with Xiao and Leeset to go to work under the auspices of referee Thomas Fan. Xiaomakes as though to touch hands, but withdraws the hand and launchesa flying knee instead. It lands and knocks Lee backward off balancebut does not do much actual damage. They clinch against the fence,with Xiao shoving Lee into the cage. Xiao is already bleedingheavily, perhaps from a clash of heads in the wild opening. Xiaopersists in pushing Lee into the fence, as Lee works to land shortknees inside and get into space. Two minutes in, Xiao elevates Leeand dumps him to the canvas near the base of the fence. Lee workshis way back up and stands, but Xiao remains stuck to him anddrives him right back into the chain link. Xiao drops levels for asingle-leg takedown, but Lee sprawls and gets his hips out of theway. Ninety seconds left and Lee is chipping away with short kneeswhile Xiao looks for the takedown. They exchange short, mugginguppercuts inside. Lee shucks Xiao off and tags him with a righthand on the break. Xiao dives right back in and they exchangepunches in the center of the cage. Xiao clinches again and they arepunching away in the phone booth when the horn sounds.


Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Xiao
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Lee
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Xiao

Round 2

Somehow the two bantamweights come back out after the freneticRound 1, and they go right back to work, swinging away in closequarters. This time it’s Lee dropping for a takedown attempt, buthe doesn’t make much headway and Xiao quickly runs him to the fenceonce again. Xiao lands a pair of short hooks, and they separate fora moment before Lee goes for another takedown. Again, he isn’tclose to securing it, and Xiao shoves him to the cage. Theyseparate again, and Xiao nails Lee with a nice right kick to thebody. Halfway through the round, Lee and Xiao are exchanging inspace in the middle of the cage, and Lee lands a solid right handbefore Xiao clinches. They separate, and Lee misses on a spinningbackfist, allowing Xiao to close the distance once again. Xiaodrives Lee to the fence. Lee reverses the position, they move awayfrom the fence and Xiao hits him with a knee up the middle. Theyspill to the canvas during a takedown attempt, but both return totheir feet quickly. Xiao again drives Lee to the fence, and theytake turns smashing each other with knees to the midsection. Xiaodrops for a takedown at the clapper, but can’t get it before theround expires.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Lee
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Lee
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Lee

Round 3

Lee and Xiao meet in the center of the cage, and Xiao tags Lee witha pair of inside low kicks before running him to the fence. Leebreaks away quickly and they return to the middle of the Octagon,where they exchange hard knees up the middle. Lee drives Xiao tothe fence where he changes levels, then turns the corner and takesXiao’s back standing. Xiao tripods and tries to shake him off thetop, but Lee snares an arm and works for an armbar or triangle.Xiao slips out, takes Lee’s back and sinks both hooks. They go tothe canvas at the base of the fence, Xiao in full back mount. Leecontrols the arms of Xiao, preventing him from setting up a choke,and spins out of back mount. Lee returns to his feet and clinchesXiao against the fence. They separate and Xiao throws atired-looking knee. Lee grabs a collar tie and smacks Xiao with asolid elbow. They separate with under a minute left and swing away,both men looking exhausted. They each grab a single collar tie andpunch away with their right hands. The horn sounds on a grueling,close three rounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Xiao (29-28 Xiao)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Lee (29-28 Lee)

The Official Result

Chang Ho Lee def. Long Xiao via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28,28-29)

MagomedGadzhiyasulov (205) vs. BrendsonRibeiro (205)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Gadzhiyasulov (-325), Ribeiro(+260)

Round 1

Big light heavyweight hitters Gadzhiyasulov and Ribeiro go to workunder the watchful eye of referee Jason Herzog. Both men are inorthodox stance, but Gadzhiyasulov switches freely in the openingmoments as they feel out the range. They exchange low kicks, thenRibeiro throws a couple of front kicks up the middle. Ribeirochanges levels for a takedown and Gadzhiyasulov grabs the fencetrying to stay upright. Herzog stops the action, warnsGadzhiyasulov and restarts them with Gadzhiyasulov on one knee.Ribeiro hops onto Gadzhiyasulov’s back and works to drag him backdown. Gadzhiyasulov turns towards his man, and Ribeiro drops for atakedown. He can’t get it, and ends up pushing Gadzhiyasulov intothe cage. Gadzhiyasulov reverses the position and puts Ribeiro’sback to the fence. Gadzhiyasulov throws knees up the middle. Undertwo minutes to go in the round and the action has slowed,Gadzhiyasulov still driving Ribeiro into the chain link, throwingknees to the thighs. They separate and go back to work in thecenter of the cage, and Ribeiro lands a good leg kick and jab.Ribeiro throws another leg kick and Gadzhiyasulov comes awayhobbling. Ribeiro goes upstairs with a kick and Gadzhiyasulov ducksunder to drive him to the canvas, where the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Ribeiro
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Ribeiro
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Ribeiro

Round 2

Gadzhiyasulov has switched to southpaw to open Round 2, likely toshield the leg that was compromised late in the first round, and hedips for a takedown in the opening moments. Ribeiro snares him in aguillotine choke, then rolls to mount. It looks threatening, butGadzhiyasulov pops his head out and ends up on top in half guard.Gadzhiyasulov is heavy on top throwing short shots and looking topass to side control. Ribeiro controls his posture, but otherwisedoes not look to be working to get back up. Gadzhiyasulov posturesup and drops a big elbow from the top. Gadzhiyasulov sets up anarm-triangle choke, but Ribeiro defends quickly and Gadzhiyasulovgives up on it. They have scooted from the center of the cage allthe way to the fence, and Gadzhiyasulov crams Ribeiro into thecage. Ribeiro sits up against the fence, but Gadzhiyasulov dragshis hips away and flattens him back out. Gadzhiyasulov drops acouple of elbows from top position at the clapper, and they end theround on the canvas near the base of the cage.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov

Round 3

Ribeiro tags Gadzhiyasulov with a solid right hand. Gadzhiyasulovplows him to the canvas with ease, setting right back up in halfguard. Ribeiro is more active from his back than in Round 2, butGadzhiyasulov moves out to the side and hits what looks almost likea cradle, kneeing him in the back and ribs. Ribeiro rolls to hishands and knees, with Gadzhiyasulov stuck to his back. Ribeirostands, and Gadzhiyasulov hauls him right back to the mat, landingin side control. Gadzhiyasulov in total control halfway throughRound 3, with Ribeiro surviving but not doing much to get back tohis feet. Gadzhiyasulov sinks a hook and hammers Ribeiro with ahalf-dozen punches to the head. Ribeiro tries to get back to allfours, and Gadzhiyasulov flattens him back out. Ribeiro turns tohis side, and Gadzhiyasulov hits him with several more hard punchesfrom top position. Under 30 seconds to go, and Ribeiro regains fullguard, but Gadzhiyasulov keeps dropping punches, standing up out ofhis guard right before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov (29-28Gadzhiyasulov)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov (29-28Gadzhiyasulov)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gadzhiyasulov (29-28Gadzhiyasulov)

The Official Result

Magomed Gadzhiyasulov def. Brendson Ribeiro via Majority Decision(29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

MuinGafurov (136) vs. Kyung HoKang (136)


Round 1

Bantamweights Kang and Gafurov lock ‘em up, with referee MarcGoddard overseeing. Both men are in orthodox stance, exchangingsingle strikes at range. Gafurov launches a calf kick that nearlytakes Kang off his feet. Kang comes back with long jabs, andGafurov nails him with another calf kick that does spill him allthe way to the canvas. He pops back up, and seconds later, shootsfor a takedown. Gafurov sprawls, spins and lands on top, going towork from half guard. Kang goes high with his hips, bringing hisleft leg all the way up for perhaps an omoplata attempt, but bailson it. Two minutes to go in the round and Gafurov is still on top,now in Kang’s full guard. Kang is active on bottom, looking for anopening to sweep or escape. Kang goes for another omoplata, andagain there’s nothing doing. With under a minute left in the round,Kang shrimps, stands and moves to Gafurov’s back, sinking the hooksand wrapping up a choke as Gafurov stands. At the 10-secondclapper, Gafurov arches and slams himself to the ground, trying todislodge the Korean. He does not succeed, but loosens the chokeenough to make it to the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov

Round 2

Gafurov throws out another calf kick to open Round 2, but comes upshort. Gafurov throws a punch to the gut, but Kang plows rightthrough it and drives him to the canvas. Kang set up in Gafurov’shalf guard, passes quickly to mount, and flattens Gafurov’s hips.Gafurov is throwing short strikes from the bottom, but Kang isrelentlessly setting up an arm-triangle choke. Gafurov realizeswhat’s going on and defends, then tries to slip out the back. Kangsnares an arm, looking for an armbar from mount, but loses the armand Gafurov takes Kang’s back, running him to the fence as theyboth stand. Kang draws a warning from Goddard for grabbing thefence, but Gafurov is making no headway towards getting him down.They separate with 90 seconds left, and Gafurov nails Kang with abody punch, then a leg kick that spins him nearly all the wayaround. Gafurov pounces with a tight standing guillotine. Kangextricates his head, and Gafurov tags him with another monstrouscalf kick. Gafurov stuffs a takedown attempt, and smashes thekneeling Kang with a pair of punches before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov

Round 3

Gafurov marches forward and plunks Kang with a pair of punches.They clinch, and Kang drags him to the ground, working to turn thecorner and take the back. Kang rides him expertly, landing in fullmount. Kang is heavy on top, chest to chest, looking for anarm-triangle choke. Gafurov pops to his feet and they separate.Kang ducks under a punch and drags Gafurov right back to theground, moving to the back. Gafurov escapes and stands, drivingKang to the fence. Gafurov takes the inside position, using hishead and an underhook to trap Kang against the chain link. Under aminute to go, and Kang uses a nice body lock and trip to haulGafurov to the canvas once again. Kang lands in side control, butwhen he tries to step over to mount, Gafurov stands. Gafurov throwsa pair of punches, then nails Kang with a spinning wheel kick inthe closing seconds. Kang goes down and Gafurov swarms, but can’tfinish before the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov (30-27 Gafurov)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov (30-27 Gafurov)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gafurov (30-27 Gafurov)

The Official Result

Muin Gafurov def. Kyung Ho Kang via Unanimous Decision (30-27,30-27, 30-27)

NicolasDalby (171) vs. RinatFakhretdinov (170.5)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Fakhretdinov (-355), Dalby (+280)

Round 1

The welterweights set up in orthodox stance and go right at oneanother, with referee Thomas Fan looking on. They exchange kicks atrange before Dalby walks through a flurry of punches to shoveFakhretdinov into the fence. Dalby throws knees from the outsidewhile Fakhretdinov answers with knees up the middle. Fakhretdinovgets off the cage and shucks Dalby away from him, and they go backto kickboxing at range. Dalby flicks a kick up top that is blocked,then a question mark kick. Fakhretdinov tags Dalby with a pair ofpunches, then changes levels for a single-leg. He hoists the legand Dalby hops on one foot while continuing to punch the head.Fakhretdinov drives him all the way across the cage before losingthe single-leg. He pushes Dalby into the cage, then gets reversed.Fakhretdinov shucks Dalby off of him and nails him with a singlepunch that drops Dalby to his knees. Dalby pops back up, but he’shurt, and Fakhretdinov pushes him to the fence. They disengage andFakhretdinov hits him with an elbow. Fakhretdinov lands a switchknee to the gut before the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Fakhretdinov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Fakhretdinov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Fakhretdinov

Round 2

Dalby scores first, with a low calf kick. Dalby switches stances,and is backed off by a punching combo from Fakhretdinov.Fakhretdinov gets him to the fence, then changes levels and driveshim to the canvas. Dalby gets right back up, his back against thefence. They break off and return to the middle of the cage. Dalbyinitiates the clinch and shoves Fakhretdinov to the cage. Theyexchange short strikes on the inside. Dalby releases the clinch andnails Fakhretdinov with a nice right hand. They move back towardsthe center of the Octagon, and Dalby marches forward, landing akick and a pair of punches, then another kick. Dalby backsFakhretdinov into the fence and holds him there with underhooks.Dalby digs his head under the chin of Fakhretdinov and hits himwith knees to the thighs. They separate and Fakhretdinov lands aone-two, then changes levels for a smooth double-leg. He dropsDalby to his seat at the base of the fence, lacing the legs. Hecan’t flatten Dalby out, and they return to their feet secondsbefore the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Dalby
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Dalby
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Dalby

Round 3

Dalby flicks out a jab, but Fakhretdinov wastes no time in changinglevels and running him to the fence. Fakhretdinov tries to lock hishands and pick Dalby up, but Dalby has an underhook and keeps hiships back. They break away from the fence and Dalby grabs a frontheadlock, then lands a single punch before Fakhretdinov launchesanother double-leg. Dalby tries to hit an inside switch, but can’tget it. Fakhretdinov has his arms around the waist of the kneelingDalby, working to finish the takedown as Dalby tries to stand.Halfway into the round, Dalby gets to his feet in a wide-leg stanceagainst the fence, and he separates. Dalby wades forward withpunches, and Fakhretdinov drops for another takedown. He gets Dalbyto his seat against the fence, but Dalby gets right back up andgets on Fakhretdinov’s back. Fakhretdinov escapes and runs Dalbyback to the cage. Dalby reverses the position and throws knees tothe thighs of Fakhretdinov. Under a minute left and Dalbyseparates, then tags Fakhretdinov with a head kick at short range.They swing away at short range until the final horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Dalby (29-28 Dalby)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Dalby (29-28 Dalby)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Dalby (29-28 Dalby)

The Official Result

Rinat Fakhretdinov def. Nicolas Dalby via Split Decision (29-28,29-28, 28-29)

Felipe Lima(145.5) vs. MuhammadjonNaimov (145.5)


Round 1

Naimov and Octagon newcomer Lima engage under the watchful eye ofreferee Thomas Fan. Naimov is switching stances early, Limaorthodox, and they exchange a flurry of kicks. Lima launches aflying knee that catches Naimov and hurts him. He pursues, throwingpunches as Naimov staggers to the fence, but Naimov recoversquickly and they go back to work. They clinch in the center of thecage and Lima throws several knees up the middle. They make theirway to the cage, trading short blows on the inside, and thenseparate. Lima lands a combination, including a hard body shot. TheBrazilian’s speed is giving Naimov all kinds of trouble through thefirst half of Round 1. Naimov goes for a takedown, bowls Lima allthe way over and is forced to defend from a leglock. He spins intoLima’s guard. Lima is active from his back, throwing elbows andmoving his hips constantly. With a minute to go, Naimov settlesinto Lima’s guard, trying to land ground-and-pound, and stands overhim at the clapper. A frenetic round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Lima
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Naimov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Naimov

Round 2

the final horn. Naimov and Octagon newcomer Lima engage under thewatchful eye of referee Thomas Fan. Naimov is switching stancesearly, Lima orthodox, and they exchange a flurry of kicks. Limalaunches a flying knee that catches Naimov and hurts him. Hepursues, throwing punches as Naimov staggers to the fence, butNaimov recovers quickly and they go back to work. They clinch inthe center of the cage and Lima throws several knees up the middle.They make their way to the cage, trading short blows on the inside,and then separate. Lima lands a combination, including a hard bodyshot. The Brazilian’s speed is giving Naimov all kinds of troublethrough the first half of Round 1. Naimov goes for a takedown,bowls Lima all the way over and is forced to defend from a leglock.He spins into Lima’s guard. Lima is active from his back, throwingelbows and moving his hips constantly. With a minute to go, Naimovsettles into Lima’s guard, trying to land ground-and-pound, andstands over him at the clapper. A frenetic round ends. Lima’sthrows a high front kick up the middle that misses just short. Limalands a hard leg kick, but Naimov steps forward and clinches,looking to change levels. Lima backs out of the clinch. Naimovscores with a body kick, then a punch upstairs. Naimov with a sharpleg kick. Lima whiffs with a spinning wheel kick. Lima lands a calfkick, then counters a Naimov kick with a right hook. They clinch inthe center of the cage and Naimov lands a knee before they break.Two minutes to go in the frame, and Naimov and Lima exchange singlepunches to the head. Lima throws a switch kick high, but it fallsshort. Naimov drives Lima to the cage, dropping for a single-leg,but can’t finish the takedown. Lima returns to the center of thecage and they exchange sporadic single kicks and punches. The pacehas slowed from the manic Round 1 as the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Naimov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Naimov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Naimov

Round 3

Naimov tags Lima with two hard leg kicks to open Round 3. Limawades forward with a torrent of punches, but most glance or fallshort. They clinch, and Lima drives Naimov to the cage.He slips behind the “Hillman,” takes his back, slips in arear-naked choke and after a few seconds’ struggle, Naimovreluctantly taps. Sensational debut for Lima, whostepped up on just days’ notice and has now notched the first UFCfinish in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Official Result

Felipe Lima def. Muhammadjon Naimov R3 1:15 via Submission(Rear-Naked Choke)

JaredGordon (156) vs. NasratHaqparast (156)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Haqparast (-238), Gordon (+195)

Round 1

Haqparast and Gordon do not touch gloves before going at it. RichMitchell is your referee. Haqparast is southpaw, Gordon orthodox,and Gordon shoves Haqparast to the fence, picking up a single-leg.He elevates the leg, but instead of finishing the takedown, useshis free hand to punch Haqparast’s face. Gordon lets the leg go,but scoops up another single-leg seconds later, and again uses thechance to land strikes rather than bring the fight to the floor. Heloses the leg and Haqparast sticks him with a hard left. Haqparastlands another hard left, and Gordon drops levels for a takedown.This time it looks like a serious attempt, as he runs Haqparast tothe fence, but Haqparast keeps his feet under him. They disengageand return to the center of the Octagon. Gordon shoots for anothertakedown, and again they end up against the fence. Haqparast againdefends ably, and after they break, he nails Gordon with a solidright jab. Gordon shoves Haqparast to the fence and they tradeshots up the middle. Haqparast gets the better of it, smackingGordon with a three-piece that hurts him. Gordon seems to recover,and the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Haqparast
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Haqparast
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Haqparast

Round 2

Haqparast scores first, with a hard overhand left that glances offthe shoulder but still gets some of Gordon’s head. Gordon marchesforward, but his face is showing the wear of trying to get pastHaqparast’s righty jab. Gordon drops for a takedown, but Haqparastdefends capably. Gordon marches forward, backing Haqparast to thecage, and nails him with two good punches before Haqparast canslide out the side. Gordon walks Haqparast down against the fenceand mugs him with punches again. Haqparast is bleeding from underthe left eye. There is a brief break in the action as Gordon’s leftglove is losing tape. They go back to work, and Gordon feints alevel change to open him up for a pair of punches upstairs.Haqparast returns fire, and both men are getting their shots in.Gordon backs Haqparast up to the fence and blasts him with punchesto the body. Haqparast tries to get back to space, but Gordon’spressure is stifling him. With 30 seconds to go, they clinchagainst the fence. They separate and Haqparast lands a good rightto the chin before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gordon
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gordon
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gordon

Round 3

Haqparast and Gordon do not touch gloves before going at it. RichMitchell is your referee. Haqparast is southpaw, Gordon orthodox,and Gordon shoves Haqparast to the fence, picking up a single-leg.He elevates the leg, but instead of finishing the takedown, useshis free hand to punch Haqparast’s face. Gordon lets the leg go,but scoops up another single-leg seconds later, and again uses thechance to land strikes rather than bring the fight to the floor. Heloses the leg and Haqparast sticks him with a hard left. Haqparastlands another hard left, and Gordon drops levels for a takedown.This time it looks like a serious attempt, as he runs Haqparast tothe fence, but Haqparast keeps his feet under him. They disengageand return to the center of the Octagon. Gordon shoots for anothertakedown, and again they end up against the fence. Haqparast againdefends ably, and after they break, he nails Gordon with a solidright jab. Gordon shoves Haqparast to the fence and they tradeshots up the middle. Haqparast gets the better of it, smackingGordon with a three-piece that hurts him. Gordon seems to recover,and the horn sounds. Haqparast scores first, with a hard overhandleft that glances off the shoulder but still gets some of Gordon’shead. Gordon marches forward, but his face is showing the wear oftrying to get past Haqparast’s righty jab. Gordon drops for atakedown, but Haqparast defends capably. Gordon marches forward,backing Haqparast to the cage, and nails him with two good punchesbefore Haqparast can slide out the side. Gordon walks Haqparastdown against the fence and mugs him with punches again. Haqparastis bleeding from under the left eye. There is a brief break in theaction as Gordon’s left glove is losing tape. They go back to work,and Gordon feints a level change to open him up for a pair ofpunches upstairs. Haqparast returns fire, and both men are gettingtheir shots in. Gordon backs Haqparast up to the fence and blastshim with punches to the body. Haqparast tries to get back to space,but Gordon’s pressure is stifling him. With 30 seconds to go, theyclinch against the fence. They separate and Haqparast lands a goodright to the chin before the round ends. Neither man gives anyquarter in the opening moments, standing toe-to-toe and swingingaway. Haqparast’s fast hands show out, as he tags Gordon with aclean southpaw one-two. Gordon changes levels and drags Haqparastto the floor, but Haqparast refuses to concede the takedown,popping right back to his feet. Gordon marches forward, landing hisjab on Haqparast and backing him up. Gordon is relentless, walkingdown the younger man, and mixing in level changes to keep himguessing. Haqparast lands a clean jab and Gordon returns fire witha hook to the head. Haqparast hits Gordon with a short punch to thebody. Gordon comes back with a left hand upstairs. Under a minuteto go and it still feels like anyone’s fight. Both men are batteredand exhausted. They clinch and Haqparast scores with a short elbowinside. They separate and exchange a flurry of punches. The finalhorn sounds on what is, so far, easily the best fight of thenight.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gordon (29-28 Gordon)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Haqparast (29-28Haqparast)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gordon (29-28 Gordon)

The Official Result

Nasrat Haqparast def. Jared Gordon via Unanimous Decision (29-28,29-28, 28-29)

VolkanOezdemir (206) vs. JohnnyWalker (206)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Walker (-115), Oezdemir (-105)

Round 1

The main card opens up with light heavyweight knockout merchantsWalker and Oezdemir, who go to work with referee Jason Herzog incharge of the proceedings. They touch gloves and set up in matchingorthodox stances. Walker leads with a low kick, and Oezdemirresponds with one of his own. Walker goes back to the calf kick.Oezdemir throws a kick to the lead leg, then another to the insideof the rear leg. A little over a minute in, and not much has landedother than the steady stream of low kicks. Oezdemir wades forwardand sticks Walker with a pair of body punches. Oezdemir goesupstairs with punches and Walker backs off, breathing heavily.Walker throws a couple of wide hooks to the head. Oezdemir hurtsWalker with a couple of punches to the head. Walker surges forward,trying to get his hands on Oezdemir, to retaliate or recover.Oezdemir separates, rocks Walker with a left hook, drops him with aright uppercut, and then absolutely ices him with another righthand before Herzog manages to get between them. Brutalfinish by Volkan Oezdemir.

The Official Result

Volkan Oezdemir def. Johnny Walker R1 2:28 via KO (Punches)

SharabutdinMagomedov (185.5) vs. AntonioTrocoli (185.5)


Round 1

The roller coaster ride that brought “Shara Bullet” and “Malvado”to this middleweight matchup has finished, but only one man willget off with his hand raised. In charge of making sure that thereare no further unpleasant surprises will be referee Marc Goddard.Magomedov is southpaw, Trocoli orthodox, and Magomedov quicklyflicks out a question mark kick that falls just short of Trocoli’schin. Trocoli wades forward and stings “Bullet” with two punches tothe head, then drives him to the fence with dual underhooks.Magomedov defends the takedown with a raised knee and overhook, butTrocoli eventually hoists the leg. Goddard breaks them up, warningTrocoli for grabbing the fence, and returns them to space, awayfrom the fence. Magomedov takes advantage, throwing kicks to thehead and lead leg, trying to keep the taller man at bay. Trocoliwades in again, backs Magomedov to the fence, but Magomedov slidesout of the pocket rather than be backed into the fence again.Trocoli clinches, drives Magomedov into the cage, and drags himdown to one knee. Magomedov posts with one hand, then stands backup, interposing his knee once again to keep Trocoli away from hiships. Trocoli tries to lock his hands, but they are still in thatposition when the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Trocoli
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Trocoli
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Trocoli

Round 2

Magomedov backs Trocoli up with a spin kick to the chest. Trocolimarches forward with kicks of his own, looking to cut off the cageand back “Bullet” into the fence. Magomedov lands a couple oflightning-quick kicks to the legs. Trocoli shoots a slow takedownfrom way outside and Magomedov is all over it. A minute and a halfin, Trocoli is inching forward, with Magomedov flicking outsporadic kicks as he slides around the outside. Magomedov tagsTrocoli with a one-two and a pair of kicks to the lead leg. Trocolishoves Magomedov to the cage, where Magomedov once again uses aknee and overhook to shield himself. The crowd lets its displeasurebe heard, and Goddard warns them to work. Trocoli looks about tohaul Magomedov down, but Magomedov saves himself with a blatantfence grab. Goddard warns Magomedov, but does not interveneotherwise, a stark contrast to Trocoli’s fence grab in Round 1.Magomedov goes to work with low kicks again, and keeps it up to thehorn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Magomedov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Magomedov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Magomedov

Round 3

The middleweights embrace to open Round 3. Magomedov lands a hookkick to the body, then a low kick. Magomedov with another leg kick.Trocoli is offering nothing back. Magomedov throws a lead hookupstairs that glances. Magomedov goes back to the low kick, thenanother. Magomedov with a question mark kick that slaps off ofTrocoli’s head. Trocoli is standing still as a statue in the centerof the cage. Magomedov with a hook kick to the head. Trocoli triesa molasses-slow takedown, bending from the waist. Magomedov simply steps out of the way, then crushes him with a kneeto the chin. Trocoli staggers away, with “Shara Bullet” in pursuit.He pours on the punches and Goddard is there in a flash for the TKOstoppage.

The Official Result

Sharabutdin Magomedov def. Antonio Trocoli R3 2:27 via TKO (Kneeand Punches)

KelvinGastelum (184.5) vs. DanielRodriguez (184)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Gastelum (-250), Rodriguez (+205)

Round 1

What was scheduled to be a welterweight feature now takes place at185 pounds, thanks to the reliably unreliable Gastelum reminding usall why the UFC forced him up a weight class in the first place.Rich Mitchell is the third man in the cage. They set up in orthodoxstance and immediately get to work boxing. Gastelum comes forward,with Rodriguez throwing his jab and giving ground. Neither manlands solidly in the frenetic opening moments, but Gastelum getshis hands on Rodriguez and shoves him to the cage, with a possibleclash of noggins taking place along the way. Rodriguez breaks theclinch quickly and they return to the middle of the cage. Gastelumbounces into range with overhands and right crosses that come upjust short of Rodriguez’s chin, while “D-Rod” returns fire with hisown jab. Rodriguez goes southpaw, and a moment later Gastelumclocks him with an overhand left, his best shot of the round sofar. Half the round is gone, and Rodriguez is still working to keepGastelum on the end of his punches. Gastelum crashes the pocket andtags Rodriguez with a left-right combo before Rodriguez can slipout the side. Rodriguez spins Gastelum’s head with a lefthook-right cross combination, but Gastelum shakes it off and keepsmoving forward. Gastelum reaches out and hits the body. Gastelumbacks Rodriguez into the fence and nails him with several morepunches right before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gastelum
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gastelum

Round 2

Gastelum surges forward again, throwing punches in pairs, and justbarely slips a murderous counter from Rodriguez. They exchangecombinations in the center of the cage, some of which glance, butplenty connect for both men. Rodriguez stops Gastelum’s forwardmovement with a jab to the body. Gastelum walks Rodriguez into thefence, but “D-Rod” circles away before he can do any work there.Gastelum changes levels and plows Rodriguez to the canvas withease. Gastelum sets up shop at the base of the fence from topposition, but Rodriguez stands quickly and they separate. Both menare in southpaw stance now, boxing at close range. Rodriguezcatches Gastelum cleanly with a three-piece, but Gastelum shakes itoff and returns fire. Gastelum lands a calf kick that makesRodriguez stumble. Rodriguez tags Gastelum with a long righty jab,and Gastelum punishes him with another low kick. Rodriguez catchesGastelum with a clean one-two at the 10-second clapper. Gastelumsecures a takedown right at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Rodriguez

Round 3

Gastelum once again comes out as if shot from a cannon, throwinghis jab and one-two. Rodriguez is ready for them, but Gastelum’sfirst calf kick of the round stumbles him. Rodriguez seems to haveno answer for those kicks, limited only by Gastelum’s sparing useof them. Gastelum changes levels for a possible takedown, but givesup on it almost immediately. They’re back to boxing atmiddle-to-close range, both men getting their licks in. Gastelumbreaks things up by shooting for a double-leg near the fence,hoisting and depositing Rodriguez on the canvas. Gastelum movesquickly to side control and starts grinding his elbow intoRodriguez’s face, keeping his weight squarely on Rodriguez’s chest.“D-Rod” regains one-quarter guard, slipping one butterfly hook inbetween them. He gets half guard, and Gastelum stands out of hisguard, raining down a couple of punches before letting Rodriguezreturn to his feet. Gastelum promptly drops for another takedown,which he gets with ease. He is on top, throwing short strikes fromtop position, when the final horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Gastelum (29-28 Gastelum)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Gastelum (29-28 Rodriguez)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Gastelum (29-28 Gastelum)

The Official Result

Kelvin Gastelum def. Daniel Rodriguez via Unanimous Decision(29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

SergeiPavlovich (260) vs. AlexanderVolkov (258)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Pavlovich (-218), Volkov (+180)

Round 1

The high-stakes, all-Russian, heavyweight co-main event kicks off,with Jason Herzog on referee duty. Volkov immediately goes to hisfront kick up the middle, trying to keep the shorter power puncherat bay. Pavlovich stalks, flicking out his long jab and looking foropportunities to spring into range on his towering foe. Pavlovichcomes inside and is met by a hard jab, then lands on of his own.Volkov plants a kick on the liver, and ducks a vicious overhandcounter. Volkov throws a jab to the body and Pavlovich comes backwith a right high kick that lands on the shoulder. Under 90 secondsto go in the round, and everything is still tense, tentative; itfeels as though either man might land a fight-ending blow at anymoment. Volkov reaches out with a southpaw left cross and slips thecounter. The horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Volkov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Volkov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Volkov

Round 2

Volkov is again mobile, throwing single and double jabs whilesliding around the outside of the cage. A huge overhand right fromPavlovich misses just short. Volkov switches stances freely, usingkicks to disguise them. Pavlovich throws a high kick that bouncesoff Volkov’s shoulder as he turns. Pavlovich is stalking, trying tocut off the cage. He is bleeding from the bridge of the nose,thanks to the reliable jab and one-two of Volkov. Volkov reachesout with a slow kick that slaps off the arms, then retreats asPavlovich surges forward with punches. Volkov throws his teep upthe middle, the ball of his foot connecting with the midsection ofPavlovich. Pavlovich catches Volkov with a big right hand thatcauses him to stagger. Volkov seems to recover, however, movinglaterally and avoiding any follow-up. Volkov connects with astanding hammerfist. Pavlovich continues to follow, but can’t landanything of consequence before the round expires.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Volkov
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Volkov
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Volkov

Round 3

Round 3 opens as the first two did, with Volkov in southpaw, movinglaterally around the outside as orthodox Pavlovich gives chase. Theface of Pavlovich is showing the wear of two good rounds ofpatient, methodical jabs and crosses from his countryman. Pavlovicheats a jab and lunges in with a big right hand that doesn’t quiteland squarely. Volkov sticks Pavlovich with a lead right hand andeats a three-piece combo in return. Volkov looks loose, throwinghard punches and willingly engaging, despite likely being ahead onthe cards. His corner is audibly screaming at him. Halfway throughthe round, the pace has settled back down, and Pavlovich isplodding forward, walking right into the push kick and jab ofVolkov. Pavlovich explodes forwards with a pair of punches that aremostly parried. Pavlovich dips and drives Volkov to the cage,perhaps looking for a takedown, but gives up on the attempt with 30seconds to go. Pavlovich comes forward and punches the body, andcatches Volkov cleanly on the shin at the 10-second clapper. Volkoveats it like a blini, returning fire with a head kick. The finalhorn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Ben Duffy scores the round: 10-9 Volkov (30-27 Volkov)
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Volkov (30-27 Volkov)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Volkov (30-27 Volkov)

The Official Result

Alexander Volkov def. Sergei Pavlovich via Unanimous Decision(30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

RobertWhittaker (186) vs. IkramAliskerov (184)

BETTINGPREVIEW | SCOUTINGREPORT | ODDS: Whittaker (-142), Aliskerov (+120)

Round 1

The main event of “UFC Saudi Arabia” sees former middleweight champWhittaker looking to stay in the title picture, as he facesshort-notice opponent Aliskerov, who stepped up for the ailingKhamzat Chimaev and finds himself with the opportunity of alifetime, in position to jump the line at 185 pounds. Drawing thefinal referee assignment of the evening is Marc Goddard. They touchgloves and set up in matching orthodox stances, and Aliskerovreaches out with a high front kick that comes up short. Whittakerscores with a right leg kick. Aliskerov throws a body kick thatWhittaker parries with his arm. Whittaker ducks into range with adouble jab. Whittaker blisters Aliskerov with a short right hand,then a left. The Dagestani goes staggering back and Whittakerfollows up with a head kick that doesn’t land perfectly, but doesdamage as well. “The Reaper” lives up to his name, claiming Aliskerov’s soul with acrushing right uppercut. Aliskerov drops in place, andonly one or two follow-up blows get through before Goddard is therefor the stoppage. Fantastic work from “Bobby Knuckles.”

The Official Result

Robert Whittaker def. Ikram Aliskerov R1 1:49 via KO(Punches)

UFC on ABC 6 ‘Whittaker vs. Aliskerov’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round Scoring (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.