The Mitchell Commercial from Mitchell, Indiana (2024)

Van R. Crim is the recipient of high I For Bale, a good fresh milk cow. Ar- MORE BURGLARIES. Again has the relentless hand of the sneak thief "been making itself manifest S3 2 -TV 1 Home rage. ry -7- 5 mmmm.

fS Matter for this Page should be in our S3 Korning to insure Publication. OLIO. 1 I Mini i nrn vZwjlll rural PAINTS AND BRUSHES. Ueekly Inter-Ocean LAKolST UKtlLA'JiOH Or AAI It is radically Republican advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness. THE WEEKLY INTER TBS NEWS AND BEST It is Morally 'clean and as a I he Literature equal to that of the best magazines It is interesting to the children as veil as the THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NFWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with-the' ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.

ONE DOLLAR PER tie siav in scimt Ftms tie lim KE1I lgBEST T1EIK 1110.. TllLlIIlAL ArtK LVIiiE HLM. .1 -But it can always be relied on for fair and honest resorts of all no- litical movementfc i OCXA2T SUPCT.IES AXL CTTBR-ENT UTEBATUBE As Family paper is Without a peer. of its columns is 1 i a4.oe per iter .6 per. rear ii P'H-eef Diilyfcy null Price of 8aata mail Dally a.Bl Sunday by mail.

THE INDIANA STATE JOURNAL Best Weekly Paper for Indiana Readers. $1 There are cheaper papers from out of the State, butishey pay no attention to the special interests of the Indiana readers. The Journal Is for itviilTV-4l. -first. It furnishes all the news, local, domestic and foreign.

Complete and accurate market reports. A generous supply of miscellaneous news for general readers. Quality, not quantity. Free from objectionable news matter or advertisem*nts. -Subscribe with your postmaster or send direct to JOURNAL NEWSPAPER INDIANAPOLIS, IND.

ly interesting war despatches from Washington concerning the Spanish troubles. Miss Morra Barr and Miss Willis of Vincennes, delegates to the Christian Endeavor district convention i were guests of Miss Kittie Lindsay while on their return. Friday they went to Orleans to place flowers on the graves of Dr. Bert VonTrass. Uncle Dicky Gault.fell from a ladder Tuesday and broke his right collar bone.

His condition is not serious but it will, of course keep him from his work for some time. Thirty-two years ago he, fell and broke his left -collar bone in much the same manner. Mrs. E. P.

Moore, Misses Jennie Crawford, Edith Eversole, Laura McCoy, Myrtle Lindsay, Alice- Dodsonj Mr. W. F. Lagle, Applegate and sons, Spurgeon, Frank and Warren represented the Presbyterian christian endeavor society at the district convention last week. An excellent time is reported and our delegates were highly repaid for going.

The attendance and enthusiasm, were both very good. A Since the robberies of Tuesday night some parties have been perniciously accusing this man and that, of theft and as I have been listed among the rest, I take this means of answering the charge. It is a fact that I have been within the confines of the prison walls, but I served my time like a man and am now trying to do business in a straightforward manner. I did not receive a penitentiary sentence for stealing, that was not my charge and it is wrong for one-man or any number of men to be always ready to accuse without knowing who they are accusing. If I am the thief there is a way to get me.

If you can not and are not ready at all times to prove what you say, you should be very careful the accusations you make. Be sure you are right then go ahead. If I am guilty, I am here, if not you may have to prove what you say, so be guarded in your conversation. We have not answered this in the manner in which we would like. We have mentioned no names, however, we could.

The boy who works in my tin shop nor myself had anything to do -with the theft whatever and you will find us at the old stand attending to business and we want a few others we know to do the same. Hoping this will be sufficient, I am yours truly, PeBBT GlLBEBT. LAID TO REST. The funeral of Miss Daisy Black well was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm.

Man tier. Rev. Applegate pastor of the Presbyterian church preached the fun eral sermon and he was assisted in the obsequies by Rev. Kimbrough of the Baptist church. In addition to songs by the choir, W.

M. James and Mrs. Gertie 3arton McBride sang a duet entitled "Bury me Near the Old Home," a favorite song of the deceased. The floral and remembrances were numerous and beautiful and a large numqer of people were present to pay their last tribute of respect to a warm hearted, lovable girl, one who was re spected and admired by all who knew her for her sincerity and worth. She was born in Mitchell 23 years ago and since she was 13 years of age has been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church.

Her body was laid to rest in the Mitchell cemetery, the following named young lady associates acting as pall bearers Mrs. Gertie McBride, Misses tirace Larkin, Grace Shanks, Ella Chappie, Eva Love and Daisy Chappie. "REMEMBER THE MAINE" featnres of a trip to be considered are comfort and the points of interest through which the route selected runs. The A. T.

S. F. By. offers all these advantages, and in addition will sell on the following dates Homeseek-er's Excursion tickets to points in Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and other western points at one fare plus $2. for round trip, May 17th, June 7th and 21st.

For particulars inquire of your nearest railroad agent, or address the undersigned. J. W. Tedford, Gen. Agt.108 No.

4th St. Lonis, Mo. MARRIED. Ed P. Coleman of this city and Miss Helen Truedley of Cincinnati were united in marriage at Hamilton, Ohio, Wednesday June 22, 1898 by J.

S. Edenburnof the Presbyterian church. The bride was at' one time a resident of Mitchell and is the accomplished daughter of H. A. "Truedley a special agent of the B.

O. S-W. Ry. The groom is one of the best known young men in Mitchell and a general favorite with all who know him. We tender our hearty GLORIOUS 4TH, INDIANSPRINGS.

There will be an old fashioned 4th of July celebration at-Indian Springs this year, with speaking, music dancing, expert bicycle riding, greased pole etc. The hotel is now open tor the season, and the grounds in first class condition, no charge is made for use of the waters on the hotel, grounds. The Southern Indiana Railway will run special trains and make very low rates for the occasion. SOUTHERN INDIANA RAILWAY. Excursion tickets will be sold July 2, 3, and 42 between all stations -and to points on connecting lines within a radius of 200 miles from starting point.

Tickets good returning up. to andf including' July 5th. See your ticket Agent. H. H.

Robjeman, General Passenger Agent, Bedford, Indiana. GASOLINE! GASOLINEI GASOLINEl Best Grade at Holmes Eros. Mrs. Dawson Moore of Elwood is visiting relatives here. j- Newton Worrall of Salem is the guest of A.

O. True this week. Mrs. Lewis' Barlow is visiting hef daughter in Shelby county. Frank Donica and wife of Bedford are visiting Mrs.

J. T. Dilley. Rev. L.

M. Grigsby of Greencastle is visiting with Captain Duncan and family. The Spice Valley Jtownshig Sunday school convention was held at -Huron last Sunday. Ui Rev. Mrs.

Applegatel returned Monday from Chillicothe, Ohio, where, she visited relatives. Miss Craigie Mitchell, who has been attending sckooihere, returned Satur day to her home near Bedford. Dr. G. W.

Burton was able to go to the county seat yesterday to attend to his dudes on the pension examining Miss Mabel Humston came home from Salem yesterday. That nephew is the finest baby in Washington county, she says. Mrs. Clarence King who has been "visiting with her sister Mrs. Fred Par-rott will return to her home in St.

Louis next week. Mrs. Robert Binnix and daughter, Mrs. Montgomery, accompanied by Miss Edith Mitchell, were in Cincinnati yesterday. Mitchell lodge of Odd Fellows elected officers as follows this week Jos.

Lindsey N. Sam Holmes V. Wm. McLaughlin, R-Sec. C.

W. Coleman, Treas. Mrs. Kate Dalwick of Martinsburg W. Va.

left Monday for home after a few weeks visit with her daughter Mrs. Chas, Helm. She will stop at Cincinnati for a week or ten days. Word reaches us that Rev. J.

D. Gas ton died last week at Monroe City- of stomach trouble. While holding meetings at Loogootee he partook of some canned corn and was poisoned by the tin. He partially recovered but his stomach was in poor condition until finally he died of the poison. The ball game between the college boys and the clerks resulted in a decided victory for the former by a score of 13 to 7.

The first four innings were well played, and the pitchers had fine control of the ball. The batteries were College, Ralph Tirey and John Bass Clerks, Henry Marshall and Harry Chappie. Rev Rob. Zaring pastor of the Hyde Park M. E.

church Indianapolis, is ex pected to visit his father, Dr. Zaring, some time next week and may preach at the M. E. churdh about Wednesday evening. He is to deliver an address Sunday at Marion to the State conven tion of Epworth Leaguers" and will come on to Mitchell about Tuesday.

The Fleur-de-lis club picniced at Lawrenceport last Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Clara Miller of Uvalde Texas. A picture of the merry party was taken while partaking of the boun tiful supper. Those composing the party were Mesdames Purviance, Stipp, E. P. Moore and Hyatt of Washington, Misses Clara Mitchell, Ida Hutcherson, Lizzie M.

Burton, Bertha F. Wolfe, Rose Moore and Elizabeth E. Burton Presbyterian church, May 3, 1898, 10:30, "Christian Decision." God required decision of character in Abraham, in Paul, and he requires it in us The worst enemies of a cause are false friends, give me the opposition that fans the fire into a flame, rather than cold, callous, selfish indifference. 7 :45 "What is your life?" Life is not a riddle to be guessed but a problem to be solved. We gladly, welcome you, as a worshiper or a visitor to these services.

Geo. W. Applegate, Pastor. Speaking of remembering the editor with a box of fine fruit reminds us that some time ago, about the last of the Mohicans, our friend W. S.

Johnson, brought us a fine lot of strawberries. They were the kind of strawberries that in order to be really and truly polite each should be sent to the interior in about two or three sections or bites to be more exact. These berries not only had size but that Indescribable flavor that outs the strawberry far in advance of the berry brigade. For all such remembrances we and all our house are truly grateful. "The boys in blue" that claim Mitchell as their home were nafc all mentioned in our recent article on the subject.

There is Dean Crooke who enlisted at Washington and is a member of Co. 'H' 159th, Ambrose Braden Cq.L' same regiment and two Johnson boys also members of the 159th. Had the company that was. organized at this place been accepted there would have been, about 75 this town 'alone but as those who did go to war had to scheme around to get in and go elsewhere to enlist, the number credited to Mitchell quite small. Following were applicants for teachers' license last Saturday Cora Sutton Emma Tressler, Lillie McNabb, Ola Hatfield, Sallie Berry J.

A. Chapman, Achsah Bennett, Minnie Perkins, Martha Elrod, Ol: C. Bry-antStanley Hanner, SfeHa Allen, Wilson' Anderson, Charity -Blake, Mary Maher, Mary Batman, Carrie Chilton Fred Batman, Nora Ljnn, Emma Beaver, Minnie Burton, Everett Fish, Nannie Fry, M. N. Bex, Opal Jackson, G.

A. Hardman, Claud Beyers, Alva Rena 'Lewis, Willis Holiman, Lizzie Chapman, D. J. Holland, Maggie Holmes, H. P.

Martin, Beulah Biggs, Minnie Harry man, J. Wolfe, Otto Todd, E3a Snow, Icis Hoffman, Craigie Mitchell, Mrs. T. M. Erinkworth.

in our peaceful Tuesday night while good people slumbered, thieves visited the homes of Judge Edwards, Will Miller, Dr. G. W. Burton, Allen Edwards and Wib Burton. At Judge Edwards the robbers got about $4.75, at Miller's $1.50 and at Dr, Burton's $30 and at each place food was taken.

That some-One who is familiar with the town makes these raids is quite evident and we. would suggest that a mass meeting be called to consider the best ways and means of putting an end to the theiving. There are too. many mefi in town without visible means of support and if they wont work they ought to. be Tun out of town.

No use to complain or find, fault with the marshal, he is only one man, we might as well find fault with our M. H. T. D. a strong, body of men having for a single purpose the detection of criminals.

We would advise every householder to load up his gun and take a crack at any prowler shoot to kill and find out who it is afterward. This would have a tendency to discourage sneak thieves. LAWRENCE COUNTY DOCTORS. We had the pleasure of attending a part of the 49th annual session of the Lawrence Countv Medical association last Thursday. Dr.

G. W. Burton presided and Dr. Woolery served as secretary. Dr.

Burton spoke in a reminiscent vein of some of the old time prac titioners who had gone to their reward and Dr. Woolery read an interesting paper on appoplexy which was discuss ed by Drs. Gibson, Dixon and others Those present were Drs. Woolery, Hel- tonville; McPherson, Williams; Dixon, Tunnel ton Gibson, Shoals; Laughlin, Orleans; Duncan, Bedford Bare, Bry- antsville John Gibson and G. W.

Burton of Mitchell. The visitors were en tertained by Dr. Burton to whom much of the success of the medical associa tion is due. DON'T FORGETf PiJpular excursion train service every Sunday to all stations on the Southern Indiana Railway. NEEDMORE TOWN.

Written by Bbistlks. Wheat harvest is here. Plenty of rain at present. Ben Williams is on the sick list. The pike roads are progressing finely.

Ellis Chapman is very low with sun grins. Elza White is still in seed of the famous bird egg beans. There will be a grand fourth of July celebration at this place. Born, Saturday evening to Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bex, twin boys. Kill is Bex is very low with nervous debility caused by hard work. Robert Freeman the. hotel keeper of Needmore, has. several boarders.

A dynamite blast wrecked the cream ery at Needmore a few days ago. John Bex plows his corn on Sunday and works rh the quarry in the week. Thomas Grissom and L. E. Doane are pushing the knots right up in the collars.

A good many from this plaee attend ed the basket meeting at Green Brier Sunday. Alf Chapman is superintendent of the rock crusher and stone- quarry at Needmore. Absolom Miller is selling his rasp berries to the Prof. W. M.

Bryant of near Bryantsville. Since the rock crusher was set up at Needmore there has been a big boom property. Joe B. Ray of near King's Ridge is crushing stone with a coffee mill for Mussleman and company. Richard Bepc has commenced his new house, it is under the supervision of William Atchison.

Married, Sunday evening, Alonzo Ray to Miss Phoebie Roath: Rev. Art Bex tied the knot in his pleasant way. COAL DUMP. Written by Idbal. -Wheat harvest is a thing of the past, 5 Berry picking is the topic of the day.

Health is generally good in this vi cinity. No weddings, no news and everything is quiet now. Hard work and no pay is the cry of some of the people. We should be" grateful we live, these hard times, with money so scarce. Preaching at the Dump, Saturday night, Sunday at 10:30 and at night- also.

Some of the Dump's young people contemplate going to Salem the 4th of July. Miss Ola Hall is spending a few weeks with Miss Susie Hall helping her with her large crop of We like to' read Bunker- Hill items they remind us of old times for Buffalo Bill makes us think of the- day when we roamed the west together. Splendid Success has been had in cases of colic, diarrhoea, by using Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. As a household remedy for such troubles it is invaluable. Buy a 10c trial bottle and you are bound to be convinced.

To be had, of -L. 5B. Crawford's, Druggist. Oh! I Cay have you given' Dr. tUald well's Syrup Pepsin a trial? It will cure you of your constipation, will correct your stomach troubles and make your life worth living.

Trial size bottles 10c, (10 dows 1' c) liirr-e E3o and fl.CO, of L. B. Crawfoid, Drufist. V' i possession not later than Wednesday J. W.

Fairley Son for nice rig. "Joseph Holmes is much better this week. Call and see a sample copy of the Inter Ocean. Remember our Straw Hats must go. Big Country Store.

Prices ho Straw hats must go. Big Country Store. Miss Lizzie Somers is very sick at the home of Robert Mclntyre. Don't fail to visit the Big Country Store before buying straw hats. Epworth league social on the Chappie lawn, this evening.

All invited. If you want good flour at all times without variation try Mitchell flour. G. M. Biggin and wife and Miss Jennie Cook of Louisville picniced at the caves Tuesday'.

Men's Fine Shoes, all the latest styles. Come and see them before you buy. Big Country Store. We are overstocked on Men's Fine Shoes. They must be sold.

Come and see them. Big Country Store. Elder Chrisler paicLus his usual Monday morning call and said that he would preach again next Sunday. Fourth quarterly meeting of the M. E.

church will be held next Sunday. Presiding Elder Willis will preach in the evening. What a blessing water is to be sure. We think of it every time Hez Kelley passes up and down the street with his sprinkling wagon. Miller Harris moved their photo tent Monday, to Bloomington.

Miron Magers looks after the picture business all right and a new gallery has an uphill job to get started. Among the Monon excursionists Saturday night, were Guy Coleman and wife, and Sam Holmes and wife who stopped to visit W. J's folks at Monon. H. S.

Scheibe also went up as far as his old home, Lafayette. Charley Finley was the victorious high stepper at the colored folks' cake walk Monday evening. Those who are acquainted with Charley's graceful sty 1 will conclude that they must have had lots of fun at the cake walk. For Sale or Trade, farm of 700 acres, finely improved. Frame house eleven rooms, barns and all necessary buildings, 300 acres under cultivation.

Would trade for business or residence property in good town. Inquire H. E. WOOLHEATBR. A meeting of the Alumni of the Southern Indiana Normal College will be held Wednesday evening, July 20, 1898.

Oration by Claudius D. Chick of the Scientific class of '97. Commencement Thursday evening. Becxah Biggs, Secretary. A business man said to us the other day that our street sprinkling service was the best we ever had and that without it the stores would be very dusty.

Hez Kelly does his work in good shape and Main street is -always cool and free from dust. Mrs. Felix Hazelwood, of English, Mrs. Lee of Campbellsburg, M. Z.

Moore, Ralph Moore and Mrs. Minnie VanDuyn of Orleans, Dr. Burnham and wife of Bedford were in town last Thursday to attend the funeral of their relative Miss Daisy Black well. The Hudepohl Combination, an association of brewers and liquor dealers of Cincinnati, came in Friday over the B. O.

S-W. in a special car on their way to West Baden for their Tegular summer onting. They were a jolly lot and made things sizz while they were in town. We hear quite a number ofhard luck stories from our Lawrenceport fishermen but the worst is from Ed Akester and Howard Chitty who lost a Big 15 pound cat fish while getting ready to start for home. He broke a rope while Ed was trying to get him into the boat and so the folks went without fish for supper.

'V Morton Green and his new wife, Mrs. Annie B. Davis and Children from Bedford, Capt. J. J.

Hardin of Salem, were visiting in Mitchell, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pollard on Sunday last. Mrs. Pollard and Mrs.

Davis are sisters of Mr. Green. Mr. Green and Miss Susie Pender were married at Bedford Sunday morning at 4 o'clock. Said John Clark the other day "Leave my ad out for a time as I cannot get a barber to help me, at least one who will stay sober and attend to business.

I can manage to care for the most of my trade but as advertising has a tendency to increase my number of customers I quit advertising, in self defense. See?" We are ander obligations to Dr. Klm-berlin for? a box of delicious, tame blackberries. They were great, big, juicy, fat, black and shiny and served to fill a long felt want. The Doctor says they are plentiful this year and that he will probably have 150 bushels of them.

These berries are the Early Harvest or Red Jane, we've forgotten which as we spent more time sampling the fruit than we did taking notes. mi Elgin Creamery at Burton Co's. Improvement is thejprder of the day For sale cheap, shingles. See Crawford. Extra Fancy Elgin Creamery at Burton Co's.

You all may save money by trading at Chappie's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. June 22, a boy. Jayson Collin Farmer George Head Tuesday on business.

was in town If you are needing shingles see what Crawford has to offer. White Clover Brand Elgin Creamery on ice at Burton Co's. Harry Chappie went Montgomery Monday for a few days rest. Use Mitchell flour for it is the best on the market and the price is Born, June 15, to O. P.

Montgomery and wife, a fine girl baby, weight ten pounds. Mrs. Lou Kobeson of Vincennes visited her mother Mrs. Kate Munson Sunday last. Miss Daisy Chappie is home after several weeks visit with friends at Montgomery.

The large engines on the Monon are just now receiving the attention of our kodak friends. Burton Co. have put in an elegant new refrigerator. Result the best butter in town. The O.

E. S. met last Thursday even- ing and by a special dispensation elected Miss Lizzie E. Burton, W. M.

Miss Addie Lindley of Faoli was the guest of her brother Frank over Sunday, returning to her home Monday. Miss Ida Hutcherson and Miss Bertha Wolfe were the guests of Mrs. Dr. Pickett and Miss Josie Burton last Tuesday. 1 For Sale A pleasant five room house near college.

Good well. Yard set in fruit and shrubbery. A desirable bargain. Inquire of H. E.

Wooijieatee. Mrst Buchanan of Indianapolis, for merly of New York city, ana was a guest of Mrs. Dr. Morris, Mrs. Dr.

Pickett and Miss Josie Burton last week. Ed Akester has a capital fish story, which we tried to spring and got the laugh. If you want to hear how it hap pened, ask Ed. We have fish stories though true. quit telling Ed Akester has just finished painting the residence of Joe Stroud, at Law-xenceport, and is now doing some painting and paper hanging for Mrs.

Bullitt, at the same place. Alf McCoy says that the new macad-adamized road on Sixth and Oak streets is built for Uncle John Tolliver's especial benefit but thafUncle John don't seem to appreciate it. J. N. Chitty, of River vale, has a patch of raspberries containing less than one-eighth acre, from which he will get about forty gallons of berries.

At twenty-five cents per gallon raspbeF-. ties pay fairly well. Miss Jennie Cook the handsome blue grass milliner that has been with. Mrs. Rainbolt for the past two months returns to Louisville the fore part of next week.

She has made a host of friends since coming. Talk about Indiana being unhealthy, Mrs. Polly May den, living in Bono township, on her 80th birthday which occurred last week, walked 1 miles to spend the day with her brother, J. N. Chitty and family.

You seldom need a bicycle repaired but when you do need one put in order you need it bad. Mitchell is fortunate in having in HudjGilbert a bicycle expert who knows just- how to put the wheels in good running order. The grading on the Sixth street road has been completed and now rock is being put on. We are no expert but some how we doubt the wisdom of using the fine crushed stone for it is carried off by wheels so easy when it is wet. Dewey and Hobson were great because they kept cool.

Thus we see that one essential to success is coolness. One of my cool summer suits, either in serge, duck or crash might help you. Prices within the reach of all. S. Schefbe, the Tailor, four doors west of post office.

Communion next Sunday morning at the M. church. Love least in the afternoon at 2:30. Ther regular -quarterly conference and business meeting will be held Monday at which time the annual report of the stewards will be presented. Official members are urged to be present M.

Zabiko, Pastor. Mitchell Chapter Order of the Eastern Star had a very interesting meeting last week. Quite number of visitors were present, among them being Miss Lynn Gibson of Indianapolis, Miss Berth Wolfe of Jeffersonville, JMiss Enola Acord of this city and Mrs. Buchanan of Indianapolis. The chapter is in a flourishing condition with new applications for membership filed.

THE WEEKLY COOOERCIAL GAZETTE, (WasUy Edition of the Commercial Trilmma.) oEo I Now Ten Pages Weekly. Send for Sample Copies. Special Inducements to Club Raisers. OUR GREAT SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1898 A Stupendous Enterprise of Interest to All Readers. THE COMMERCIAL TRIBUNE'S WAGE HWnan ani4 Yuan RrinV FREE TO EACH YEARLY SUBSCRIBER Who Will send 10c.

Additional for Postage and Packing. 60c. Net to Accompany Each Order. AN ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE AUTHORITY. The Almanac la now ready for delivery-.

Every-reader shonld have this Invnluable volume of Statistical, Educational, Agricultural, Historical and General Compilation of Useful and Interesting Facts and Figures. Address The Commercial Tribune CINCINNATI, OHIO. OEDBE, 3STO W. oulmlh esfositioei June 1st to October 3lst THE GRANDEST EXPOSI-SITIOtf (except the World's Fair) ever planned; in the United States. Located with- I in" cheap and quick access, of the entire Missouri an Mis-own 4 sippi" Valleys, at your doors.

Through tickets be-tyond Omaha allow stop- overs, iieaucea excursion rates to Omaha, Take the Burlington Route, "the old an fl mly est abl i sh ed 1 i to and through Omaha in any direction. O. S-W. RY. tiOING No.

8, Daily No. 4, Daily No. 6, Daily v. No. .8, Dally Bioppt 8:28 m.

8:14 a. m. 8:27 m. GOING No. p.

m. No. j.i.... a. m.

No 6, Dally. 3 a. m. No. 7.

Dally Bxept a For detailed Information regarding rates, time on connecting lines, sleeping, par.oroara, addreM either W. M. SHANKS, Agettt, Mitchell, Ind. O. P.

MoCARTY. G. P. A Cincinnati. O.

CO YEARS' EXPEDIENCE STkx Harks a iket and e-mrr'winn my ii ftma waf.ser mar-1 inn TT i- i uiA -3 -vi i J' a J. uf! w''V. I fk a.

The Mitchell Commercial from Mitchell, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.