MmHmm/Mm-mm: Young Sheldon, NBA Finals, Best Coach for Bucks, Brewers trade deadline, Today's Music (2024)

Good morning, everybody. Happy Thursday. June 13th is the recording and release of this episode into the Winklerverse.

You can check out the video on the Dan Cheney YouTube. Grant Bills is in the top left. I am in the top right. And Paul Imig is on the bottom of the screen. We do where Paul asked some questions and Grant and I... answer and I interrupt repeatedly to both answers and questions. I feel like you interrupt Paul more than me. I just stand up for Paul when you do it.

Yeah, Paul's he's like just starting a question. And it's conceivable that I still have another thought to give. So you're it's my fault for not reading like I got to give you like an eight second pause.

It's your fault. I think you do the right thing. But I do think like, you should be more accepting and give me a little more grace in my interruptions.

I mean, it creates a fun like side bit. All right. So here's, here's, here's what I've been dealing with.

First off, I can tell before you even start, I'm gonna interrupt you. You clearly want us to comment on your hat. I do, but it's too small. It doesn't. I thought that you just were wearing it funny.

That's as far down as it goes. It's just a small hat. It's like, it's a dare hat.

I bought it on the same site. I bought my NBA and NBC hat, beautifully. This hat is so tiny. But it matches my cheat code Jones shirt. Is that like a Taz reference? No, this is Cardale Jones from the XFL in 2020. Oh, okay.

You know, Taz will say like, everything is like, yeah, yeah, big Jones over here. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So I've been having a problem sleeping. Whether it's falling asleep, and then in the morning. I get my eight hours, because I'll be able Okay, my son might go out to daycare, you know, hug daddy. Mom takes him, but then I can go right back to sleep. And I'm in bed till 1130 12 o'clock, and then refresh for the day. So I've been getting up loud, like nine, which means I'm only getting about six hours of sleep, which makes a huge difference.

Oh, yeah, I think. And as I'm trying to fall asleep, I can't fall asleep. So then I pick up my phone. And for whatever reason, ever since the finale, when I got one Young Sheldon reel, all I'm getting is Young Sheldon reels, just like clips of the episodes. And then obviously, then I'm getting Big Bang Theory clips.

Well, geez. And, and what I would like to say is, well, there's many things about Big Bang Theory. There's many things about Big Bang Theory that I do not like. And the the guys doing the higher pitch voice is so dumb. It is so dumb. Leonard's character is abhorrent. I don't see any redeeming qualities in them.

And I don't get how penny I can understand how people would like that show. There you go. And may I take it one step further.

Oh, no. It's not like I see the Young Sheldon reels and move on with my day. I watch to completion of the reel.

Enjoy the reel. And feel like that might be like the wonder years of our time. Young Sheldon might be the wonder years of this time. Yeah, I think I might like Young Sheldon. I like the dad. He's great. Even though I can't it's the guy who played a f*ck now I can't think of the name when I always see him as this person from Always Sunny.

Oh, the the they thought he knocked up D so they brought them all in and he was one of the men who was like really anti condoms and then Dennis married his sister. Yeah. What's the f*cking name of those guys? Well, no idea. The Ponderosa? No, yes.

Yeah, no. Yeah, not Maureen Ponderosa. Yeah, Maureen. It's Ponderosa. Okay.

Ponderosa. Do you do you know it's like, here's one here's the one only fact I know about Young Sheldon. The kid Sheldon.

Yeah. He was just a kid in New York who reviewed Broadway theater. He had this channel called I think it was called Ian loves theater or Bill Ponderosa.

Do you know the backstory of this? No, but I know that like they look enough alike. Yeah, he was just a kid that like loved Broadway theater and basically like I think it's probably like eight at the time. And he was just you just always just you just see him at shows because, you know, my wife and I before having kids would see a lot of Broadway theater and oh, there's that Ian kid again.

Really? Oh, yeah. He ran into Young Sheldon all the time. When he was Young Sheldon. He was just always at all the shows. Like he was just this kid that everyone knew in the theater community and and then we find yourself to be a part of.

What do you mean? The theater community? I think a Jay as a jacently Yeah, I was I'm not anymore. I mean, I still enjoy it, but not to the degree. But yeah, now that he got cast as Young Sheldon's like, Oh, no sh*t. I and your opinion on this part is especially important to me because I and I've said this for a long time. I don't think anyone knows broadcast TV like you do.

So if you are here to tell me that it might we might not never reach this point that is both commentary on the decay of broadcast television but also on the quality of Young Sheldon. That cuts that cuts through for me that matters. I know that this is your little throwaway song and dance you do at the beginning of the podcast, but that's that's important that matters. Well, I really like Georgie and I like when he hooked up with that 29 year old. And I like that relationship and they're getting a spin off. Did you know that? They're getting a spin off grant and it's going back to multi cam. With laugh track and sh*t. So Young Sheldon did not have laugh track. No. Oh, interesting.

Yeah, I just had it had Sheldon doing the voiceover and then the final episode, you know, he was reflective of the dad and the grandma was different, I think in both shows, but the mom was played Lori Metcalf, the Sheldon's mom in Big Bang Theory, and her real daughter then plays Young Sheldon's mom. Interesting. So people are like, how come this actress is so good at having the characterisms of it's because it's her real daughter.

What are what's a characterism? Yeah, I just hoping you'd skip that. Lori Metcalf, by the way, outstanding in the original Big Bang Theory, a show that I very much like and I understand you poke fun at it and you know, make your jokes but I understand how people like that step number one. I think the nerdy this is. We get it. They're nerds. They don't have to like, be the stereotypical nerd. You know, I really am offended that for the character. He can't just be like, Yeah, I'm Leonard. He has to be Sheldon Cooper home.

f*ck you. That guy's punishment, though, for doing that voice and being that character is that he seems like he hates life. The human the actor just seems like I mean, like he's like, I'm like tier one of miserable celebrities. Do you follow the comings and goings of Johnny Galecki? No, but because I hate the show so much anytime I've seen like, Johnny Galecki was a dick at this thing. Johnny Galecki was a dick at that thing, which by the way really short.

That's right. He's five five. I'd be a dick too if I was five five. He has nice hair though and can grow good facial hair.

I'm just looking at pictures. Well, the guys in Fallout Boy are short and they're nice. It's not a one to one grant is Penny one of those is one of those hot. So she plays the hot girl in the right.

Is she going to age? Well, like Jennifer Aniston. We look back like Queen, right? I even look back at Patricia Heaton and I'm like, Yeah, Elaine. Oh, my God.

We were just talking about this. Elaine, too. Where do we stand on? Where do you stand on Kaley Cuoco?

So where do you stand Wednesday? Have you seen The Flight Attendant? No, it's a good show. Starring Kaley Cuoco. I don't I can't get past her character being with Leonard. It would never happen. I saw one scene where they were making out as like it didn't it looked like it looked like two cousins making out.

I mean, in real life, though, those two. It just felt weird to me anyway. I'd like to say that I understand how people like Big Bang Theory and I actively put it together. If there was a survey of highly approved, somewhat approved, no opinion, slightly disapprove or strongly disapprove. I'm in the slightly approve.

I don't even say neutral. I was like Young Sheldon. No, I'm in the slightly approve. I go ahead based on the 95 to 115 three minute clips that I have watched in bed over the last month. If I was I would say it's like if I was a CBS News Network hotshot executive down here in New York, like I would want to see younger Sheldon.

Six, eight months old. He might do old Sheldon. Just Jim Parsons now or like or like I think Michael Keaton was in talks or some sh*t weird.

That was just a whatever. I'm glad to know that the Sheldon versus not dead that we still have more avenues to go into the Sheldon Cooper universe. Oh, well, I think that's enough of that for the day. My only other comment part is, you know, young Sheldon, the actor, you know his voice from something else that we watch. What?

He's chase in the in the Paw Patrol movie. What? Mm hmm. Yeah. You know, the chick from Blackish is Liberty.

Did you ever watch Blackish? Yeah. The youngest daughter.

Is Liberty in the Paw Patrol movie? Yeah. Oh, interesting.

She's twins with the other kid. Oh, yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah.

Nice. Alright, with that being said, Happy Place hemp. Imagine Happy Place hemp and some reels from Young Sheldon. I'm falling asleep just thinking about it. I found a empty seltzer bottle in the trash this week. And I said, honey, I didn't drink this.

And she said I was looking for something with no calories. That would help put me to sleep. And she said she slept like an angel, which she does every night. Except for my snoring, farting, and kid interrupting. Do you do you show up at two o'clock and go into bed? Like, do you as she's sleeping as everyone like you come in and just, all right, I'm home. Sleep in bed. I may daily downstairs for a little bit.

Yeah. But for the most part, I come home and go to bed. You just come in all stinky and sweaty from the work and just just plop into bed while people are sleeping.

What do you think I do, Paul? You don't shower before bed. So I have to shower before bed.

That's why I was agreed. I can't sleep. I'll lay there and feel disgusting. I will get in bed and then be like, and I'll get out of bed and go shower. Interesting. I'm so glad that I was not alone in this one. Oh, you don't.

Oh, what do you mean? You enjoy laying in the stink of the day. You like feeling the stickiness of your skin. I like to swish and swirl in the sheets. And I like to feel like I'm gliding because I'm so clean.

Laying in your sheets is much better when you are clean. I'm not gonna say that there's no option. See, but but for you, there's an option for me. It's not. No, there's no choice. I'm glad I'm with Paul on this one.

Yeah. And show and showering is actually like, especially if it's, it's relaxing, isn't it? Like it should help to your point of not sleeping. Well, take a shower before bed.

You'll be you need a little shelf in the shower if there's not one naturally built into the wall to prop your phone and then you watch reels. I've been binging Jiminy Glick videos before bed in the shower, but young Sheldon reels could also work. Well, that's why I for my sleep, I like to I like to ingest what I call shower in a can and that's happy place hemp. CBD CBN gummies. Shower in a can. Well, that's more shower in a what are these called? The can is what the seltzer is in. They're more like in a container. Either way, guys, happy place hemp. For me, my sleep needs and also my THC needs.

It's all available for you. And they have now we used to talk about Tim Shay's brother's dog. They don't just have the spray for the pets.

They have dog treats. They're also going to have a show on the street, it's going to happen. It's going to happen across the street from Maddie's in New Berlin.

One of those things. But happy place. You can go there, visit them, tell them you heard about them on the Wink reverse or Bart or you know, whatever.

And then also go to type in bar to check out for 25% off every order. By the way, real quick, before I ask the first topic, Kevin Holden sent this to me and I saved it from back when he used to be on the morning show in Milwaukee. I'll just play a quick clip.

It's Not yet, original audio. Number one, we got Young Sheldon on CBS, right? All right, I wanna do Young Sheldon.

I want him to be like six months old, nine months old, maybe 10 months old tops. Solving riddles and sh*t, Tevin. Yeah, Young Sheldon right now, he's maybe 11 years old. He's too f*cking old, Tevin. I wanna see Young Sheldon. What do you think about that one, Tevin?

I like that. What was the thing that you wanted to say? I don't know. You said you were listening and something happened. Oh, okay, so let me see exactly where it was. On your national show on Wednesday night in hour two, the Celtics had just freshly won the game and I swear to you, it was, you know, like in the 99th percentile of good Bart content, but you were like hater central against the Celtics. It was like, if a neutral party was listening to that, didn't like the Celtics, didn't know you as a person, didn't, you know, wasn't a fan of the Mavericks or this, it was like, holy God, this guy f*cking hates. I mean, you were, and you were so convicted about it and by the way, right, but it would have to come across as the like Drew McIntyre level, hater of the year award type sh*t.

Hmm, what'd I say? I can't, it was 15 minutes of like- I just remember like asking Stu, like, is this, this is not professional. Is it what I'm doing?

This is, this is too much. This is- Yeah, eventually, like after 12 minutes of that, this host clearly despises this basketball team. Well, I've come to accept that they're gonna win and I'm fine with it.

I mean, the Drew holiday stuff is really annoying and Bead's tweet was awful. Draymond attaching himself to it sucks. Tatum getting up there and being like, I'm unselfish when he takes 26 shots is- Leads the team in shots, yeah.

Real, he's shooting like 30% and Brown's shooting like 50% and I think there's still a chance they give it to Tatum. I mean, I told you guys earlier this week, like, so the NBA has a slight edge and has had a slight edge for me as my favorite league over the NFL. I love the NFL.

I worked like NFL coverage, like maybe that kind of brought down a little bit just cause, you know, sometimes it's good to see behind the curtain but sometimes it's not. But like the NBA has always probably been by a tick like my favorite league but there are things that happen and narratives that are so strong and personalities that are so annoying that I don't know if in 20 years I'm gonna love it. There's just a lot of bullsh*t and I would tell you like, I really, really hope you're wrong that the narrative of Jason Tatum being anointed is not more powerful than what's in front of my f*cking face which is Jaylen Brown has had a- I think he will be, but he'll get votes. Doris will vote for him. See, but like, I'm gonna like, you know how Ryan from The Office, right?

The popular gif of like, he takes a note, right? Check. If you through three games would give Jason Tatum the vote over Jaylen Brown, I'm Ryan from The Officing and I'm putting your name on a list and I'm done with you. Like, cause that just means you're an idiot and you would rather subscribe to a narrative over the actual product. I'm also getting mad like, the same thing happened with the Niners run. It wasn't so much that I didn't want the Niners to win. It was that I didn't want this guy, David Lombardi from The Athletic, whose tweets I kept seeing, he's being a real douche. And now this Shane f*cking young guy who I brought up last night too. You have officially circled him, the Shane guy on your like, and has he- It's all like, people were doubting me back in March. Back in March, back in March you made a claim that the Celtics were going to be the f*cking champions. In March, when they had an 85 win percentage or beating teams by 23 at night, you made a claim and people were doubting you who? The five bots that got tied up with you? Yeah. Like, I know all about straw man.

It's how we generate topics on an otherwise slow day. But my Christ. Yeah. Well, Tatum before game three, I wrote these down just in case, but Tatum in this series before, in the first two games was 12 for 38. If you include his other finals appearance in finals career, he was 35% from the field. So what was he last night? But whatever it was, it's not going to- He's a 35% field goal shooter in the finals.

Tatum is, or was, before Wednesday nights game three. Like, yeah. Yeah. Okay, let's move on. Ready?

Yeah. I have no idea what your answers are going to be to this. And it might take you some time to answer it, but you can hand pick any NBA coach. You can hand pick any basketball coach in the world to coach the Bucks, to coach your favorite team. Any coach in the world is going to coach your favorite team for the sake of this conversation, the Bucks. Any coach, okay? You would pick, Grant, are you- Could I, sorry, could I get any like historical coach or like from right now, their age right now? Their age right now. So preferably- Willing and able to coach.

Preferably alive. Yeah. Right.

Okay. Any coach in the world can coach your favorite team, can coach the Bucks. That coach would be Dan Hurley. Mm-hmm.

Or mm-mm. In other words, I'm trying to say, did the Lakers just shortchange the best coach in the world? And we don't exactly know how he'll do in the NBA, right? Just like we don't know how my boy Spoe would do in college. I assume he'd do great in college. I assume Hurley would do well in the NBA, but I'm just trying to- I'm not a big college basketball fan. I don't consume a lot of college basketball. The more you see the Hurley stuff and you like, there's a very good claim he's the best basketball coach in the world, right?

At least like right now, today, not historically, not in the pathions of time, but like, okay. So mm-hmm or mm-mm, you could handpick any coach in the world to be your team's NBA, to be your Bucks, your favorite NBA team, the Bucks head coach. I would take Becky Hammond.

Well, the Bucks almost did instead of Mike Blutenhauzer. So mm-hmm or mm-mm on Hurley. Grant seems strongly opinionated.

So Grant, you go first. Hurley mm-hmm or mm-mm. Well, mm-mm on Hurley, mm-mm-mm.

Sorry, old Marb Red flipped up onto my lung. Not Dan Hurley, I think Dan Hurley is really good as a college coach. And then he fits really well at UConn.

It's not to say that he wouldn't be successful elsewhere. I just, I don't know. And if I can pick anybody, I mean, I thought about saying Spoe, but I'm not giving you that satisfaction. So I can't say that. Do it, do it, do it. Um, no. Dan Hurley says his wife Andrea was angry and moved to tears when she first heard the Lakers reached out. Um, this is bothering me. Yeah. All we talk about is Dan Hurley's wife. It's a great, you've brought this up, but it's a great crutch.

It's an elite crutch. Well, yeah. And it's the way that, but then UConn's never going to give them more money because they know his wife wants to stay so bad.

Yeah. So then you get another team to give you money. Worth noting, by the way, though, that Dan Hurley did go on Dan Leboutin's show today and say, he was asked the question, like if the offer had been more substantial. If the Lakers would have offered him a hundred million, he's gone. And by the way, it is unbelievable that they essentially, in my opinion, like they, I would love to have my time wasted for $7 million, $70 million offer, but they wasted his time and they made themselves look terrible. There should have been no question. The question shouldn't have been, should they have offered a hundred million? It's how much above 100 million should they have offered? To legitimately get this back to back national champion head coach to actually consider them to have the public humiliation of being the Lakers with LeBron 20 years after coach K declined you.

And now Dan Hurley declined, major, major f*ck up. And any of the genie bus, sorry, any of the genie bus hatred that's happened in the past two days and Lakers ownership structure, hatred, it's like, it should be even heavier because that is terribly wrong. Grant, sorry, go ahead. No, no, no, no. I didn't disagree with anything you just said.

I want to ask a follow-up. Do you think the Lakers think that this is embarrassing? You think the Lakers are like, oh, that didn't go well. If they don't, if they didn't think it before he declined, they would, they have to think it now.

I mean, it's unavoidable. They had to go. They went full court press in the media. They could have tried to do this quietly, right?

It probably wouldn't have stayed totally secret, but they could have gone and been less braggadocious or whatever with this. I think they did it knowing that, well, if it works great, we get our guy. And if not, well, everyone's talking about the Lakers. Also, this whole thing was Woge planted. Yeah. Like Woge got the Lakers to give Dan Hurley an offer.

And Woge wrote a book about the Hurley family at some point. Like they've got, and he's what, St. Bonaventure? All these east coast, God, these pricks who go to the colleges out east. I guess we do this with the WIAC. Not really, but I suppose, why don't we?

We should be bigger pricks about our WIAC loyalties. But Woge, there is a background there, right? So that's, I mean, the trail is easy to follow. Yeah. What coach would you take, Bart?

I don't know. I want to say Spolster, but I don't want to let Paul have that. Don't Google a list of coaches. Come on. No, I'm Googling one coach. Who?

JT Gritzmacher, men's basketball coach at UW lacrosse. Sure. Oh.

Yeah, go ahead and pick him. That'll be. No, Spolster came to mind, obviously, but then I didn't want to give Paul the benefit of that doubt either.

I had the exact same thought. Popovich, I don't think. I think he's.

Not anymore. In the NBA, you know, Kerr. Depends how good your team is.

Like, if you have a superstar lane team, Kerr can. I was going to say f*cking Bud. He crossed my mind.

No. Tyronn Lue. Lue crossed my mind.

Lue deserves some credit in that conversation. I was going to say guard. I was going to say Tom Izzo.

Yeah. I was going to say John Calipari. I was going to say Bill Self. I was going to say Doc Rivers. Maybe Adrian Griffin.

Will Hardy, a young coach, if you want to find a young guy who's maybe just starting and turning into something. Joe Mazula. I still don't know that he's. Just feels like he's along for the ride.

You know, he did say something Mazula did after game three. So I'm not going to break any news to you. I tell you guys, like, I'm an analytical nerd. Every time I watch a game. I know, right?

Shocking. Every time I watch a game and they'll put up a guy's stats for the game so far. I love numbers. Love, love numbers.

They'll put up and they'll say the guy is. What's your favorite number? 69, you freak and they'll put up something on the screen. It'll say the guy's eight for 13 for 22 points. What I do in my head and you know, nerd alert is I do the points per shot thing. So, OK, 13 shots to get 22 points. That means every shot he's taking is approximately worth 1.7. That's great.

That's elite, right? Are you like Kevin from the office where he's an accountant that's bad at numbers. But if you instead did money, if you instead did pies, you could do numbers in your head like you're bad at math.

But if it was like NBA stats, you could crank out equations like nothing. I've always loved numbers. I don't know if I loved math because once it got into like geometry and calculus, I hated it. I was good in geometry. I was good in calc. I got the f*cking trig and it killed me. I mean, I never even sniffed trig. So good for you.

Yeah. First and only class I ever failed was geometry. Brother, I was so bad at math I had to take algebra twice and then remedial math in college. Geometry is the easiest sh*t I've ever done in my life. I f*cking slayed at algebra. I do think geometry and math, they shouldn't be the same. Because what you're saying confirms my thoughts for all these years, which is like if you're great at geometry but don't like more like numerical based math, and I love numerical based math but hate geometry, then it's clear, at least in these two examples, that it's a totally different skill set. The proofs were the easiest math thing I've ever done. And everyone else is having a seizure trying to do them in the classroom. The proofs were f*cking exciting. Problem solving.

Yeah. My math is another Kevin from the office. I only got functional at math when I did physics. And the math was a means to actually doing the thing that we were trying to do. You know what I mean? Like I need to use the math to solve the problem instead of, hey, just do math.

No. My rule is just like, if I need a protractor, then it's not math. Like that's not, I don't care.

I don't want to learn. I'm not. Anyway, all this to say, Joe Mazula said in the postgame, he said, and he's kind of like a Rain Man type guy. He's kind of, that's become more apparent. But he's like, yeah, we got 1.22 points per shot. And I was like, my man, Joe Mazula, busting out the points per shot in your press conference. That's him being a dick. That's him going, look at what I can do, everyone. I know that football player Aaron Rodgers has gotten crap for that, right?

It's like he's showing, he's saying things just for the sake of like Lucas. Or McVeigh, like lots of guys where LeBron has done it. There's lots of people, I guess. My point is, I bet most could do it.

They just choose not to. I like that it mattered to him. I guess it was a confirmation bias of like, oh, I'm not the weird guy who just divides shots by points and thinks that that's like, it is. For me, it's like the most important efficiency calculator.

Anyway, all that to say, the best coach in the world is who then? And you don't like big bang theory? See, because it's so stereotypical though, right? Like if you would cast a me looking motherf*cker, they're like, who's like- What if big bang theory was a show? All right, go for it. Exact premise, very similar jokes, except the four guys weren't physicists.

They were assistant coaches on an NBA team. I mean, I would watch the sh*t out of it. If there's no laugh track, you know my rule. Get over the, get over the laugh track. I hate how anti-laugh track everyone's, everyone, it's so cool to hate on the laugh track as if it wasn't a staple of American television for decades and decades. A lot of the laugh track that you're thinking of, like you don't like the laugh track on Seinfeld. My brother, those are real people in the audience laughing like you sit at a play and are getting real reaction from the guy next to you.

Hold that thought, I'm about to destroy you on this. Have I not told you this story? My wife has been at several TV show tapings. They, first off, they hold up cue cards. So it's like, hey, laugh now. They give prizes to loudest laughers. They give prizes to loudest reactors, to people who go extra miles.

They go on, they give you free shirts, they give you free sh*t. Like it is not organic. So it's not the same as going to a Broadway show where the audience can organically react. It's like when WWE in the old days, like, you know, five years ago, old days, would plant fans. They would put off- Instead of AEW where it's just silent because one third of the arena is filled.

Listen, don't be a f*cking dick. And that's not true. But that is what they would do. Cause they'd, cause they're like, well, this is, you cheer this for the good guy, you cheer that for the bad guy.

Like, let it be organic. Anyway. I mean, when Kramer walks in the door, I'm reacting. There's no cue card that I need.

There he is. Welcome to the episode Cosmo Kramer. The people have to be like, and then it's like, I saw, I saw one guy doing this bit where then he's like, like there was a fire across the street and he's the neighbor and he comes in and everyone's like, yeah, the neighbor. And then the guy goes, your house is on fire. There's a delay.

It was either a Shane Gillis bit or Bill Burr. I saw it on the one piece of where I get my, where I get my entertainment now, which is reels. Facebook?

No. Facebook reels, Instagram reels. That's why I'm trying to make more reels, but it's hard to patch all this together. Cause I talk in these weird screens and then I got to f*cking move it. And then I got to put it. And then, so that's where I would like AI. If there was an AI that could like get my face, get your face, get Paul's face, make a real. What you did describe though, with like the neighbor coming over and then getting the applause and the whatever, it does remind me, speaking of wrestling, of when Matt Hardy was, Matt Hardy and some other guys are getting attacked and Jeff Hardy makes his big, big comeback.

But instead of running to help, he's dancing on the eye away to his music while his brother and friends are getting their asses kicked. That's how to do it. If you could have any coach in the world to be your team. It would not be Dan Hurley is the answer.

No. Give me your Mount Rushmore. Who would it be? Who's your top four? I threw out a lot of names like. Well, land on at least a couple. Who's your finalist?

Land on a couple? Who are you getting? You get final interviews with two or three guys.

Who are you taking final interviews with? Spoe. Spoe.

f*ck yeah, you are motherf*cker. Tyrone Lou. Same. Same. Great list. Dan Hurley getting a finalist interview. With what great guards done with a minimal roster. Thank you.

How did it take this long to get guarded? I think I have to. Oh, Bart Lundy. My Christ. Gotta get Lundy in there. Those four. Oh, Becky Hammond though. For sure.

Thank you. Grant. Spoe and Tyrone Lou probably would be my first two. One of those two. I'd interview them both.

Pick their brains on each other. What about Michael Malone or Nicholas Nurse? No. I'm not... My big issue with the NBA, and I don't know if we're going to talk about this more. There is a maturity shortage right now in the NBA.

That's my Colin Cowher spin. Players, coaches, commentators, or all? Players.

Players. Okay. These are a bunch of kids who are whining and bitching their way out of games. So... And Michael Malone, I don't need him contributing to that epidemic. That's fine. I want my coach to at least be an adult. I'll deal with the kids playing the game being children.

I don't also want it for my coach. Thank you. No, thank you on Michael Malone. So I just want to... I just want to welcome you, Grant. You're officially old. I swear to God. Like the two most promising American born players right now are two of them, Zion and Ja.

One's eating and banging p*rn stars, and the other just likes playing with guns. He's like, I am not expecting you to win MVP every year, but can you be a functional basketball player who plays, I don't know, 65 games? 60. 60. Let's just say 60. It doesn't even need to be 65. We'll work up to that.

Can we play 60 games, please? At least we have Anthony Edwards. I mean that obviously sincerely. Seems like a great kid. Great kid. Yeah. I think so too. Yes. All right.

So we agree on those names. I did not know, again, as a non avid college basketball fan, how high up he would be. And by the way, let's just say this real quick about- Oh, is this the worst Gary Wolfle tweet you've ever seen? Oh boy. Is it new?

From today. Hit it. The Bucks paid Adetokumpu, Lillard, and Middleton a combined $120 million this season. You will never guess what the next sentence is. I do know what it is.

You saw it? And more than the Brewers, $119 million. Yeah. More than the Brewers payroll. How f*cking stupid are you?

Now that's comparing apples to wrenches. A friend of show gets- Well, Gary knows what he's doing. I don't understand like these older guys that have essentially retired.

Why they got to keep it up? Mostly retired. That's always the bio.

Mostly retired. Bad needles should have been, get out of here. You had your run.

We don't need to know what you think of f*cking Colin Ray's latest start. Okay? Go away. Let me ask you- I plan to go away. Oh God, yeah, please.

Sooner than later. I'm trying. You think I enjoy this?

I mean, if you didn't need the $4, you wouldn't be here right now. Speaking of mostly retired, did I tell you guys that Tom Oates followed me the other day? Oh, you did.

That's a, yeah. Yeah, Tom Oates. I saw Tom Oates. Tom Oates is like related to one of my friends somehow. Oatesy. So I was around his house at Christmas time. I was like a 13 year old and I knew who Tom Oates was.

And I'm in this guy's basem*nt and Tom Oates is sitting there in a f*cking recliner having a cold one. Did you talk to him? No. He appreciated that. He probably likes it when people leave him alone. Well, I don't know.

Does he want to get recognized by a 13 year old kid? I just checked to see if... Are you Tom Oates? Are you Tom Oates or Rachel Oates from the... Do I see you in the paper sometimes? My name's Tom Oates and I write for the state journal.

Did you see all of Onavam's tweets when he was pretending to be Tom Oates that one day was f*cking horrible. That was good. Yes, Paul. Sorry. I'm not apologizing. I'm apologizing for Bart. Nevermind. I'm not apologizing. It was him, not me.

Yeah, don't do that. I just checked to see if my years of inactivity on Twitter got me an unfollow from Oatesy and it didn't. I'm still following and being followed. He must like my one tweet a year about the box or some payroll thing.

Adding value. I believe I have a Tom Oates follow, I think. Okay, let me ask you this question about coaches. It's not planned, but we're gonna go there real quick.

If you had to have your coach... Yep. All right. So Grant, finally, buddy. What? You finally got the Oates follow.

Bart and I checked that box years ago. Well, I'm grinding. Adam McAlvey liked one of my tweets the other day. No follow. That's fine. That's fine.

He doesn't really have a reason to, but the like felt nice. It was the first time. It was that picture of Paschke.

I think it was probably JR. I think it cross pollinated. That went mini viral for you. Well, you know. Viral enough.

Viral-ish. Yeah, Trevor liked it. Whoever the f*ck that guy is. Trevor.

From Wisconsin sports net or whatever the f*ck. The other guy's name in that podcast with John Anderson is Trevor. Oh, oh, that guy.

Yeah. The other guy with John Anderson who I didn't know was from Wisconsin. Paul. He used to say he's from Wisconsin.

I'm from Wisconsin. He used to say that on Sports Center. If you're in the NBA finals and your head coach either has to go like full Nick nurse slash full Jason Kidd. And what I mean by that is hat with your initials on it, backwards cap, even though you're 52 years old, fake glasses. So you're going full kid, full nurse, right?

You gotta do that. Or Joe Mazzola. Just completely unassuming, like nerdy 1.22 points per shot guy. Cause before you're dumping on Mazzola a little bit.

Would I rather have? To represent your team. Oh, Mazzola.

A hundred times out of 100, right? I can't deal with like the 50 year old coaches who are trying to, for some reason, despite being prominent figures in a prominent league, are like, I gotta use this opportunity to act 25. Well, they gotta keep up with their, the players are coaching. It's so dumb. You know that they gotta have Ritz. They need, they need to have regular, normal people around them to like ground them, but they don't.

So then they do this stupid sh*t. So yes, Mazzola. No, Grant, Grant, give me a huff. That was a big huff. Say more.

Mazzola just sucks too. Hey coach, you know, it's the first time in however many years that there's this, you know, black coaches. Well, I wonder how many of those coaches were Christians.

Okay. How much, Jesus Christ. He was literally, he was not a front row. Like his feet, Joe Mazzola's feet, when Ujoka was let go, he wasn't a front row coach for this all day.

Second row Joe. It's what Bill Simmons' dad calls him. Have you ever heard that before? I've heard that.

Probably a couple dozen times, yeah. That's quite the promotion, but I would much rather have like the unassuming nerd than like the guy who's- I think you're doing him a favor by calling him unassuming. I think he's annoying as hell personally. It doesn't matter. I mean- He might be annoyed by him, but he's not outwardly like, look at me.

I'm saying annoying in the sense of like, look at me over here. I'm cool and fun and important. And like, no, just shut the f*ck up and coach a basketball game. All right, next question for you. The Brewers should approach this year's trade deadline as being a major pitcher trade away from making a serious post-season run.

The Brewers should approach this year's trade deadline as being a major pitcher trade away from a serious post-season run. Mm-hmm. Or mm-mm. Grant, I can't tell you for deep in thought or you hate the question. I'm always deep in thought, Paul, from the morning I wake up or from the moment I wake up. I don't think so. Oh, okay.

I don't think so. So you're enjoying the ride and like that's good. And I'm not saying you're wrong, but like- I'll just put my cards on the table. This season to me is about winning the division and giving a middle finger to every other team in the division, specifically the Cubs, and proving that we didn't need three all-star pitchers and the hometown manager to do it. That's kind of the point of the season for me. And that's not to say that I don't care what happens in the playoffs. Obviously I do if they get there.

I just, this year more than any year in recent memory is an enjoy the ride year for me and I'm enjoying the ride. And I don't know that adding one starter, unless you're gonna go and add the best starter in baseball. You know what I mean? Okay, then maybe. And then I don't think, no, they're a pitcher away. Okay. So would you do nothing? Would you do nothing? Okay, let me just follow up real quick, Grant. The Brewers should do nothing at the deadline. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Nothing of like import.

Like what do you want to do? I'm just like trading for one or two high-level pitchers, for example, high-level pitchers. I am of the belief that if you're going to make a trade and you want to add something, just don't skimp. Because what happens is, so the Brewers trade for Christian Yelich, right? And they give up Louis Brinson and I don't even remember, Monte Harrison.

Yeah. And a guy who's now playing wide receiver. And when we walk away from that trade, it's like, man, that's a high cost.

Wow. And then all of them turn out to suck. And then they do a throwaway trade for Daniel Norris, who's living in a f*cking van when he was pitching for the Tigers in that throwaway trade.

And then Reese Olson, the piece they gave up, actually turns into the stud pitcher now for Detroit. So I think you're at risk of giving up on an awesome piece, whether you're making a high-level acquisition or a mid-level. So that's my point is if you're gonna add, add.

Like do it with a purpose, don't just do it to do it. Mm-hmm. Bart. I didn't answer your question, sorry. Yeah, no, you did. The Brewers should approach this year's trade deadline as if they are one high-level pitcher away from making a serious post-season run.

Mm-hmm, or mm-mm. I'm not sure I'm necessarily interested in participating in Brewers trade deadline discourse this year. Yeah, you may opt out.

You can hit the opt out button. Now, I don't have to do it every day, you know? I don't have to, I don't interview Adam McKelvey once a week anymore where we start with this question on tax day about who they should trade for. I am trying to, I don't know if you guys ever do this with the team, enjoy the ride.

Yeah, you're allowed to do that. I really think these, I mean, I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out, but having expectations suck. Like, okay, for the Celtics this year, sure, they're gonna be relieved. If the Mavs would have won the title, then the greatest year of these people's lives. The Celtics are finally like f*cking relieved. Yeah.

It's not as fun. I mean, a title's always great, I assume. But as far as the trade deadline, it's obvious that they need some pitching help. How many starters are they at? 14, 12, 13, 14? 12 as of the, was Carlos Rodriguez number 12, 13, or 14?

I think 12. But it seems to be, I don't know. Like there's a lot of reasons why the Brewers shouldn't be this record, but they are this record. Yeah.

Okay. I don't think they need to. I don't think they need to win a World Series. All I want is to have a better record than the Cubs.

I don't know. Yeah, okay. So Bart and I, I wasn't just gonna come out and say it like that.

I was gonna try to add a little more fluff and stuff to it. No, I just want a better record than the Cubs. I know that's petty.

I know that Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers bullsh*t. It is, it is, yeah. But that's what I want. They win the division and get swept out in three games this season as a success. I don't give a f*ck. Oh, it frees up my October, thank God. I, eh, all right.

More time to pick apples and watch the leaves, drive through f*ckin' some of our beautiful forests that we have in this state. Can I make a Brewers comment? Are we moving on to a different sport or different team? Where it's, I have a quick MLB question. So we're still in the same sport, but we'll, we'll get off Brewers.

Well, just really quickly on the Brewers. I love rock. I've said this a hundred times. I think Bill Schroeder is awesome. I think sports radio in Wisconsin might be laying it on a little thick booking every human that's ever come to in contact with rock at any point in his life this week.

I could be wrong. I have this guy who pesters the sh*t out of me on my show. And I just like, you know, I don't want to say this, but sometimes I judge people on how their profile picture looks.

And this motherf*cker's face, I just want to punch it, which I'm sure I get, you know, too. But he's like, why aren't you representing Wisconsin enough? You should have, you should have Darren Sutton on this week.

You should have Jim Paschke on this week. I'm like, brother, you crossed the border. And it's like, no one knows who rock is. Yeah.

Within these walls of this castle. He is, he is our king. He is our, I love, this isn't an anti-rock thing. It's not an, and it's a slow time of year. So we need to get 30 rocks, a great name.

They're a little commercial where they have SNL knockoff music and showing that's f*cking great. It's all great. I love it. I'm actually, I can't watch it tomorrow live. I'm taping the pregame. Are they going to let these guys sit in and do innings or are they just going to have them on the pregame?

I don't know. Like, are you going to have Vascojian call an inning? I mean, they had Mike Milken in for an inning or whatever his name is earlier this week.

They can, I don't, I don't think the band, I don't think it's a high bar to clear to be able to do an inning with rock and levering or BA or whoever's gonna be doing it. Anyways, sorry to derail. I want to keep talking baseball, Paul. I just saw some tweets. It's just, I'm turning into Bart.

Jesus Christ. On the heels of- Yeah, it's hard not to, it's hard not to get distracted. On the heels of the St. Louis Cardinals fans giving Paul Skeans a standing ovation after his six and a third or whatever it was. I looked back, I was thinking back to, and I don't know where the machine is right now, Bart.

Maybe it's in your garage getting ready to load up for tonight's national show, the Bart-O-Meter that is. But if the Bart-O-Meter had been asked to do what it did two months ago, which was like the top eight, top 10, whatever it was, faces of baseball. Paul Skeans was not yet in the major leagues. He did not make the list. Is Paul Skeans a top five future face of baseball right now? Paul Skeans is in fact, I'll read you back the list because I have it saved in my notes for some reason as if I might've written it. Aaron Judge was one, Bryce Harper was two, Shohei three, I'm fine with all those guys being ahead, one, two, and three.

Acuna, Soto, the Orioles trio, Julio Rodriguez, Eli De La Cruz, by the way, Eli was eight. He's probably more like four or five now himself. He's probably moved up. But is Paul Skeans like, I'll tell you this, when the pirates come to Milwaukee, if he's pitching, like that's whether it's television or whatever, like that's must see for me right now.

I wanna see that. He doesn't automatically get me to the ballpark. I can't even picture his face right now.

Think about the mustache. You know, Miles Michael has out pitched him that night too. I know he did. But by the way, the Cardinals doing that and then getting talked about on your show and other shows, like it did raise, not saying the Cardinals, it justifies the Cardinals fans decision, but it raised the profile of Paul Skeans. sh*t was so stupid by the way. I don't know what your guys' opinions were of that.

I don't know what, but I didn't know you talked about this on your show, Bart, but that's such an L for a fan. Would you give a standing O to a pitcher who gets a no hitter against you? f*ck no, absolutely not. But I would if he did like eight and a third, I might.

As long as we get a hit off him. Yeah. Okay, so that's a little different. No, still no, no.

Really? I would. What if it was like Chase Anderson or David Bush when they came back? That would be worse.

Like fires. Matt Bush, maybe. Yeah, him, sure. But that's specific.

I would. He went six and a third and gave up five hits. That's what they gave him a standing over?

I just assumed that. Six and a third, eight Ks, five hits. Miles Michael has had seven innings, five Ks, one hit. He is dating Livy Dunn, which helps. Which helps him. I think other fan bases should start giving him a standing O after he walks off the mound every inning.

That would be fun, actually. No matter what. This is not actually how I clap. I don't know why I'm, I'm more of a. I once thought I had the perfect clap. There's like 8% of people that have the perfect clap. Oh yeah?

No. Like that. Remember when Tim got those f*cking thunder paws going on a couple of your live streams?

He's got a good clap. Paul looks like he's in pain. Sorry, I just was reading something about other notes that I had, but yeah.

How to deal with students. Where does Paul Skeens slot in right now as like the guy that, I think the topic was the guy that if you were commissioner, you would like mark it around you would build around. Well, yeah, I think there's some of that, but also we got to remember like, I have these Oriole fans that call me.

Yeah. And they're like Gunnar Henderson. I'm like, I got to tell you, you know who Gunnar Henderson is and like I do, but most baseball players or fans still don't know who the f*ck you're talking about. Which again is Major League Baseball's problem, not Gunnar Henderson's problem.

But when do you market these guys? I mean, if Yankees Dodgers are going to get best numbers on TV in five years, I don't care how many Gunnar Henderson's you have, you're still putting on Yankees Dodgers on TV. Yeah. I made it, I watched it.

I made a point to watch it. Dodger Yankees, yeah. Mm-hmm. But also like actually speaking of the Dodgers last week though, like the two schemes at bats with Shohei that kind of got clipped and went, like that's fun. And that builds up, like that's marketing. Like I know it wasn't Major League Baseball who probably clipped those.

It was just a fan that did it, but like, okay, three fastballs at a hundred miles per hour passed the best hitter in the game maybe ever. And then the next at-bat Shohei, homers and skeins kind of gets like that, like, oh, that was kind of cool. Look like that's good sh*t. Like that's marketable stuff.

That's what I call marketing. Yeah. You're not wrong. I think he's right on the doorstep. If he finishes this year and is really, really good, then coming into next year, he's a guy that there's- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. You need the runway. You need the run-up into the season. We can't just pivot middle of the year.

Well, you can a little bit, but fans take a while to catch up to that stuff. I still think a lot of people are going to call him Skenis or Skeenis or Skens. Admittedly, I did not, as someone who has like read about him and seen him online, but not heard an announcer say it, until this past week, I did not know the pronunciation, but now I do. I would have said Skenis. I finally learned how to say Asia Wilson.

That's big. Because I mentioned all these WNBA players all the time and I never mentioned her. Cause I was like, I don't know her name. I do that on Z93, the music station I'm on. Cause so many of these one hit wonders have like punctuation in their name now. So I'm just like, I'll just refer to it by the song name only.

And this is only going to last a month anyways. And then I'll never have to actually learn. Are you, are you upset how musicians like no longer go by James Taylor? Oh, that's such a good one.

Or Bob Seger. They're always like, my name's f*cking Afro Bat. Jelly roll? Yeah. Or... My name's f*cking SZA. SZA, SZA? SZA, yeah.

No idea. Doji Cat. Yeah, my name's f*cking... What would Paul McCartney's name be? Even Joe Carey.

Who's got a song. The guy from Stranger Things goes by DJO. Which I think is pronounced... Joe. Joe.

Yeah. And as that came out of my mouth I said, it better be pronounced Joe. Otherwise I've been saying it wrong on a top 40 station for... Who is that part? The Stranger Things guy? Yeah, Joe Carey, Steve. End of beginning.

It's a great tune. There's another, who is the, who is the guy who was like in the most recent season of Stranger Things? He was the big baddie. He was the one, sorry, spoiler alert for anyone. He was in the, okay, spoiler, if you haven't seen it, but you wanna say. He was in the asylum with Seven when she was younger and he was then, it turned out he was the guy who was... Yeah, I don't remember his name, but... You know what I'm talking about though? He's a, I recently saw, heard his music.

He's a singer and a performer in like heavy metal. Oh, wow. Yeah. Hmm, Millie Bobby Brown got married at age 20. She did Bon Jovi's Kid.

It's probably not a recipe for success. What age were you when you learned that Bon Jovi's last name is Bon Jovi just spelled differently? We changed it. Oh, Bon Jovi? Yeah.

I don't know. That's his real last name, isn't it? 22? Yeah, okay, so about, yeah, like, yeah, that sounds about right. So I guess that's a stage name, but it's still like, it's still a name.

Kinda, Vecna, by the way, Vecna. Like, what's your name? Oh, my name is Bart Winkler. I haven't heard of you. Oh, my music's under duck snort. f*ck you. Duck, but duck is spelled with a... Yeah, the U isn't a U, it's like a slash or something.

Duck is spelled with an H. Yeah. Yeah, dude, pop music sucks. Half of it is country right now because all of these pop artists have realized that they can, like, dip a little... And then some songs are just like that Tipsy song. Oh, a bar song? It's just like five songs from 2003 made together as one song. So I'm saying... Why do I like this song?

Oh, cause it sounds like f*cking songs from 2000 to 20 years ago. Who is that? Yeah, that's country, Jelly Roll, Shaboosie. Shaboosie?

I'm an artist. Shaboosie. Shaboosie. I just, I'm dreading cause we're gonna finish recording this podcast.

Then I'm gonna go in another studio. Z93, the number one heavy music station. That's Shaboosie. Deke Slate and Air Fest coming up French Island this week. We got tickets, couple left to give away. Click the win stuff button. or the Z93 Lacrosse app. Shaboosie. God forbid he just goes as... Brad. No, his last name's Shaboosie. Well, there you go.

So it's not even what you thought of it. His name's Collins Chaboosie. I changed my name. I changed my f*cking name too. But I feel like that's okay. I feel like that's okay. Like there's this one person that I've liked some of her songs. Her name's Mikayla Strauss, but she goes by King Princess. The f*ck?

Who was the first person to ever do that? What would Paul McCartney's name be? That's what I'm saying, yeah. Probably like... Beatleman. It wouldn't even make, probably like, I don't know. Liver pool, f*cking...

But the O's are zeros. I don't know. It'd be like Oliver pool. Yeah, Oliver, What's His Nuts is actually pretty good. Not Oliver Twist, Oliver Tree. Oliver Tree. Oliver Twist.

Oliver Twist, yeah. By the way, Vecna, his band is Blood Magic. I hate how everyone pretended to really be into Master of Puppets for a while after Stranger.

I've never seen Stranger. Like Bon Iver. Bon Iver's good though. That's a band.

But they're Justin Vernon. Terrible band name, cause I didn't know how to say it for years. Yeah. Bon Iver. Well, why would you then pick a name that's so f*cking hard to say?

No idea. Like one of my favorite bands is named Karungbin. Have you guys ever seen- Is it a band or a guy? No, it's a trio.

Well, that's fine. And it's the, yeah, but how are you ever supposed to pronounce that? Yeah.

Did you, Grant, did you listen? There's apparently a genre now, or at least a sub-genre called Country Core. It's country with breakdowns. With like breakdowns. Yeah.

Now I'm sure that's interesting for a good number of people. It's the number one song on Spotify for the past week. What song? I've got the top 40 chart right now. Too Sweet by Hozier. Good song. Hozier by the way.

Coming to this even August, if you guys want to go. And then SZA. Is Benson Boone his real name? He's got a nice voice. I would hope that Benson Boone did not like invent Benson Boone. That's a real name.

Ariana Grande, Sabrina Carpenter. Is Teddy Swims a real name? He's kind of bluesy. I kind of like him. No, his name is Jayton Dimmesdale.

I changed my name too. Post Malone. Austin Post.

Austin Post. What about Jack Harlow? Is that his real name? No, his name is Cletus. Jackman Harlow. Jackman? Dua Lipa, which is her name. Yeah. Joe. Will you put this on the screen real quick?

I want to see this list of songs. Oh yeah, then we're done. Did you have another question? No.

Oh yeah, I can share screen. Now, apologies. This is an iHeartRadio page, I know. God damn it.

Why would you do this? Can you just scroll? I just want to see if there's anything I would have recognized. I mean, obviously I'm aware who the artist is. Beautiful Things is good.

His voice is like really, it's pleasurable to listen to. Sabrina Carpenter, the girl from Girl Meets World. Girl Meets World. Billie Eilish, I'm glad that's over with. Chappell Rowan is Atomic Bomb blowing up right now. Yeah, who the f*ck is that?

Madison Beer, is that real? She's been around for a couple of years. That's her name? She just like peeks in and out of relevance. Like I'll think that she's gone and then she'll just have another song. That's her name.

There's Chappell Rowan. Mooney Long, Dasha. Well, I'm assuming it's Dasha, I would assume. I don't know who that is, but I'm assuming it's right. Eminem, guys. What is that?

What the f*ck is that? It's like- You know that there are people discovering now that like- Jaguar Twin? That's his real name.

Oh my God. David Gez is not his real name, I don't think. No. What's the number 40? David with a four. Is that what that is?

That's DVD. De four. Yeah, David. Wow, that kind of sh*t. What are we doing? People my age are ruining the NBA and they're ruining popular music. Yeah, and some of these old guys are like, well, f*ck, I gotta keep up with that. So you're gonna have some f*cking guy, you know, just to kind of keep up with this. They're gonna be like, well, f*ck, I gotta change my name too. And all of a sudden, you know- Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Yeah, he's gonna go by Elton John. Oh, you see my set up, f*ck.

It's great, actually. Will you go to another list? We can do it offline. Now I wanna see what that list would look like for like rock songs and not just pop. Do we keep track of that in 2024, rock? Well, are we talking rock or alt rock? Are there separate top 40s for each? Oh yeah, they're very different.

All I know is I listen to what I listen to and I have no concept of if it's something that people know or not. All right, well, I have a throbbing headache. So I'm gonna- God, you're such a puss*.

Dude, I don't understand why it's still, what the f*ck? How do you get rid of one? Do you take medicine?

Yeah. What'd you take? I've been outside, it made it worse. What'd you take? I took acetaminophen, then I took Excedrin. Have you drank any water?

Good question. That'd be a good start. How about like some caffeine to help the blood vessels? That does thin, like it's like, it does help. All I drink is caffeine.

A blood thinner? All I drink is caffeine. I'm looking at my For You tab and I've broken into the part of the internet where the For You, it's one thing that Elon's done a fine job with. There's a bunch of Jiminy Glick clips on my For You page. So that's what I'm gonna do for the next 20 minutes until my show starts. We're back at a show prep.

That's exactly the one. Yeah, all right. I'm looking at music right now, sorry. Well, I'm gonna end the show, so. Sounds good. We're gonna talk about music a little bit off air. Then it'll be, you have to subscribe to my Patreon.

One time I said I had a Bart Winkler newsletter on the show and two people were like, I can't find it on your website. No, that's good. That's good.

People like you. All right, for Paul, for Grant, I'm f*cking tired. Thanks guys.

Thank you. Do you demand action on the US Open this week? If you do, forget those surface level shows and check out the Pat Mayo Experience right now. You need the picks, I got them. Wanna hear about Pinehurst for people on location? I got that too. Need some data and trends to impress your friends about golfers they've never heard of? I got plenty of that. Take golf seriously, but have a few laughs at the same time. Sub to the Pat Mayo Experience now, available on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts.

MmHmm/Mm-mm: Young Sheldon, NBA Finals, Best Coach for Bucks, Brewers trade deadline, Today's Music (2024)


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